Ejercicio físico aeróbico como medio para la prevención y tratamiento del deterioro cognitivo
Durán Monge, Ana Mercedes
Meza Elizondo, Karen Vanessa
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Durante el proceso de envejecimiento, a nivel cerebral y sistémico ocurren una serie de cambios que, combinados con factores ambientales y la aparición de ciertas enfermedades, aumentan el riesgo de afección cognitiva.
En una población cada vez más envejecida, es más prevalente el deterioro cognitivo y su progresión a demencia, lo que repercute a nivel personal, familiar, social y económico.
A través del tiempo, se han identificado los factores de riesgo y los mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsables de la afección de los diferentes dominios de la cognición, lo que ha permitido en la actualidad tener criterios diagnósticos definidos para el deterioro cognitivo y la demencia.
La actividad física estructurada y repetitiva, especialmente la actividad física aeróbica de moderado y alto impacto ha demostrado ser un factor modificable y protector para el desarrollo de diversas enfermedades crónicas, dentro de ellas el deterioro cognitivo.
Múltiples estudios clínicos han demostrado los efectos del ejercicio aeróbico sobre la estructura y función cerebral, así como sobre síntomas como la depresión, los cambios de conducta, el insomnio y la cognición global, teniendo siempre presente el objetivo de preservar la funcionalidad y autonomía de los individuos, lo que lo convierte en una medida efectiva, accesible y de bajo costo para la prevención y el tratamiento del deterioro cognitivo.
During the aging process, there are many changes in brain and peripheric systems, in association with environmental factors and the appearance of certain diseases, increase the risk of cognitive impairment. In an increasingly aging population, cognitive impairment and its progression to dementia are more prevalent, which has repercussions at a personal, familiar, social, and economic aspects. Over time, the risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for the affectation of the different domains of cognition have been identified, which has currently allowed to define diagnostic criteria for cognitive impairment and dementia. Structured and repetitive physical activity, especially moderate and high-impact aerobic exercise, have shown to be a modifiable and protective factor for the development of various chronic diseases, including cognitive impairment. Multiple clinical studies have shown the effects of aerobic exercise on brain structure and function, as well as on symptoms such as depression, behavior changes, insomnia and global cognition, always keeping in mind the objective of preserving the functionality and autonomy of the individuals, which makes it an effective, accessible and low-cost intervention for the prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment.
During the aging process, there are many changes in brain and peripheric systems, in association with environmental factors and the appearance of certain diseases, increase the risk of cognitive impairment. In an increasingly aging population, cognitive impairment and its progression to dementia are more prevalent, which has repercussions at a personal, familiar, social, and economic aspects. Over time, the risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for the affectation of the different domains of cognition have been identified, which has currently allowed to define diagnostic criteria for cognitive impairment and dementia. Structured and repetitive physical activity, especially moderate and high-impact aerobic exercise, have shown to be a modifiable and protective factor for the development of various chronic diseases, including cognitive impairment. Multiple clinical studies have shown the effects of aerobic exercise on brain structure and function, as well as on symptoms such as depression, behavior changes, insomnia and global cognition, always keeping in mind the objective of preserving the functionality and autonomy of the individuals, which makes it an effective, accessible and low-cost intervention for the prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment.
Palabras clave
deterioro cognitivo, adulto mayor, terapia no farmacológica del deterioro cognitivo, abordaje del deterioro cognitivo, ejercicio, GERONTOLOGÍA, TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO