Determinación de los tipos de semillas de malezas en el perfi l de un suelo rojo y dos sistemas de labranza en Alajuela, Costa Rica
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García U., Ruth
Vargas G., Marlen
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Determinación de los tipos de semillas de malezas en el perfil de un suelo rojo y dos sistemas de labranza en Alajuela, Costa Rica. En la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit M., localizada en el distrito San José, Provincia Alajuela, se realizó un experimento para determinar la germinación de algunas semillas de malezas, obtenidas de suelos sometidos a dos sistemas de labranza: reducida y convencional. El suelo del primer sistema fue el de una plantación de Cirus sp. que tenía 10 años de sembrada y el suelo con la labranza convencional fue el de una siembra de Zea mays (cultivo anual). En ambos lotes se realizó un muestreo de suelo a tres profundidades: de O-S, de 5-10 y de 10-20 cm. Las muestras de suelo se depositaron en potes de 4 cm de alto y 10 cm de ancho y se colocaron en una casa de mallas. A todas las malezas se les aplicó el índice de frecuencia y abundancia, seleccionando las que obtuvieron valores mayores de 0,9. En el cultivo anual las malezas predominantes, con base al Indice de Frecuencia Abundancia, fueron: Melampodium sp., Solanum americanum y Fimbristylis dichotoma. En el cultivo perenne las malezas predominantes. A las tres profundidades fueron Melampodium sp. y F. dichotoma y de acuerdo con el porcentaje de importancia las principales malezas fueron: Echinochloa colonum y F. dichotoma. En cuanto al número de plántulas emergidas de malezas, en el cultivo perenne se observó que la mayor cantidad de éstas se encontró entre 0-5 cm, mientras que en el cultivo anual se distribuyeron a través del perfil del suelo.
An assay was conduced to determine the germination of several weed seeds obtained from soils subjected to two till1ing systems: reduced and conventional, al the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in Alajuela, Costa Rica. The soil of the first system was from a ten year old Cirus sp. orchard and the soil of the conventional tillage system was from a Zea mays plantation (annual crop). The soil was sampled al three depths in both plots: at 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm. The soil samples were put in 4 cm high by 10 cm wide pots and set in a screened green-house. The frequency and Abundance Index (FAI) was applied to all the weed seeds, selecting those with values above 0.9. The prevalent weeds in the annual crop soil, based on the FAI, were: Melampodiwn sp., Solanum americanum and Fimbristylis dichitoma. The prevalent weeds, al the three depts, in the citrus orchard were: Melampodium sp and F. dichotoma and according lo the percentage of importance, the main weeds were: Echinochloa colonum and F. dichotoma. In relation lo the number of emerged weed seedlings, the largest quantity from the perennial crop were found al 0-5 cm, while in the annual crop they were distributed through the soil profile.
An assay was conduced to determine the germination of several weed seeds obtained from soils subjected to two till1ing systems: reduced and conventional, al the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in Alajuela, Costa Rica. The soil of the first system was from a ten year old Cirus sp. orchard and the soil of the conventional tillage system was from a Zea mays plantation (annual crop). The soil was sampled al three depths in both plots: at 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm. The soil samples were put in 4 cm high by 10 cm wide pots and set in a screened green-house. The frequency and Abundance Index (FAI) was applied to all the weed seeds, selecting those with values above 0.9. The prevalent weeds in the annual crop soil, based on the FAI, were: Melampodiwn sp., Solanum americanum and Fimbristylis dichitoma. The prevalent weeds, al the three depts, in the citrus orchard were: Melampodium sp and F. dichotoma and according lo the percentage of importance, the main weeds were: Echinochloa colonum and F. dichotoma. In relation lo the number of emerged weed seedlings, the largest quantity from the perennial crop were found al 0-5 cm, while in the annual crop they were distributed through the soil profile.