Índices fisiológicos de crecimiento y morfométricos de cuatro introducciones de paste (Luffa aegyptica, Rohem)
artículo original
Vargas, Marlen
Brenes, Abdenago
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Durante el periodo de marzo de 1992 a febrero de 1993, se llevó a cabo un experimento en la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit Moreno; Alajuela, Costa Rica, para describir y relacionar los índices fisiológicos de crecimiento de cuatro introducciones de paste (UNA-003, UNA-OIO, UNA-016 y UNA-OH9) y se sembró a una distancia de 1,5 m entre hileras y 5 m entre plantas. Se estableció una espaldera con postes de 3 m de altura, separados 3 m entre sí para el sostén de las plantas. Se usó el diseño experimental Bloques Completos al Azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Se evaluó el peso seco de hojas, tallos, estructuras reproductivas y total, el área foliar y su razón, el índice de crecimiento absoluto y el índice de crecimiento relativo (ICR). Se hicieron nueve muestreos, uno cada 30 días después de la siembra. Se presentaron tres etapas de crecimiento: la primera ocurrió en los primeros 60 días y fue de lento crecimiento; la segunda etapa se presentó a partir de los 60 días con un crecimiento vegetativo y reproduc-tivo rápido hasta llegar de 180 a 210 días según la introducción; posteriormente, se presentó la tercera etapa de los 210 a 240 días, a partir de la cual hubo reducción de peso seco total. La mayor cosecha se produjo a los 210 días después de la siembra. El área foliar alcanzó su máximo índice a los 180 días después de la siembra, momento en el cual también se obtuvo el mayor peso seco total de las introducciones UNA-003 y UNA-010. A partir de este período el peso seco de las estruc-turas reproductivas superó el peso seco total de tallos y hojas, y al inicio de los 210 días después de la siembra, hubo una disminución del peso seco total, área foliar y área foliar específica, por lo que los índices de crecimiento relativo y absoluto presentaron valores negativos,
An assay was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, in Alajuela-Costa Rica, during the period from March, 1992 to February, 1993, to describe and relate the physiological growth indexes of four vegetable sponge introductions (UNA-D03, UNA-010, UNA-016 and UNA-089). They were planted at 1.5 m between rows and at 5 m between plants. An espalier with 3 m high posts, separated at 3 m from each other, was established as support for the plants. A complete Randomized Block design with four replications was used. The evaluated parameters were: d/y weight of leaves, stalks, reproductive structures and total, foliar area, absolute (agi) and relative (rgi) growth indexes. Nine samplings, every 30 days, were taken after planting. Three growth stages were observed: the first one occurred in the first 60 days and it was of a slow growth, the second stage started at 60 days with a fast vegetative and reproductive growth until reaching 180 to 210 days, according to the introduction. The third stage began from 210 to 240 days, when there was a reduction of the total dry weight. The largest harvest was at 210 days after planting. The foliar area reached its maximum index at 180 days after planting. At 180 days, the highest total dry weight was obtained with the introductions UNA-003 and UNA-010. Starting at 210 days after planting, there was a drop of total dry weight, foliar area and specific foliar area, thus the absolute and relative growth indexes showed negative values.
An assay was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, in Alajuela-Costa Rica, during the period from March, 1992 to February, 1993, to describe and relate the physiological growth indexes of four vegetable sponge introductions (UNA-D03, UNA-010, UNA-016 and UNA-089). They were planted at 1.5 m between rows and at 5 m between plants. An espalier with 3 m high posts, separated at 3 m from each other, was established as support for the plants. A complete Randomized Block design with four replications was used. The evaluated parameters were: d/y weight of leaves, stalks, reproductive structures and total, foliar area, absolute (agi) and relative (rgi) growth indexes. Nine samplings, every 30 days, were taken after planting. Three growth stages were observed: the first one occurred in the first 60 days and it was of a slow growth, the second stage started at 60 days with a fast vegetative and reproductive growth until reaching 180 to 210 days, according to the introduction. The third stage began from 210 to 240 days, when there was a reduction of the total dry weight. The largest harvest was at 210 days after planting. The foliar area reached its maximum index at 180 days after planting. At 180 days, the highest total dry weight was obtained with the introductions UNA-003 and UNA-010. Starting at 210 days after planting, there was a drop of total dry weight, foliar area and specific foliar area, thus the absolute and relative growth indexes showed negative values.
Palabras clave
Luffa aegyptica, fitomejoramiento, índice de crecimiento, productos de origen vegetal, Costa Rica, Luffa aegyptica, plant breeding, growth rate, plant products, Costa Rica