Espacios de comunicación: esfera política costarricense en la Campaña Electoral 2018
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Vergara Heidke, Adrián
Valverde Vargas, Kendy
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Las campañas electorales en su dimensión comunicacional pueden ser
analizadas a partir de enfoques interdisciplinarios, entre ellos, desde el
cruce de los estudios del discurso, la lingüística de texto y la comunicación
política. Durante las campañas electorales son variados los espacios de
comunicación a los que se recurre tanto para captar votantes como para
discutir sobre candidatos(as) y sus propuestas. En el presente artículo,
el objetivo es identificar los diferentes espacios de comunicación de la
campaña electoral 2018 y sus principales géneros discursivos, a partir de
48 entrevistas realizadas en 12 distritos de Costa Rica sobre esas elecciones.
La metodología utilizada se centró en una cuantificación de los espacios
de comunicación nombrados en las entrevistas. Las categorías de análisis
que se identificaron fueron las siguientes: espacios de comunicación informativos y participativos, ámbitos cerrado -espacio personal- y
abierto -espacio público-, las relaciones de verticalidad u horizontal entre
participantes de los espacios de comunicación y, por último, los géneros
discursivos. Los principales resultados indican que hay una preferencia
por los espacios de comunicación informativos sobre los participativos,
en los que la televisión es el principal medio. Esto indica que el eje de
verticalidad constituye la relación dominante durante la campaña. Por
otro lado, las conversaciones cara a cara entre familiares es el espacio
participativo más común. Finalmente, se proponen varias áreas para la
realización de investigaciones futuras.
The electoral campaigns in their communicational dimension can be analyzed from interdisciplinary approaches, among them, the combination of discourse studies, text linguistics and political communication. During the electoral campaigns there are varied spaces of communication used both to attract voters and to discuss candidates and their proposals. In this article, the objective is to identify the different communication spaces of the 2018 electoral campaign and its main discursive genres, based on 48 interviews carried out in 12 districts of Costa Rica concerning these elections. The methodology used focused on a quantification of the communication spaces named in the interviews and in a more detailed analysis of the textual fragments in which these spaces were named. The categories of analysis identified were the following: informative and participatory communication spaces, closed sphere - personal space - and open sphere - public space -, vertical or horizontal relations between participants in the communication spaces and, finally, the discursive genres. The main results indicate that there is a preference for informative communication spaces over participatory ones, in which television is the main medium. This indicates that the vertical axis constitutes the dominant relationship during the campaign. On the other hand, faceto-face conversations between family members is the most common participatory space. Finally, several areas are proposed for future research.
The electoral campaigns in their communicational dimension can be analyzed from interdisciplinary approaches, among them, the combination of discourse studies, text linguistics and political communication. During the electoral campaigns there are varied spaces of communication used both to attract voters and to discuss candidates and their proposals. In this article, the objective is to identify the different communication spaces of the 2018 electoral campaign and its main discursive genres, based on 48 interviews carried out in 12 districts of Costa Rica concerning these elections. The methodology used focused on a quantification of the communication spaces named in the interviews and in a more detailed analysis of the textual fragments in which these spaces were named. The categories of analysis identified were the following: informative and participatory communication spaces, closed sphere - personal space - and open sphere - public space -, vertical or horizontal relations between participants in the communication spaces and, finally, the discursive genres. The main results indicate that there is a preference for informative communication spaces over participatory ones, in which television is the main medium. This indicates that the vertical axis constitutes the dominant relationship during the campaign. On the other hand, faceto-face conversations between family members is the most common participatory space. Finally, several areas are proposed for future research.
La publicación se inscribe dentro del proyecto: Malestares, conflicto y contención: discursos de la “comunidad nacional” sobre la democracia en el proceso electoral 2018, el cual forma parte del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos de la Universidad de Costa Rica (CIEP).
Palabras clave
comunicación política, campaña electoral, entrevistas, estudios del discurso, participación ciudadana