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    Impacto de la atención clínica suministrada por los farmacéuticos a los pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Onco-Hematología en un hospital privado en Costa Rica
    (2021) Serrano Arias, Bruno; Zavaleta Monestel, Esteban; Chaverri Fernández, José Miguel; Cordero García, Ana Eugenia; García Bermúdez, Leonardo; Díaz Madriz, José Pablo; Kang, Ga Yeong
    Introducción: En el tratamiento del cáncer es indispensable evaluar la necesidad de premedicación ante la toxicidad y efectos adversos. Por esto es importante el rol del farmacéutico en términos de detección y manejo de efectos adversos, verificación de dosis, revisión de interacciones farmacológicas, preparación de medicamentos, y garantizar la estabilidad de las preparaciones. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de los servicios de farmacia clínica en Onco-Hematología en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital. Material y Métodos: El presente proyecto es un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte retrospectivo. La información del estudio se obtuvo de los registros clínicos electrónicos, de los pacientes tratados por cáncer y que fueron atendidos entre enero 2017 y diciembre 2019. Resultados: De los 40 pacientes incluidos en el estudio a 37 se les prescribió terapia de soporte de un total de 51 protocolos individuales, 46 (92,2%) de ellos contaban con una medicación previa que incluía corticosteroides (n=39; 76,5%) como la dexametasona y antihistamínico (n=36: 70,6%). Se realizaron principalmente intervenciones asociadas a la recomendación de la terapia de soporte (n=7; 28.0%) y detección de interacciones medicamentosas (n=6; 24.0%). Se obtuvo un 100 % de aceptación por parte de los médicos hemato-oncólogos. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones del farmacéutico clínico previenen, identifican y facilitan el manejo de problemas relacionados con la medicación de los pacientes del servicio de Onco-Hematología pudiendo así impactar en la salud de los pacientes y reafirmando que un abordaje desde un ámbito multidisciplinario aporta ventajas clínicas relevantes.
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    Riesgo de prolongación del intervalo QT asociado al tratamiento
    (2022) Chaverri Fernández, José Miguel; Díaz Madriz, José Pablo; Zavaleta Monestel, Esteban; Cordero García, Ana Eugenia; Fallas Mora, Abigail; Escalona Rodríguez, María del Rocío
    Objetivo: La prolongación del intervalo QT puede aumentar la estancia hospitalaria y la tasa de mortalidad de los pacientes. Esta investigación determina la incidencia de prolongación del intervalo QT debido al uso de medicamentos y evalúa el método más apropiado para realizar el monitoreo electrocardiográfico. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo en pacientes hospitalizados en el Hospital Clínica Bíblica durante el año 2018. Se revisaron los expedientes de los pacientes con hospitalización superior a 48 horas cuya historia clínica incluyera al menos tratamiento con un medicamento que prolongara el intervalo QT y que las medidas manuales del intervalo QT fueran corregidas con la fórmula Fridericia y Rautaharju, y las medidas automáticas con la fórmula Bazett. La valoración del riesgo se realizó con la escala RISQ-PATH. Resultados: De los 141 pacientes analizados, 23 tenían una arritmia previa en su historia clínica y 14 de ellos sufrieron complicaciones durante la hospitalización. Un total de 113 (80%) pacientes tenían un valor alto RISQ-PATH y sólo a 64 se les realizó un electrocardiograma al ingreso. En promedio, los pacientes recibieron tres medicamentos que aumentaban el intervalo QT. La mayoría de los QT obtenidos automáticamente fueron más cortos que aquellos obtenidos en forma manual. De todas las correcciones, los valores del intervalo QT más largos se obtuvieron con la fórmula de Bazett, y los más cortos con la fórmula Rautaharju. No ocurrieron eventos como taquicardia ventricular compleja o torsade de pointes durante el estudio.
