Consultas sobre alérgenos en medicamentos: Experiencia desde el Centro Nacional de Información de medicamentos de Costa Rica
artículo original
Bonilla Acosta, María Laura
Cruz González, Tatiana
Fernández Jiménez, Alejandra María
Hall Ramírez, Victoria Eugenia
Hidalgo Rivera, Mónika
Kenton Paniagua, Karen
Pereira Céspedes, Alfonso
Villalobos González, Cristy Sofía
Villalobos Rojas, Sebastián
Rocha Palma, Milania Evelyn
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Actualmente en Costa Rica, el acceso a la información sobre contenido de gluten, lactosa y otros alérgenos en medicamentos es limitada, lo que dificulta el uso seguro de éstos por parte de las personas con condiciones de salud asociadas a estas sustancias. La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de promover el conocimiento sobre la presencia de gluten, lactosa y otros alérgenos en los medicamentos en Costa Rica, así como describir las intervenciones farmacéuticas requeridas en la atención de las ya mencionadas personas, mediante el análisis de las consultas relacionadas con este tema presentadas al Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED), lo cual no había sido previamente reportado en nuestro país. Se tomaron en cuenta las 182 consultas sobre la presencia de gluten y otros alérgenos en medicamentos que se realizaron al CIMED entre febrero de 2021 y marzo de 2022 y cuya información quedó registrada en la base de datos interna del Centro. Los resultados indican que la presencia de gluten en los medicamentos registrados fue muy baja; sin embargo, en el 40% de los medicamentos en los que la información sobre la lactosa estaba disponible resultaron positivas. Asimismo, se consideró oportuno implementar intervenciones de atención farmacéutica en muchos casos, entre las cuales destacó la educación sanitaria. Como conclusión, las personas con condiciones de salud vinculadas con gluten, lactosa y otros alérgenos evidencian una clara necesidad de fuentes de información veraz sobre su contenido en medicamentos, por lo que es necesario incorporar en la normativa de su etiquetado la declaración de contenido de excipientes alérgenos utilizados en la fabricación, así como fortalecer las labores de atención farmacéutica que favorecen, entre otros beneficios, un uso más seguro de sus medicamentos.
Currently in Costa Rica, the access to information about gluten, lactose and other allergens content in medicines is limited, which makes their safe use more difficult for people with health conditions related to these substances. This investigation aimed to promote knowledge about the presence of gluten, lactose and other allergens in medicines in Costa Rica and to describe the pharmaceutical interventions required to care for the aforementioned people, by means of the analysis of the queries related to this topic presented to the Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED), which was not previously reported in our country. 182 queries regarding gluten and other allergens in medicines were included, which were presented to CIMED between February 2021 and March 2022 and whose information was registered in the center’s own database. The results show that gluten presence in the registered medicines was very low, however, 40% of the medicines for which lactose information was available were positive. In addition, it was considered prompt to deliver pharmaceutical care interventions in many cases, amongst which health education highlighted. As a conclusion, people with health conditions related to gluten, lactose and other allergens show a clear necessity of truthful information sources regarding their content in medicines, hence it is required to include in the drug labelling normative the declaration of allergen excipients used during manufacture, and to strengthen pharmaceutical care roles, which favor, among other benefits, a safer use of their medicines.
Currently in Costa Rica, the access to information about gluten, lactose and other allergens content in medicines is limited, which makes their safe use more difficult for people with health conditions related to these substances. This investigation aimed to promote knowledge about the presence of gluten, lactose and other allergens in medicines in Costa Rica and to describe the pharmaceutical interventions required to care for the aforementioned people, by means of the analysis of the queries related to this topic presented to the Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED), which was not previously reported in our country. 182 queries regarding gluten and other allergens in medicines were included, which were presented to CIMED between February 2021 and March 2022 and whose information was registered in the center’s own database. The results show that gluten presence in the registered medicines was very low, however, 40% of the medicines for which lactose information was available were positive. In addition, it was considered prompt to deliver pharmaceutical care interventions in many cases, amongst which health education highlighted. As a conclusion, people with health conditions related to gluten, lactose and other allergens show a clear necessity of truthful information sources regarding their content in medicines, hence it is required to include in the drug labelling normative the declaration of allergen excipients used during manufacture, and to strengthen pharmaceutical care roles, which favor, among other benefits, a safer use of their medicines.
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