Elementos precolombinos en el diseño de los billetes costarricenses 2009-2021 ideología y colonialidad
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Andrade Cambronero, Grettel María
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Una muy pequeña parte de los diseños de los billetes de Costa Rica a lo largo
de su historia como Nación han tenido imágenes precolombinas. En este
artículo se hace un análisis de estos, especialmente reflexiona alrededor de
los emitidos de los años 2009 hasta el 2021. El objetivo del artículo es analizar la ideología y la colonialidad del poder que subyacen en el diseño de la
numismática costarricense. El análisis se plantea a partir de la postura crítica
de la teoría decolonial, y como metodología se utiliza la revisión histórica, y
los análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los billetes.
A very small part of the banknote designs of Costa Rica throughout its history as a nation have had pre-Columbian images. In this article an analysis of these is made, especially reflects on those issued from the years 2009 to 2021. The objective of the article is to analyze the ideology and coloniality of power underlying the design of Costa Rican numismatics. The analysis is based on the critical stance of decolonial theory, and as a methodology historical review is used, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of banknotes.
A very small part of the banknote designs of Costa Rica throughout its history as a nation have had pre-Columbian images. In this article an analysis of these is made, especially reflects on those issued from the years 2009 to 2021. The objective of the article is to analyze the ideology and coloniality of power underlying the design of Costa Rican numismatics. The analysis is based on the critical stance of decolonial theory, and as a methodology historical review is used, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of banknotes.
Palabras clave
Diseño, Numismática, Eurocentrismo, Convencionalismos, Multiculturalidad, DESIGN, NUMISMATICS, Eurocentrism, Conventionalisms, MULTICULTURALISM