Quality of Science Reports:Analysis of Sports Nutrition 2013 ACSM Annual Meeting Abstracts
presentación de congreso
póster de congreso
póster de congreso
Incera Castro, Ana Patricia
Aburto Corona, Jorge Alberto
Acuña Espinoza, Alejandro
Capitán Jiménez, Catalina
Flores Salamanca, Rebeca
Scaglioni Solano, Pietro
Aragón Vargas, Luis Fernando
Título de la revista
ISSN de la revista
Título del volumen
The objective of the ACSM Annual Meeting is the exchange of scientific information. Authors of free communications must submi
t abstracts by a specific deadline for evaluation. As the
written record of those presentations, the abstra
cts are expected to be clear, objective, and informative. In addition, abstracts of experimental studies must include data to
substantiate the
conclusions being drawn. According to the program committee, “it is not satisfactory to simply describe what was
found or to only include statistical results”. Accepted abstracts are,
however, sometimes confusing or misleading.
to assess sports nutrition abstracts according to four specific criteria of clarity and internal consistency.
all the abs
tracts (n = 93) reporting experimental or quasi
experimental studies, from nine sports nutrition related free communication sessions, were selected for review.
Each abstract was evaluated by two independent reviewers, according to four negative criteria; o
nly those free from all four shortcomings were passed: A) The title is misleading (e.g. it
The effect of
but there is no effect). B) The results or conclusions are not consistent with the title. C) No data are presented or key res
ults are omitted. D)
One or more statements in
the conclusions are not supported by the results. Sponsorship by an ACSM Fellow (FACSM) was also tabulated for posterior anal
Only 36 abstracts (38.7%) passed all four criteria, while many failed more than one crit
erion: A = 37, B = 35, C = 25, and D = 25. Failed abstracts were more likely to be
sponsored by a FACSM (40) than not sponsored (17) (2x2 Chi
= 4.9, p < 0.05).
This preliminary analysis of abstract quality reveals important shortcomings: more
than 60% of the published abstracts failed, while FACSM sponsorship seemed to
make a negative, rather than a positive, contribution. The absence of actual data in many abstracts is especially worrisome.
This information is respectfully submitted to ACSM a
s a self
evaluation, an essential ingredient in any scientific undertaking.
Palabras clave
Información científica, Nutrición, Deporte, 658.456 015 Dirección de reuniones