Influencia de una depresión intermontana y la altitud entre dos montañas en la diferenciación espacial en la precipitación en Costa Rica
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Quesada Quesada, Marvin Elí
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Las partes altas de las montañas y sus depresiones se caracterizan por mostrar condiciones climáticas muy distintas comparadas con otras regiones del territorio costarricense. Se investigan cuatro estaciones climáticas: dos ubicadas en las partes altas de la cordillera y dos en un sector de menor altitud, todas coinciden con una depresión intermontana. Esto con el objetivo de visualizar sus diferencias en la pluviosidad entre las estaciones meteorológicas, que se ubican en la dirección en que incursionan las masas de aire por la depresión. Se investigó la precipitación total mensual, el promedio diario mensual, probabilidad de días lluviosos, probabilidad de días con precipitación superior a 5, 10, 20 y 30 mm, y la precipitación máxima diaria mensual. Se ha encontrado que la depresión intermontana que por su condición geomorfológica permite la incursión de masas de aire cargadas de humedad algunos meses del año, lo que contribuye con más humedad la vertiente que normalmente es seca. La precipitación mensual y diaria es más intensa en Miramar y Piedades Sur, mientras que, en cambio, las estaciones de Zarcero y ReBAMB presentan una menor intensidad, pero con más persistencia de precipitación. El hecho de tener estas últimas estaciones una ubicación por encima de los 1500 metros sobre el nivel del mar (m.s.n.m) hace que reciban menor precipitación, dado que el óptimo pluviométrico está por debajo de esa altitud en esa zona del país.
The upper parts of the mountains and their depressions are characterized by difference climatic conditions compared to other regions of Costa Rica territory. Four climatic stations are investigated: two are in the upper parts of the mountain range and two are in a lower altitude sector, all coincide with an intermontane depression. The main point is visualizing their differences in rainfall between the meteorological stations between the upper and lower altitudes, and the roll of the presence of intermontane depression. The total monthly precipitation, the monthly daily average, the probability of rainy days, probability of days with precipitation greater than 5, 10, 20 and 30 mm, and maximum monthly daily precipitation was investigated. The depression has been found to allow the incursion of moisture-laden air masses during some months. which contributes to more moisture in a range that are normally dry. On the other hand, the Stations of Zarcero and ReBAMB have a lower intensity, but with more persistent precipitation. The monthly and daily rainfall is more intense in Miramar and Piedades Sur, while on the other hand, stations like Zarcero and ReBAMB have a lower intensity, but with more persistent precipitation. By contrast, the Zarcero and ReBAMB stations have less amount of rainfall being located at higher altitudes precipitation, The fact of a location above 1500 m above sea level (m.a.s.l), since the optimal rainfall is below that altitude in that area of the country, which causes them to receive less precipitation.
The upper parts of the mountains and their depressions are characterized by difference climatic conditions compared to other regions of Costa Rica territory. Four climatic stations are investigated: two are in the upper parts of the mountain range and two are in a lower altitude sector, all coincide with an intermontane depression. The main point is visualizing their differences in rainfall between the meteorological stations between the upper and lower altitudes, and the roll of the presence of intermontane depression. The total monthly precipitation, the monthly daily average, the probability of rainy days, probability of days with precipitation greater than 5, 10, 20 and 30 mm, and maximum monthly daily precipitation was investigated. The depression has been found to allow the incursion of moisture-laden air masses during some months. which contributes to more moisture in a range that are normally dry. On the other hand, the Stations of Zarcero and ReBAMB have a lower intensity, but with more persistent precipitation. The monthly and daily rainfall is more intense in Miramar and Piedades Sur, while on the other hand, stations like Zarcero and ReBAMB have a lower intensity, but with more persistent precipitation. By contrast, the Zarcero and ReBAMB stations have less amount of rainfall being located at higher altitudes precipitation, The fact of a location above 1500 m above sea level (m.a.s.l), since the optimal rainfall is below that altitude in that area of the country, which causes them to receive less precipitation.
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