Adaptación de los profesionales en enfermería con experiencia laboral en Servicios de Oncología, ante la muerte de una persona usuaria, Gran Área Metropolitana
tesis de maestría
Garro Garita, Adriana
Fernández Ramírez, Marianelly
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Introducción: El cáncer se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública con aumento significativo a nivel mundial y dado que culturalmente muerte y enfermedad oncológica están vinculados, propone la participación de profesionales en enfermería en los diferentes escenarios, en el proceso de acompañamiento. Objetivo: Explorar desde el modelo de Callista Roy, la adaptación de los profesionales de enfermería con experiencia laboral en servicios de Oncología, ante la muerte de una persona usuaria, empleando los tres modos de adaptación: autoconcepto, rol e interdependencia. Método: estudio cualitativo, con un enfoque fenomenológico descriptivo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupo focal con categorías apriorísticas desde el Modelo de Adaptación de Callista Roy, en el cual participaron 15 profesionales en Enfermería con experiencia en oncología y 6 expertos en tema de muerte. La investigación cumplió con requisitos éticos, Ley 9234. Resultados: el modo adaptativo de autoconcepto valida las experiencias previas ante muertes anteriores, como herramienta de elaboración de recursos propios de afrontamiento para procesos similares a futuro, en ellos se pueden establecer vínculos de importancia que definen el rol o modo de actuar de ese profesional, además de que se constituyen en apoyo necesario para familiares, cuidadores u otros. Conclusiones: este estudio permite afirmar que la vivencia previa de muerte valida experiencias, sensaciones, sentimientos manifestados, marcando el cumplimiento de la labor diaria, además de que identifica más dificultad frente a la muerte de niños y adolescentes. La intervención del cuidado profesional y el vínculo establecido con la persona usuaria, familia y cuidadores pueden marcar el actuar, limitando o favoreciendo la intervención del enfermero o enfermera. El tipo de apoyo recibido se evidencia en personas significativas como compañeros y compañeras de servicio, familia, amigos, guías espirituales, entre otros, para dar acompañamiento del fenómeno de muerte, existe carencia de redes a nivel laboral.
Introduction: Cancer has become a public healthcare issue with a significant increase worldwide and given that culturally, death and oncologic disease are linked to each other, the importance in the role of nursing professionals in different scenarios is vital when comes the process of going along with the patient. Objective: Explore Callista Roy’s model, the adaptation of nursing professionals with work experience in Oncology, besides the death of a patient. Method: Qualitative study, with a descriptive phenomenological approach, semi-structured interviews and focus group with a priori categories based on Callista Roy’s adaptation model, in which 15 nursing professionals with experience in Oncology, and 6 experts in science of death. The research achieved with the ethical requisites, statute 9234. Results: The adaptive mode of auto-concept certifies previous experiences with death and everything that encompasses it, this as a gratification of experience and self-education to ensure that in case of other similar cases that may happen later in the future are prepared to be executed correctly, the professional will know how to afront any situation; based on this, there is accessible evidence that can remark the manners and experience that a professional worker has, eventually this can have a good impact in both family members and relatives/friends. Conclusions: This research guarantees that the study of death science allows sensations, feelings and/or sightings to come out, in order to challenge the professionalism of the worker or nurse. This enhances remorse and difficults the process of the death of an under-aged person in a psychological level. The contribution of professionals and the psychological relations between them, the patient and the patient's relatives, can predict how effective the workers will do their job. This can affect professionalism in a bad way, as it can do it in a good way. The professional's unstable state of mind can be evidenced by co-workers, family, relatives, spirit guides, etc. For they all are relevant people in the worker’s day-a-day, and there is n't enough psychological services to support the fact that the patient now belongs to an unavoidable deathbed who he or she is eager to escape.
Introduction: Cancer has become a public healthcare issue with a significant increase worldwide and given that culturally, death and oncologic disease are linked to each other, the importance in the role of nursing professionals in different scenarios is vital when comes the process of going along with the patient. Objective: Explore Callista Roy’s model, the adaptation of nursing professionals with work experience in Oncology, besides the death of a patient. Method: Qualitative study, with a descriptive phenomenological approach, semi-structured interviews and focus group with a priori categories based on Callista Roy’s adaptation model, in which 15 nursing professionals with experience in Oncology, and 6 experts in science of death. The research achieved with the ethical requisites, statute 9234. Results: The adaptive mode of auto-concept certifies previous experiences with death and everything that encompasses it, this as a gratification of experience and self-education to ensure that in case of other similar cases that may happen later in the future are prepared to be executed correctly, the professional will know how to afront any situation; based on this, there is accessible evidence that can remark the manners and experience that a professional worker has, eventually this can have a good impact in both family members and relatives/friends. Conclusions: This research guarantees that the study of death science allows sensations, feelings and/or sightings to come out, in order to challenge the professionalism of the worker or nurse. This enhances remorse and difficults the process of the death of an under-aged person in a psychological level. The contribution of professionals and the psychological relations between them, the patient and the patient's relatives, can predict how effective the workers will do their job. This can affect professionalism in a bad way, as it can do it in a good way. The professional's unstable state of mind can be evidenced by co-workers, family, relatives, spirit guides, etc. For they all are relevant people in the worker’s day-a-day, and there is n't enough psychological services to support the fact that the patient now belongs to an unavoidable deathbed who he or she is eager to escape.
Palabras clave
Muerte, Adaptación, Oncología, Enfermería Oncológica