Un modelo de análisis de destinos turísticos: los cantones de Golfito y Limón en Costa Rica
artículo original
Lepe Jorquera, Ivonne
Pardellas De Blas, Xulio
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Los nuevos desafíos del turismo mundial a los que intenta hacer frente el Plan 2002-2012 del Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT), hacen necesario un debate sobre los problemas de su desarrollo en lugares concretos con escasa tradición y/o actividad turística. Existe en la actualidad una importante y valiosa literatura científica sobre el tema que es usada en este artículo, aprovechando los datos del estudio realizado por los autores dentro de un proyecto de cooperación apoyado por las dos Universidades y aplicado al territoro de los cantones de Golfito y Limón. Se presenta así un modelo de análisis para su diseño como destinos turísticos emergentes, con una formalización de sus elementos, que puede ser útil para las administraciones y los planificadores en su valoración y en la toma de decisiones.
Abstract: The new challenges in world tourism, that face the 2002-2012 planning of ICT, are in need of a debate on the problems related to its development in specific places with litle tourism activities. In this paper important and valuable scientific literature on this topic and data from a study carried out by the authors in a cooperation project with support of the two universities are used to implement some instruments for their application to the territories of Golfito and Limon. The model of analysis as a design of emergent tourist destination presented here provides a formal structure of its elements that may be useful to administrators and planners in their valuations and decision-taking process.
Abstract: The new challenges in world tourism, that face the 2002-2012 planning of ICT, are in need of a debate on the problems related to its development in specific places with litle tourism activities. In this paper important and valuable scientific literature on this topic and data from a study carried out by the authors in a cooperation project with support of the two universities are used to implement some instruments for their application to the territories of Golfito and Limon. The model of analysis as a design of emergent tourist destination presented here provides a formal structure of its elements that may be useful to administrators and planners in their valuations and decision-taking process.
Palabras clave
Atractivos turísticos, