Paraquat como desecante del follaje para adelantarla cosecha del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris)
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Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
Duarte Sanabria, Ricardo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En Cali, Colombia, con el cultivar Diacol Calima y en Alajuela, Costa Rica, con México 80-R, se evaluó el efecto desecante al follaje del paraquat. Se emplearon dosis comprendidas entre los 0 y 600 kg/ha, en tres épocas de aplicación, entre los 25 y 44 días después de floración y tres épocas de cosecha, de los 4 a los 15 días después de aplicado el paraquat. Cuando se adicionó este desecante en México 80-R, entre los 25 y 32 días después de la floración (30-55% de madurez fisiológica), se indujeron pequeñas reducciones del rendimiento y tamaño de las semillas. Pero cuando se desecó el Follaje a los 39 días después de la floración (85% de madurez fisiológica) el rendimiento fue superior a los tratamientos en que no se aplicó paraquat. En Diacol Calima no se detectaron diferencias entre los tratamientos sobre el rendimiento en grano. Las mejores dosis de paraquat para desecar el follaje en Diacol Calima y México 80-R fueron de 400 y 300 g/ha, respectivamente.
In Cali, Colombia on the Diacol Calima variety, and in Alajuela, Costa Rica on México 80-R, the foliage desiccating effect of paraquat was assayed. Rates ranging from 0 to 600 g/ha were applied on three diferent dates from 25 to 44 days after bloom. The crop was harvested from 4 to 15 days after paraquat spray. When paraquat was sprayed on México 80-R between 25 and 32 days after bloom (30-55% physiological maturity of pods), slight decreases in yield and sced size were induced however, when applied 39 days after bloom (85% physiological maturity) the yield was higher than the control. In the Diacol Calima variety no differences in grain yield were obtained. The best desiccating effect of paraquat on the foliage of Diacol Calima and México 80-R was obtained with the rates of 400 and 300 g/ha, respectively
In Cali, Colombia on the Diacol Calima variety, and in Alajuela, Costa Rica on México 80-R, the foliage desiccating effect of paraquat was assayed. Rates ranging from 0 to 600 g/ha were applied on three diferent dates from 25 to 44 days after bloom. The crop was harvested from 4 to 15 days after paraquat spray. When paraquat was sprayed on México 80-R between 25 and 32 days after bloom (30-55% physiological maturity of pods), slight decreases in yield and sced size were induced however, when applied 39 days after bloom (85% physiological maturity) the yield was higher than the control. In the Diacol Calima variety no differences in grain yield were obtained. The best desiccating effect of paraquat on the foliage of Diacol Calima and México 80-R was obtained with the rates of 400 and 300 g/ha, respectively