Caracterización del consumo de hortalizas en las familias del sur-sur de Costa Rica
artículo original
Villalobos Monge, Alexis
Sánchez Chacón, Luis Alfonso
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El objetivo de este
trabajo fue determinar los diferentes aspectos cuantitativos
y cualitativos que explican la cultura de consumo actual de
hortalizas en las familias residentes en la zona sur-sur de
Costa Rica. Este trabajo expone resultados relacionados a la
caracterización realizada en el 2011 en familias residentes en
la denominada zona sur-sur de Costa Rica sobre la cultura de
consumo de productos hortícolas. Se aplicaron cuestionarios
a una muestra estratificada de familias; lo que permitió establecer
la valoración de los precios de mercado, por parte
de las familias, para consumir estos alimentos, donde se
determinó un valor máximo de US$1,74 millones por semana.
Los principales rubros de consumo de acuerdo al valor
pagado fueron el tomate, la papa, el plátano, la cebolla y el
brócoli, para citar los cinco principales. También fue posible
establecer valoraciones cualitativas sobre el consumo de estos
productos; por ejemplo se determinó que para el 71,2%
de las familias, la frescura representa la característica de
mayor valor, además, el principal sitio donde los núcleos familiares
realizan las compras de estos alimentos corresponde
a supermercados (38,4% de los casos).
The objective of this work was to determine the various quantitative and qualitative aspects that explain the culture of vegetable consumption of families living in the so-called south-south region of Costa Rica. This work presents results from the characterization of horticulture products consumption culture performed in 2011 amongst families that live in the region known as south-south Costa Rica. Through surveys applied to a stratified sample of families, market prices were determined for home consumption of these foods, which determined a maximum value of US$1,74 million per week, where the main items of consumption according to the amount paid would be the tomato, potato, plantain, onion and broccoli to name the top five. Qualitative assessments of the consumption of these products were also possible to establish, for example, 71.2% of families in the study area indicated that freshness was the most valuable property for purchase, amongst other traits such as the main place to acquire these foods, were the supermarket was the most common corresponding to 38.4% of cases.
The objective of this work was to determine the various quantitative and qualitative aspects that explain the culture of vegetable consumption of families living in the so-called south-south region of Costa Rica. This work presents results from the characterization of horticulture products consumption culture performed in 2011 amongst families that live in the region known as south-south Costa Rica. Through surveys applied to a stratified sample of families, market prices were determined for home consumption of these foods, which determined a maximum value of US$1,74 million per week, where the main items of consumption according to the amount paid would be the tomato, potato, plantain, onion and broccoli to name the top five. Qualitative assessments of the consumption of these products were also possible to establish, for example, 71.2% of families in the study area indicated that freshness was the most valuable property for purchase, amongst other traits such as the main place to acquire these foods, were the supermarket was the most common corresponding to 38.4% of cases.
Palabras clave
Cultura hortícola, Aspectos cuantitativos del consumo, Aspectos cualitativos del consumo, Horticultural consumption, Quantitative aspects, Qualitative aspects, ECONOMÍA AGRARIA, CONSUMO ALIMENTICIO