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    Servicios de atención farmacéutica en farmacias de comunidad privada de Costa Rica: percepción de usuarios
    (2021) Rojas León, C.; Segura Cano, Sofía Elena; Lizano Barrantes, Catalina; Cordero García, Ana Eugenia
    Introducción: Las farmacias de comunidad privada en Costa Rica tienen una amplia trayectoria. Sin embargo, los servicios de Atención Farmacéutica desarrollados en estos centros de salud son poco conocidos y documentados, lo que dificulta determinar la importancia de estos servicios para la sociedad. Método: Este es un estudio observacional, descriptivo realizado en los cinco cantones con mayor número de farmacias de comunidad privada de la provincia de San José (capital de Costa Rica). El estudio se realizó mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario a usuarios habituales de las farmacias seleccionadas durante el año 2018. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 385 encuestas. El análisis de los cuestionarios indica que un 60,8% de los usuarios asisten por lo menos una vez al mes a la farmacia. El 93% considera que el farmacéutico es un profesional que trasmite confianza y seguridad y el 79% indica que su salud puede mejorar si recibe educación continua por parte del regente farmacéutico. Conclusiones: Los resultados evidencian la necesidad del desarrollo de un programa de Atención Farmacéutica en el ámbito privado. Ya que los usuarios consideran que, por ser las farmacias lugares de fácil acceso, su salud mejoraría de ser orientados sobre su tratamiento en una forma continua.
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    An updated examination of the perception of barriers for pharmacogenomics implementation and the usefulness of drug/gene pairs in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (2023-05-11) Salas Hernández, Aimeé Viviana; Galleguillos, Macarena; Carrasco, Matías; López Cortés, Andrés; Redal, María Ana; Fonseca Mendoza, Dora Janeth; Esperón, Patricia; González Martínez, Farith; Lares Asseff, Ismael; Lazarowski, Alberto; Loera Castañeda, Verónica; Remirez, Diadelis; Martínez Olguín, Matías Fernando; Vargas, Rodrigo; Macho, Antonio; Cayún Pellizaris, Juan Pablo; Perez, Germán Roberto; Gutierrez, Carolina; Cerpa, Leslie C.; Leiva, Tamara; Calfunao, Susan; Xajil, Lesly Yanira; Sandoval, Christopher; Suárez Martínez, Marcelo Ignacio; Gonzalez, Ariana; Echeverría Garcés, Gabriela; Sullón Dextre, Luis Enrique; Cordero García, Ana Eugenia; Morales Ortiz, Alexis Ramón; Avendaño, Andrea Lilian; Sánchez Delgado, Enrique; Bastone, Laura C.; Lara, Cesar; Zuluaga Arias, Patricia; Soler, Ana María; Da Luz, Julio; Burgueño Rodríguez, Gabriela; Vital, Marcelo; Reyes Reyes, Elizabeth; Huaccha, Alexander; Ariza, Yeimy V.; Tzul, Naomi; Rendón, Ana Lucía; Serrano, Roberto; Acosta, Larissa; Motta Pardo, Angelo; Beltrán Angarita, Leonardo; Brand, Erika; Jiménez Ceballos, Miguel Ángel; Hidalgo Lozada, Gladys Maribel; Romero Prado, Marina María de Jesús; Escobar Castro, Karla; Umaña Rivas, Mariel; Vivas, Juan D.; Lagos, Paola; Ballén Martínez, Yineth; Quesada Salazar, Sharleth; Calfio, Camila; Arias Echandi, María Laura; Lavanderos Villagrán, María Alejandra; Cáceres Lilo, Dante Daniel; Salazar Granara, Alberto; Varela, Nelson Miguel; Quiñones Sepúlveda, Luis Abel; Relivaf Network
    Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is considered an emergent field in developing countries. Research on PGx in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region remains scarce, with limited information in some populations. Thus, extrapolations are complicated, especially in mixed populations. In this paper, we reviewed and analyzed pharmacogenomic knowledge among the LAC scientific and clinical community and examined barriers to clinical application. We performed a search for publications and clinical trials in the field worldwide and evaluated the contribution of LAC. Next, we conducted a regional structured survey that evaluated a list of 14 potential barriers to the clinical implementation of biomarkers based on their importance. In addition, a paired list of 54 genes/drugs was analyzed to determine an association between biomarkers and response to genomic medicine. This survey was compared to a previous survey performed in 2014 to assess progress in the region. The search results indicated that Latin American and Caribbean countries have contributed 3.44% of the total publications and 2.45% of the PGx-related clinical trials worldwide thus far. A total of 106 professionals from 17 countries answered the survey. Six major groups of barriers were identified. Despite the region’s continuous efforts in the last decade, the primary barrier to PGx implementation in LAC remains the same, the “need for guidelines, processes, and protocols for the clinical application of pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics”. Cost-effectiveness issues are considered critical factors in the region. Items related to the reluctance of clinicians are currently less relevant. Based on the survey results, the highest ranked (96%–99%) gene/drug pairs perceived as important were CYP2D6/tamoxifen, CYP3A5/tacrolimus, CYP2D6/opioids, DPYD/fluoropyrimidines, TMPT/thiopurines, CYP2D6/tricyclic antidepressants, CYP2C19/tricyclic antidepressants, NUDT15/thiopurines, CYP2B6/efavirenz, and CYP2C19/clopidogrel. In conclusion, although the global contribution of LAC countries remains low in the PGx field, a relevant improvement has been observed in the region. The perception of the usefulness of PGx tests in biomedical community has drastically changed, raising awareness among physicians, which suggests a promising future in the clinical applications of PGx in LAC.
