Evaluación in vitro de la actividad antioxidante y antimicrobiana de los extractos hidroalcohólicos de Impatiens hawkeri e Impatiens walleriana (Balsaminaceae)
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Delgado Rodríguez, Fabián Vinicio
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El género Impatiens constituye un grupo de plantas de creciente interés farmacológico. Pese a ello, no se reporta el estudio de extractos o metabolitos de las especies Impatiens hawkeri (IH) e Impatiens walleriana (IW), las cuales tienen alta relevancia debido a su uso como plantas ornamentales. En este trabajo se presenta el primer estudio de la actividad antioxidante y antimicrobiana in vitro de los extractos hidroalcohólicos de planta entera de IH e IW obtenidos a partir de especímenes recolectados en Costa Rica. Así, mismo se comparan dichas actividades con las presentadas por el extracto hidroalcohólico de planta entera de Impatiens balsamina (IB). Especie reconocida por presentar metabolitos antimicrobianos relevantes, así como ser fuente de extractos con actividad antioxidante in vitro. Los resultados indican que el extracto de IH es el que presenta mejor actividad antioxidante in vitro, siendo el mejor candidato para el estudio de dicha actividad en modelos in vivo. Mientras que el extracto de IB es el que presenta mayor actividad antimicrobiana. El análisis de los resultados también indica que el extracto de IH es prometedor para proceder a un fraccionamiento guiado por ensayo biológico con la finalidad de aislar sus metabolitos activos dada la actividad bactericida demostrada y la escasa información disponible acerca de los metabolitos secundarios producidos por esta especie. Además, el presente trabajo constituye el primer reporte de determinación de actividad antimicrobiana para extractos de las plantas IB, IH e IW obtenidos a partir de especímenes recolectados en Costa Rica.
The Impatiens genus constitutes a group of plants of growing pharmacological interest. Despite this, the study of extracts or metabolites of the Impatiens hawkeri (IH) and Impatiens walleriana (IW) species, which are highly relevant due to their use as ornamental plants, is not reported. This paper presents the first study of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of whole plant hydroalcoholic extracts of IH and IW obtained from specimens collected in Costa Rica. Thus, these activities are compared with those presented by the hydroalcoholic extract of the whole plant of Impatiens balsamina (IB), species recognized for presenting relevant antimicrobial metabolites, as well as being a source of extracts with antioxidant activity in vitro. The results indicate that the IH extract is the one that presents the best antioxidant activity in vitro, being the best candidate for the study of said activity in in vivo models. While the IB extract is the one with the highest antimicrobial activity. The analysis of the results also indicates that the IH extract is promising to proceed to a bioassay-guided fractionation in order to isolate its active metabolites given the demonstrated bactericidal activity and the limited information available about the secondary metabolites produced by this species. In addition, this work constitutes the first report on the determination of antimicrobial activity for extracts of IB, IH and IW plants obtained from specimens collected in Costa Rica.
The Impatiens genus constitutes a group of plants of growing pharmacological interest. Despite this, the study of extracts or metabolites of the Impatiens hawkeri (IH) and Impatiens walleriana (IW) species, which are highly relevant due to their use as ornamental plants, is not reported. This paper presents the first study of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of whole plant hydroalcoholic extracts of IH and IW obtained from specimens collected in Costa Rica. Thus, these activities are compared with those presented by the hydroalcoholic extract of the whole plant of Impatiens balsamina (IB), species recognized for presenting relevant antimicrobial metabolites, as well as being a source of extracts with antioxidant activity in vitro. The results indicate that the IH extract is the one that presents the best antioxidant activity in vitro, being the best candidate for the study of said activity in in vivo models. While the IB extract is the one with the highest antimicrobial activity. The analysis of the results also indicates that the IH extract is promising to proceed to a bioassay-guided fractionation in order to isolate its active metabolites given the demonstrated bactericidal activity and the limited information available about the secondary metabolites produced by this species. In addition, this work constitutes the first report on the determination of antimicrobial activity for extracts of IB, IH and IW plants obtained from specimens collected in Costa Rica.
Palabras clave
Impatiens balsamina, Impatiens hawkeri, Impatiens walleriana, Extractos, Antioxidante, Antimicrobiano, In vitro