Aportes del contexto familiar en la permanencia del estudiantado de secundaria
artículo preliminar
Chinchilla Jiménez, Roxana
Jiménez Segura, Flor Isabel
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Este artículo presenta resultados de los aportes del grupo familiar en la promoción de factores de permanencia del estudiantado en secundaria de la investigación: “Aportes de la familia y el personal docente en la promoción de factores de permanencia en el estudiantado de secundaria”. En el contexto educativo formal hay dos actores de gran importancia para las personas estudiantes: familia y personal docente; quienes realizan acciones que favorecen la permanencia y éxito académico. La etapa de la secundaria es un pilar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las personas. De los resultados se pueden mencionar que las familias que tienen límites claros y cohesión familiar favorecen el crecimiento y desarrollo de cada persona: reglas claras, vínculo de afecto y autoridad, estudio como valor, participación de las personas adolescentes en actividades extracurriculares y finalmente, las metas de visualización a futuro en el desarrollo profesional.
This article presents results of the contributions of the family group in the promotion of factors of permanence of the student body in secondary school of the investigation: "Contributions of the family and the teaching staff in the promotion of factors of permanence in the student body of secondary school". In the formal educational context there are two actors of great importance for students: family and teaching staff; who carry out actions that favor permanence and academic success. The secondary stage is a pillar in the teachinglearning process of people. From the results it can be mentioned that families that have clear limits and family cohesion favor the growth and development of each person: clear rules, bond of affection and authority, study as a value, participation of adolescents in extracurricular activities and finally, the future visualization goals in professional development.
This article presents results of the contributions of the family group in the promotion of factors of permanence of the student body in secondary school of the investigation: "Contributions of the family and the teaching staff in the promotion of factors of permanence in the student body of secondary school". In the formal educational context there are two actors of great importance for students: family and teaching staff; who carry out actions that favor permanence and academic success. The secondary stage is a pillar in the teachinglearning process of people. From the results it can be mentioned that families that have clear limits and family cohesion favor the growth and development of each person: clear rules, bond of affection and authority, study as a value, participation of adolescents in extracurricular activities and finally, the future visualization goals in professional development.
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