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    Análisis del costo económico directo asociado al no retiro de medicamentos por parte de los pacientes diabéticos del Área de Salud Cartago y sus implicaciones en el control de la enfermedad
    (2023-12-06) Villalta Blanco, María Laura; Sánchez Araya, José Miguel; Álvarez Asenjo, Carolina; Cordero García, Ana Eugenia
    Objetivo: determinar los costos asociados al procedimiento de reintegro de medicamentos no retirados por pacientes con diabetes mellitus (DM) y sus implicaciones en el control de la enfermedad. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo-cuantitativo de pacientes diagnosticados con DM que no retiraron su tratamiento al menos una vez entre julio y diciembre de 2015. A cada paciente se le determinó el porcentaje de adherencia y se le dio un seguimiento del deterioro de los factores predictores de la enfermedad en los últimos cinco años. Para el cálculo de los costos asociados se consideró el costo de la preparación de los medicamentos no retirados y el del proceso de reintegros. Resultados: en total, 18 pacientes diagnosticados con DM no retiraron su medicamento al menos una vez durante el periodo en estudio, lo que representó un costo de ¢331 613,42. El porcentaje de pacientes con adherencia óptima fue de 17 %, el cual es menor al reportado en otros estudios. Los resultados indican un valor HbA1C más alto en los pacientes con baja adherencia y valores más altos de glicemia en ayunas. Conclusión: el no retiro de medicamentos genera un costo para la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social y deja en evidencia el mal manejo de las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, como la diabetes, por parte de los pacientes.
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    Cross comparison of alternative diagnostic protocols including substitution to the clinical sample, RNA extraction method and nucleic acid amplification technology for COVID-19 diagnosis
    (2024) Segura Ulate, Ismael; Apú Leitón, Navilla; Cortés Ledezma, Bernal; Zaldívar, Yamitzel; Querol Audi, Jordi; Ortega, Carlos Alexander; Flores Mora, Fernando Esteban; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo; Gatica Arias, Andrés Mauricio
    Background: the gold-standard diagnostic protocol (GSDP) for COVID-19 consists of a nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) sample processed through traditional RNA extraction (TRE) and amplified with retrotranscription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Multiple alternatives were developed to decrease time/cost of GSDP, including alternative clinical samples, RNA extraction methods and nucleic acid amplification. Thus, we carried out a cross comparison of various alternatives methods against GSDP and each other. Methods: we tested alternative diagnostic methods using saliva, heatinduced RNA release (HIRR) and a colorimetric retrotranscription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) as substitutions to the GSDP. Results: RT-LAMP using NPS processed by TRE showed high sensitivity (96%) and specificity (97%), closely matching GSDP. When saliva was processed by TRE and amplified with both RT-LAMP and RT-qPCR, RT-LAMP yielded high diagnostic parameters (88-96% sensitivity and 95-100% specificity) compared to RT-qPCR. Nonetheless, when saliva processed by TRE and detected by RT-LAMP was compared against the GSDP, the resulting diagnostic values for sensitivity (78%) and specificity (87%) were somewhat high but still short of those of the GSDP. Finally, saliva processed with HIRR and detected via RT-LAMP was the simplest and fastest method, but its sensitivity against GSDP was too low (56%) for any clinical application. Also, in this last method, the acidity of a large percentage of saliva samples (9-22%) affected the pH-sensitive colorimetric indicator used in the test, requiring the exclusion of these acidic samples or an extra step for pH correction. Discussion: our comparison shows that RT-LAMP technology has diagnostic performance on par with RT-qPCR; likewise, saliva offers the same diagnostic functionality as NPS when subjected to a TRE method. Nonetheless, use of direct saliva after a HIRR and detected with RT-LAMP does not produce an acceptable diagnostic performance.
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    Revisión de la fisiología anorrectal y posibles compuestos bioactivos para la erocosmética
    (2023) Monge Jiménez, Sebastián; Piedra Robles, Mariana; Portuguez Solano, Valeria; Fernández Sequeira, Daniela; Chavarría Rojas, Marianela; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo; Baltodano Viales, Eleaneth
    Objetivo: realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la fisiología ano-rectal, el proceso de relajación y contracción del músculo liso del tracto digestivo y posibles materias primas y formulaciones que podrían incorporarse a formulaciones erocosméticas de uso tópico en la región ano-rectal. Métodos: la revisión bibliográfica se realizó utilizando diferentes descriptores y mediante la consulta en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, PubMed, Clinical Key, Google Scholar y Google Patents. Resultados: inicialmente la revisión de la literatura permite comprender la anatomía y fisiología ano-rectal y los mecanismos que modulan la continencia anal, el tono basal del esfínter anal interno y el reflejo inhibitorio rectoanal (RAIR). Posteriormente, se obtuvo información sobre ejemplos de afrodisíacos naturales y se analizaron formulaciones cosméticas utilizadas como lubricantes anales con el fin de estudiar a profundidad los ingredientes de origen natural e identificar su utilidad, mecanismos de acción tópicos y su función dentro de la formulación. Conclusiones: el entendimiento de la fisiología ano-rectal permite el estudio y desarrollo de formulaciones cosméticas con propiedades analgésicas, anestésicas y relajantes, como los lubricantes anales. Productos naturales como la manzanilla, árnica, Aloe vera y mentol han sido estudiados para su uso cosmético y tópico como analgésicos, anestésicos o relajantes,por lo que su utilidad comprobada los hace útiles en el desarrollo de productos erocosméticos destinados para ser utilizados en la región anogenital.
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    Monoclonal antibodies: A therapeutic option for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases of the eye posterior segment
    (2022-08-31) Ayón Chang, Catalina; Castán, Daniel; Mora Carmona, Adrián; Naranjo, Dunia; Obando, Francini; Mora Román, Juan José
    The eye is an organ that allows us to observe the outside world. Pathologies of the eye's posterior segment, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, and retinoblastoma, cause vision loss. Traditional treatments consist of applying topical medications that do not penetrate properly or using high doses that generate adverse effects. Different laser surgeries stop the pathology's progression but do not allow visual improvement. So, an alternative is to use monoclonal antibodies, proteins produced by different processes that selectively bind to metabolites associated with diseases, reducing the adverse effects of traditional treatments and improving the application of the drug in the area. The two main molecular targets are TNF (adalimumab, infliximab, and certolizumab pegol) and VEGF (bevacizumab and ranibizumab); other possibilities are under investigation.
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    Comparación de requisitos específicos para el registro sanitario de medicamentos biológicos en Centroamérica y República Dominicana
    (2022-07-05) González Rodríguez, Daniela; Zúñiga Villalobos, Keren; Pacheco Molina, Jorge Andrés; Mora Román, Juan José
    Introducción: Los medicamentos biológicos son productos que tienen como principios activos uno o más derivados de material biológico extraídos de fluidos, tejidos o microorganismos, mientras que los biotecnológicos se desarrollan a través de la tecnología de ADN recombinante con la implantación de material genético de genes pertenecientes a una especie en otra diferente. Objetivo:comparar los requisitos regulatorios específicos para el registro sanitario de medicamentos biológicos, específicamente productos de ADN recombinante, vacunas y hemoderivados de acuerdo con la legislación vigente en Centroamérica y República Dominicana. Métodos: se obtuvieron las normativas vigentes de cada país de interés. Luego, se hizo una revisión minuciosa de los documentos y se resumieron los requisitos que aplicaban para cada nación y se compararon entre ellos. Resultados: Costa Rica es el único país que cuenta con requerimientos específicos para proteínas recombinantes, vacunas y hemoderivados. Guatemala y Panamá los solicitan para los dos últimos grupos, y Nicaragua para proteínas recombinantes y vacunas. Conclusiones: la ausencia de homologación complica la labor para obtener el registro sanitario en estos territorios, por lo que es necesario agilizar este proceso a través de dicha homologación.
