Los síndromes de filiación cultural en el aula de español médico: propuesta didáctica desde una perspectiva intercultural
tesis de maestría
Ballar Calvo, Marianella
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En este trabajo se aborda la evolución de los programas de español como segunda
lengua hacia la enseñanza del español con fines específicos (EFE), centrándose en el ámbito
médico. Se destaca la importancia de no solo enseñar la estructura lingüística, sino también
habilidades sociolingüísticas y culturales para una comunicación efectiva en contextos
profesionales. Se argumenta que la competencia intercultural es esencial en la atención
médica a pacientes de diferentes culturas, ya que puede reducir malentendidos y mejorar la
calidad de la atención.
La propuesta se enfoca en el desarrollo de unidades didácticas para estudiantes o
profesionales de la salud que aprenden español como segunda lengua, con el objetivo de
sensibilizarlos a través de su exposición a aspectos culturales relacionados con el concepto
de salud y enfermedad de la cultura latinoamericana, por ejemplo, por medio de su
comprensión de los síndromes de filiación cultural. Estas unidades buscan facilitar la
reflexión crítica sobre las emociones y actitudes hacia otras culturas y promover el respeto y
la empatía en la atención médica intercultural. La investigación defiende la idea de que la
comprensión de las diferencias culturales contribuye significativamente a la adquisición de
la competencia intercultural de los estudiantes con la consecuente mejora de la calidad de la
atención médica.
This work addresses the evolution of Spanish as a second language programs towards teaching Spanish for specific purposes (EFE), focusing on the medical field. It emphasizes the importance of not only teaching linguistic structure but also sociolinguistic and cultural skills for effective communication in professional contexts. It argues that intercultural competence is crucial in healthcare for patients from different cultures, as it can reduce misunderstandings and enhance the quality of care. The proposal focuses on the development of teaching units for students or healthcare professionals learning Spanish as a second language, aiming to sensitize them through exposure to cultural aspects related to the concept of health and illness in Latin American culture. For example, by their understanding of culturally affiliated syndromes. These units seek to facilitate critical reflection on emotions and attitudes towards other cultures and promote respect and empathy in intercultural healthcare. The research advocates the idea that understanding cultural differences significantly contributes to students' acquisition of intercultural competence, resulting in an improvement in the quality of healthcare.
This work addresses the evolution of Spanish as a second language programs towards teaching Spanish for specific purposes (EFE), focusing on the medical field. It emphasizes the importance of not only teaching linguistic structure but also sociolinguistic and cultural skills for effective communication in professional contexts. It argues that intercultural competence is crucial in healthcare for patients from different cultures, as it can reduce misunderstandings and enhance the quality of care. The proposal focuses on the development of teaching units for students or healthcare professionals learning Spanish as a second language, aiming to sensitize them through exposure to cultural aspects related to the concept of health and illness in Latin American culture. For example, by their understanding of culturally affiliated syndromes. These units seek to facilitate critical reflection on emotions and attitudes towards other cultures and promote respect and empathy in intercultural healthcare. The research advocates the idea that understanding cultural differences significantly contributes to students' acquisition of intercultural competence, resulting in an improvement in the quality of healthcare.
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