Evaluando un enfoque de pruebas basadas en modelos en un contexto industrial. Una replicación
comunicación de congreso
Berdasco Romero, Ana Laura
Martínez Porras, Alexandra
Quesada López, Christian Ulises
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Las organizaciones de desarrollo de software se en-
cuentran continuamente buscando técnicas para incrementar la
efectividad y eficiencia de los procesos de pruebas. Las pruebas
basadas en modelos (MBT) automatizan el diseño y la generación
de los casos de prueba basadas en un modelo que representa el sis-
tema bajo pruebas. MBT puede reducir el costo de las pruebas y
mejorar la calidad de los sistemas. Sin embargo, la introducción
del enfoque de MBT puede ser complejo para los equipos de desa-
rrollo en la industria. Este artículo replica un estudio previo que
evaluó el uso de MBT por parte de ingenieros de software en un
proyecto en la industria. El objetivo de esta replicación es evaluar
la factibilidad y aceptación del enfoque MBT desde la perspectiva
de ingenieros de calidad, probando un sistema de software de la
industria. Para esto realizamos un estudio de caso con cuatro in-
genieros de calidad, quienes modelaron un módulo de un sistema,
y generaron y ejecutaron un conjunto de casos de prueba usando
una herramienta de MBT. Los participantes fueron capaces de
usar MBT para modelar y probar el sistema y proporcionaron al-
gunas perspectivas acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades del uso
de este enfoque.
Software organizations are continuously looking for techniques to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their test- ing processes. Model-based testing (MBT) is an approach that au- tomates the design and generation of test cases based on a model that represents the system under test. MBT can reduce the cost of software testing and improve the systems quality. However, the in- troduction of the MBT approach could be complex for software development teams in the industry. This paper replicates a previ- ous study that evaluated the use of MBT by software engineers in an industrial context. The goal of this replication is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptance of the MBT approach from the perspec- tive of quality engineers testing a software application in the in- dustry. We conducted a case study with four quality assurance en- gineers who modeled one module of the system under test, and then generated and executed a set of test cases using an MBT tool. Participants were able to use MBT to model and test the software system and provided several insights about the challenges and op- portunities of using this approach.
Software organizations are continuously looking for techniques to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their test- ing processes. Model-based testing (MBT) is an approach that au- tomates the design and generation of test cases based on a model that represents the system under test. MBT can reduce the cost of software testing and improve the systems quality. However, the in- troduction of the MBT approach could be complex for software development teams in the industry. This paper replicates a previ- ous study that evaluated the use of MBT by software engineers in an industrial context. The goal of this replication is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptance of the MBT approach from the perspec- tive of quality engineers testing a software application in the in- dustry. We conducted a case study with four quality assurance en- gineers who modeled one module of the system under test, and then generated and executed a set of test cases using an MBT tool. Participants were able to use MBT to model and test the software system and provided several insights about the challenges and op- portunities of using this approach.
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