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    Estimating the performance of mass testing strategies for COVID-19: a case study for Costa Rica
    (2022-09-09) Solís Chacón, Maikol; Pasquier, Carlos; Núñez Corrales, Santiago; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo; Gatica Arias, Andrés Mauricio
    Devising effective mass testing strategies to control and suppress COVID-19 pandemic waves make up a complex sociotechnical challenge. It requires a trade-off between performing detection technologies in terms of specificity and sensitivity, and the availability and cost of individual tests per technology. Overcoming this trade-off requires first predicting the level of risk of exposure across the population available. Then selecting testing strategies that match resources to maximize positive case detection and optimize the number of tests and their total cost during sustained mass testing campaigns. In this article, we derive the behavior of four different mass testing strategies, grounded in guidelines and public health policies issued by the Costa Rican public healthcare system. We assume a (privacy-preserving) pre-classifier applied to patient data, Capable of partitioning suspected individuals into low-risk and high-risk groups. We consider the impact of three testing technologies, RT-qPCR, antigen-based testing and saliva-based testing (RT-LAMP). When available, we introduced a category of essential workers. Numerical simulation results confirm that strategies using only RT-qPCR tests cannot achieve sufficient stock capacity to provide efficient detection regardless of prevalence, sensitivity, or specificity. Strategies that harness the power of both pooling and RT-LAMP either maximize stock capacity or detection, efficiency, or both. Our work reveals that investing both in data quality and classification accuracy can improve the odds of achieving pandemic control and mitigation. Future work will concentrate, based on our findings, on constructing representative synthetic data through agent-based modeling and studying the properties of specific pre-classifiers under various scenarios.
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    The Natural Products Atlas 2.0: a database of microbially-derived natural products
    (2021-10-28) van Santen, Jeffrey A.; Poynton, Ella F.; Iskakova, Dasha; McMann, Emily; Alsup, Tyler A.; Clark, Trevor N.; Fergusson, Claire H.; Fewer, David P.; Hughes, Alison H.; McCadden, Caitlin A.; Parra Villalobos, Jonathan; Soldatou, Sylvia; Rudolf, Jeffrey D.; Janssen, Elisabeth M. L.; Duncan, Katherine R.; Linington, Roger G.
    Within the natural products field there is an increasing emphasis on the study of compounds from microbial sources. This has been fuelled by interest in the central role that microorganisms play in mediating both interspecies interactions and host-microbe relationships. To support the study of natural products chemistry produced by microorganisms we released the Natural Products Atlas, a database of known microbial natural products structures, in 2019. This paper reports the release of a new version of the database which includes a full RESTful application programming interface (API), a new website framework, and an expanded database that includes 8128 new compounds, bringing the total to 32 552. In addition to these structural and content changes we have added full taxonomic descriptions for all microbial taxa and have added chemical ontology terms from both NP Classifier and ClassyFire. We have also performed manual curation to review all entries with incomplete configurational assignments and have integrated data from external resources, including CyanoMetDB. Finally, we have improved the user experience by updating the Overview dashboard and creating a dashboard for taxonomic origin. The database can be accessed via the new interactive website at
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    Reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification and alternative protocols for lower cost, large-scale COVID-19 testing: lessons from an emerging economy
    (2022-03-18) Segura Ulate, Ismael; Bolívar González, Alejandro; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo; Núñez Corrales, Santiago; Gatica Arias, Andrés Mauricio
    Introduction: Most successful cases of COVID-19 pandemic mitigation and handling have relied on extensive reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). However, many emerging economies have struggled with current molecular testing demands due to economic, technical and technological constraints. Objective: To define a potential diagnostic protocol to increase testing capacity in current and post-pandemic conditions. Methods: We reviewed the literature, patents and commercial applications, for alternatives. Results: We found a good potential in saliva samples, viral inactivation and quick RNA extraction by heating; the use of an isothermal technology such as loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and naked eye test-result visualization by in-tube colorimetry or turbidity. Conclusions: Saliva samples with quick RNA extraction by heating and colorimetric LAMP are promising options for countries with economic and infrastructure limitations.
