Manuel de la Cruz González, su noción de “arte cósmico”: la geometría, el color, la proporción y el concepto filosófico de creación
artículo original
Calvo, Esteban A.
Soto Bonilla, Gerardo J.
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Este ensayo analiza la conceptualización de arte cósmico concebida por el artista costarricense Manuel
de la Cruz González Luján a través del estudio y análisis del archivo de la familia González-Kreysa y
en especial sobre el texto de la conferencia “El arte como integración cósmica”, dictada en Maracaibo,
Venezuela, en 1957. En este texto externa una serie de afirmaciones sobre el arte y el fruto del contacto
con otros campos del saber, como la ciencia, y en general con la naturaleza, tal cual la observan y han
observado artistas y científicos a lo largo de la historia del mundo occidental.
This paper analyzes the conceptualization of cosmic art conceived by the Costa Rican artist Manuel de la Cruz González Luján, by the study and analysis of the archives of González-Kreysa family, and especially on the text of the lecture “The art as cosmic integration”, delivered in Maracaibo, Venezuela, in 1957. In such a text, he expresses a series of affirmations about art and the fruit of its contact with other fields of knowledge, as science, and in general with nature, as it has been observed by artists and scientists through the history of western civilization.
This paper analyzes the conceptualization of cosmic art conceived by the Costa Rican artist Manuel de la Cruz González Luján, by the study and analysis of the archives of González-Kreysa family, and especially on the text of the lecture “The art as cosmic integration”, delivered in Maracaibo, Venezuela, in 1957. In such a text, he expresses a series of affirmations about art and the fruit of its contact with other fields of knowledge, as science, and in general with nature, as it has been observed by artists and scientists through the history of western civilization.
Palabras clave
Historia del Arte Costarricense, Manuel de la Cruz González, Abstracción geométrica, Pitágoras, Proporción áurea, Costa Rican art history, Manuel de la Cruz González, Geometrical abstraction, Pythagoras, Golden section