Manejo de las poblaciones de Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) mediante el uso de descomponedores en el rastrojo de piña (Ananas comosus) (L.) Merr.
artículo original
Paganella Chang, Gabriel
Blanco Metzler, Helga
Vargas Gutiérrez, Marlen
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Se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos (BIOECO, Bacthon-SC, Bioprotection-BD + úrea + Nufilm, testigo) para acelerar la descomposición de rastrojos de piña y reducir el sustrato de oviposición para Stomoxys calcitrans. El total de huevos de dípteros fue mayor en el testigo y menor en Bacthon. La mayor cantidad de huevos se registró a los 7 días después aplicación (DDA), y se redujo significativamente a los 12 DDA. Se presentaron dos picos de cantidad de larvas donde a los 7 DDA Bioeco y Bioprotection presentaron mayor cantidad de larvas y el segundo pico a los 12 DDA cuando Bacthon fue mayor al testigo. Se recolectaron rastrojos del campo y llevaron al laboratorio para la emergencia de moscas (S. calcitrans, Musca domestica, Micropezidae y Euxesta spp.), donde el 55% de las pupas estaban parasitadas por Acremonium sp. (44%), Fusarium sp. (9%) y Trichoderma sp. (2%). Este resultado indica que existen controladores naturales en el suelo con potencial para incluirse dentro en un manejo integrado de la plaga.
Four treatments (BIOECO, Bacthon-SC, Bioprotection-BD + úrea + Nufilm, control) were evaluated to accelerate pineapple residue decomposition and reduce substrate oviposition of Stomoxys calcitrans. Total Diptera eggs was higher in the control and lower with Bacthon. The highest number of eggs was registered at 7 DAA (days after application) and was significantly reduced at 12 DAA. Two peaks for larvae number were observed at 7 DAA when Bioeco and Bioprotection presented the highest number of larvae; second peak was at 12 DAA when Bacthon was higher than the control. Pineapple residues were collected from the field and taken to the laboratory for fly emergence (S. calcitrans, Musca domestica, Micropezidae and Euxesta spp.), where 55% of pupae were parasitized by Acremonium sp. (44%), Fusarium sp. (9%) and Trichoderma sp. (2%). Results show that there are natural control agents in the soil with potential to be used in an IPM strategy.
Four treatments (BIOECO, Bacthon-SC, Bioprotection-BD + úrea + Nufilm, control) were evaluated to accelerate pineapple residue decomposition and reduce substrate oviposition of Stomoxys calcitrans. Total Diptera eggs was higher in the control and lower with Bacthon. The highest number of eggs was registered at 7 DAA (days after application) and was significantly reduced at 12 DAA. Two peaks for larvae number were observed at 7 DAA when Bioeco and Bioprotection presented the highest number of larvae; second peak was at 12 DAA when Bacthon was higher than the control. Pineapple residues were collected from the field and taken to the laboratory for fly emergence (S. calcitrans, Musca domestica, Micropezidae and Euxesta spp.), where 55% of pupae were parasitized by Acremonium sp. (44%), Fusarium sp. (9%) and Trichoderma sp. (2%). Results show that there are natural control agents in the soil with potential to be used in an IPM strategy.
Palabras clave
Mosca de los establos, Microbiología, Plagas agrícolas, Stable fly, Agricultural pests, Microbiology