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    Aplicaciones de los nanoanticuerpos en la medicina
    (2022-04-21) Ortega Monge, Celeste; Arce Rodríguez, Noelia; Santamaría Muñoz, Maripaz; Chavarría Rojas, Marianela; Rojas Salas, María Fernanda; Baltodano Viales, Eleaneth; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo
    Introducción: Los nanoanticuerpos están compuestos únicamente por la región variable de la cadena pesada y se obtienen a partir de algunas especies de camélidos y tiburones. Tienen alta capacidad de unión, alta especificidad, tamaño pequeño, alta accesibilidad y alta penetración de los tejidos, por lo que potencialmente podrían ser utilizados para el tratamiento, diagnóstico y prevención de diferentes enfermedades. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de las aplicaciones médicas de los nanoanticuerpos. Se examinaron artículos científicos publicados en inglés y español desde 2015 a 2021 en las bases de datos Google Académico, ElSevier, PubMed, Clinical trials, Annual Reviews y ScienceDirect. Se prefirieron los estudios que demostraron mayor valor según el idioma, veracidad de la información y fecha de publicación. Resultados y discusión: En total, se seleccionaron 21 artículos para ser evaluados y analizados, de los cuales 20 fueron estudios preclínicos y un estudio clínico. Los nanoanticuerpos destacan como alternativas terapéuticas, diagnósticas y preventivas contra el cáncer, la hepatitis C, el Alzheimer, el Parkinson, la diarrea provocada por rotavirus y el COVID-19. Conclusiones: Los nanoanticuerpos pueden ser de gran utilidad para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de distintas enfermedades; sin embargo, se requiere continuar con el desarrollo de estudios clínicos y preclínicos que respalden la seguridad y eficacia de estos fármacos.
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    CRISPR-Cas technology, the tool of the future
    (2022-03-02) Esquivel Álvarez, Alejandro; Quesada Morales, Elías; Villega Calero, María Paz; Matarrita Brenes, Daniela; Rojas Salas, María Fernanda; Madrigal Redondo, German; Chavarría Rojas, Marianela; Baltodano Viales, Eleaneth
    The CRISPR-Cas system discovered in the eighties consists of a series of RNA proteins that signal and messengers of the immune system in prokaryotic organisms to protect against invading antigens of various sources. After the CRISPR-Cas discovery, many research advances were made in the following decades regarding knowledge, techniques, and applications. This showed the system could edit the DNA in an exact and specific manner, which made it very promising to exploit it in various fields, such as the therapeutic field. New therapies of various diseases, industrial applications, food manufacturing, among others, make its impact quite relevant. The following review will focus on the fundamental understanding and implications of CRISPR-Cas techniques has with an ethical and legal view. In addition, to explore some of the applications present and future in the healthcare department, some methods of drug delivery in gene therapy, and new research that is being developed with the CRISPR-Cas technology.
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    Absence of nephroprotective effect: evaluation of an aqueous extract of Clinopodium vimineum (L.) Kuntze (Lamiaceae) using a renal failure model with female Wistar rats
    (2022) Morales Torres, Katherine; Mora Román, Juan José; Fallas Ramírez, José Manuel; Rodríguez Arrieta, Jesús Alexander; Orozco Aguilar, Josué
    Clinopodium vimineum, popular in Costa Rica as menta de palo, is an aromatic shrub native to Central America and the Caribbean. It is employed in traditional medicine to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms (carminative and antispasmodic properties). Thus, it is reported as an antimicrobial, sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, and antioxidant. Therefore, the nephroprotective effect of an aqueous extract of this plant was tested using a model of renal damage induced through potassium chromate in female Wistar rats. The plant material extract was prepared, and a test was carried out with four groups of five experimental subjects each. In addition to the control groups (positive and negative), one group was treated with the extract. Another was also given a pretreatment with this material prior to the induction of acute kidney injury. Each animal's renal function parameters were evaluated. They include creatinine, sodium, potassium, and glucose concentrations in serum and creatinine, sodium, potassium, glucose, and protein concentrations in urine. Urinary flow was obtained too. Furthermore, histopathological analysis of the kidneys was performed. The information obtained concluded that the aqueous extract of C. vimineum does not have a nephroprotective effect in the model of kidney damage induced with potassium chromate in female Wistar rats at the dose tested.
