Crecimiento y conversión alimenticia de ratas Sprage-Dawley sometidas a la ingesta de extractos acuosos de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes)
artículo original
Gómez Salas, Georgina
Vargas Cordero, Ruth
Quesada Mora, Silvia
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Con el fin de determinar el efecto del pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) sobre el crecimiento y la conversion alimenticia de ratas jóvenes, se suministraron extractos acuososde pulpa, cáscara, semilla y pejibaye entero tanto crudo como cocido, el cual se dio como agua de bebida durante 6 semanas consecutivas a grupos de 6 ratas. Durante este periodo se evaluó la ganancia de peso y la conversión alimenticia de los animales, observandose una menor ganancia de peso y una conversion alimenticia menos eficiente entre los animales que ingirieron extracto de pejibaye entero crudo o sus partes, siendo esta tendencia más marcada en el grupo que consumió el extracto de cascara. Los resultados obtenidos sustentan lo observado por otros investigadores que sugieren la presencia de factores antinutricionales en el pejibaye, que alteran la digestion y/o absorcion de nutrientes afectando por lo tanto la gananciade peso de los animales.
To establish the effect of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) on the growth rate and food conversion of young rats, different extracts of the cooked and raw fruit and its parts were provided to the "animals in the drinking water over a period of six weeks. Weight gain and food conversion were evaluated during this period. The results indicate that the anImals consuming raw fruit and its parts show a lower growth rate and food conversion. This data suggest, as mentioned previously by other authors, that thermolabile antinutritional factors were present in the peach palm fruit that interfere with the digestion and/or absortion of nutrients, altering the weight gain and food convertion of experimental animals.
To establish the effect of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) on the growth rate and food conversion of young rats, different extracts of the cooked and raw fruit and its parts were provided to the "animals in the drinking water over a period of six weeks. Weight gain and food conversion were evaluated during this period. The results indicate that the anImals consuming raw fruit and its parts show a lower growth rate and food conversion. This data suggest, as mentioned previously by other authors, that thermolabile antinutritional factors were present in the peach palm fruit that interfere with the digestion and/or absortion of nutrients, altering the weight gain and food convertion of experimental animals.
Palabras clave
Pejibaye, Bactris gasipaes, Ratas Sprague Dawley, 636.935 2 Producción animal