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    Use of the light board tool as a didactic strategy during COVID-19 pandemic
    (2022) Fallas Ramírez, José Manuel; Mora Román, Juan José; Madrigal Redondo, German Leonardo
    After the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the conventional way of teaching and learning had to move towards virtualization. The light board tool is a technology that allows conventional lessons on a blackboard to be adapted to a virtual context without losing the essence of the classroom. The objective of this work was to know the opinion of pharmacy students from the Universidad de Costa Rica about the light board employment as a didactic strategy for mathematical topics study in the context of virtualization of education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, 19 videos were developed on the light board to explain various mathematical topics related to the Pharmaceutical Physicochemistry II and Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics courses of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2020 and 2021. After its implementation, 80 students were surveyed to find their opinion about their experience related to teaching and learning processes. The data were tabulated, and the main results were graphed. All students accepted the strategy as a compliment in their study and considered it useful in their learning process. Also, more than 91 % indicated that it was helpful in the order, understanding, explanation, study, and learning of the topics with a mathematical nature. In conclusion, the light board was a good technique for developing mathematical topics, and students recommend utilizing this tool in other similar career courses.
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    MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters
    (2023-01-06) Terlouw, Barbara R.; Blin, Kai; Navarro Muñoz, Jorge C.; Avalon, Nicole E.; Chevrette, Marc G.; Egbert, Susan; Lee, Sanghoon; Meijer, David; Recchia, Michael J.J.; Reitz, Zachary L.; van Santen, Jeffrey A.; Selem Mojica, Nelly; Tørring, Thomas; Zaroubi, Liana; Alanjary, Mohammad; Aleti, Gajender; Aguilar, César; Al-Salihi, Suhad A.A.; Augustijn, Hannah E.; Avelar Rivas J. Abraham; Avitia Domínguez, Luis A.; Barona Gómez, Francisco; Bernaldo Agüero, Jordan; Bielinski, Vincent A.; Biermann, Friederike; Booth, Thomas J.; Carrion Bravo, Victor J.; Castelo Branco, Raquel; Chagas, Fernanda O.; Cruz Morales, Pablo; Du, Chao; Duncan, Katherine R.; Gavriilidou, Athina; Gayrard, Damien; Gutiérrez García, Karina; Haslinger, Kristina; Helfrich, Eric J. N.; van der Hooft, Justin J.J.; Jati, Afif P.; Kalkreuter, Edward; Kalyvas, Nikolaos; Kang, Kyo Bin; Kautsar, Satria; Kim, Wonyong; Kunjapur, Aditya M.; Li, Yongxin; Lin, Gengmin; Loureiro, Catarina; Louwen, Joris J. R.; Louwen, Nico L. L.; Lund, George; Parra Villalobos, Jonathan; Philmus, Benjamin; Pourmohsenin, Bita; Pronk, Lotte J.U.; Rego, Adriana; Balaya Rex, Devasahayam Arokia; Robinson, Serina; Rosas Becerra, L. Rodrigo; Roxborough, Eve T.; Schorn, Michelle A.; Scobie, Darren J.; Saurabh Singh, Kumar; Sokolova, Nika; Tang, Xiaoyu; Udwary, Daniel; Vigneshwari, Aruna; Vind, Kristiina; Vromans, Sophie P.J.M.; Waschulin, Valentin; Williams, Sam E.; Winter, Jaclyn M.; Witte, Thomas E.; Xie, Huali; Yang, Dong; Yu, Jingwei; Zdouc, Mitja; Zhong, Zheng; Collemare, Jérôme; Linington, Roger G.; Weber, Tilmann; Medema, Marnix H.
    With an ever-increasing amount of (meta)genomic data being deposited in sequence databases, (meta)genome mining for natural product biosynthetic pathways occupies a critical role in the discovery of novel pharmaceutical drugs, crop protection agents and biomaterials. The genes that encode these pathways are often organised into biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). In 2015, we defined the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG): a standardised data format that describes the minimally required information to uniquely characterise a BGC. We simultaneously constructed an accompanying online database of BGCs, which has since been widely used by the community as a reference dataset for BGCs and was expanded to 2021 entries in 2019 (MIBiG 2.0). Here, we describe MIBiG 3.0, a database update comprising large-scale validation and re-annotation of existing entries and 661 new entries. Particular attention was paid to the annotation of compound structures and biological activities, as well as protein domain selectivities. Together, these new features keep the database up-to-date, and will provide new opportunities for the scientific community to use its freely available data, e.g. for the training of new machine learning models to predict sequence-structure-function relationships for diverse natural products. MIBiG 3.0 is accessible online at
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    Preliminary assessment of antivenom availability and management in the public health system of Costa Rica: An analysis based on a survey to pharmacists in public health facilities
    (2022-10-22) Montoya Vargas, Wendy Anabelle; Gutiérrez, José María; Quesada Morúa, María Soledad; Morera Huertas, Jessica; Rojas León, Ana Carolina; León Salas, Angie Rebeca
    Availability and accessibility of safe and effective antivenoms are key elements for the successful treatment of snakebite envenoming (SBE). This study provides a preliminary analysis on the way antivenoms are managed by the public health system in Costa Rica and on the role played by pharmacists in the overall management of antivenoms. This was an observational, cross-sectional study based on an online survey sent to pharmacists working at Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (Costa Rican Social Security System; CCSS) in different locations in Costa Rica. Characteristics and location of health facilities, as well as antivenom availability and management details, were analyzed. Responses from a total of 96 pharmacists, corresponding to 55 different healthcare facilities, were included in this study. Most respondents worked at pharmacies located in urban communities (69.0%) and in the secondary level of care, which includes clinics, and regional and peripheral hospitals (55.2%). Overall, participants reported antivenom availability at all levels of care and in centers having various operating schedules, although they were not available in some facilities in regions where SBE is uncommon or do not attend SBE cases because of the proximity of more complex health centers. On average, the stocks of anticoral and polyvalent antivenoms per health facility were compatible with the dose of antivenom required for treating a SBE case. More than half of participants reported knowing the availability of protocols for the management of SBE and the correct use of antivenom at their healthcare facilities. Of the total respondents, 49% agreed on possessing all the resources needed for the correct management of these medicines at their facilities, and 65.6% indicated that they know the procedures for antivenom storage and management. Our findings provide a first description of the availability of antivenoms in the public health system of Costa Rica, including the primary care level. Results also underscore the perceived role of participating pharmacists in the management of these life-saving drugs and the need to improve their knowledge on this topic.
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    Colorectal cancer: Generalities, diagnosis, and biological therapies as new treatment options
    (2022-09-04) Álvarez Vargas, Michelle; Herrera Aguilar, María José; Murillo Ugalde, Daniel; Quesada Lobo, Priscilla; Salazar Castro, Juan Diego; Mora Román, Juan José
    The development of a malignant adenocarcinoma in the colon's inner layer or rectum wall is known as colorectal cancer. It is attributed to genetic information but also can be acquired due to lifestyle or environmental risk factors. The pathology is usually diagnosed through a colonoscopy. One promising alternative for its treatment is biological therapies. They are designed to improve, focus, or restore immune system function. These can be used to complement traditional treatment (e.g., surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy). Immunotherapy is a classification of biological therapy, and it stimulates the immune system by generating a more effective therapeutic response in cancer treatment. It is possible to identify monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, oncological viruses, and novel methods such as chemoimmunotherapy, in which a cytotoxic agent and an immune response modifier are combined in a single drug. These options have brought promising results through several preclinical and clinical investigations.
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    Inmunoterapia activa con anticuerpos monoclonales como opción terapéutica para el tratamiento del cáncer de páncreas
    (2022-06-29) Barquero Solano, Arisai; Guevara Saborío, Gloriana; Montero Rivera, Jeison; Vargas Sandoval, Lázaro; Velásquez Alfaro, Luis Daniel; Mora Román, Juan José
    El cáncer de páncreas es el sexto más mortal a nivel mundial, y en el caso específico de Costa Rica el sétimo en importancia. La gran problemática asociada a esta patología es un diagnóstico en etapas avanzadas, ya que sus síntomas son muy inespecíficos y en muchos casos no se presentan. Abonado a lo anterior, el tratamiento por excelencia es la cirugía, mas no resulta ser del todo alentadora, pues la mayoría de pacientes no pueden ser operados, y aunque se utilice quimioterapia y radioterapia, la supervivencia de vida a los cinco años es sumamente baja. Por eso, se han investigado nuevas opciones terapéuticas, incluidas las biológicas. Dentro de ellas, se encuentran los anticuerpos monoclonales, cuyo mecanismo de acción implica una inmunoterapia activa. En este momento, se encuentran en fase de investigación a través de estudios clínicos de fases I y II. Gran parte se está evaluando en combinación con otros fármacos. Los resultados sobre estos estudios son escasos, pero se espera a futuro disponer de mayor información, junto con un número creciente de opciones que permitan en el mediano plazo su disponibilidad como alternativas terapéuticas para mejorar la esperanza y la calidad de vida de las personas que padecen esta enfermedad.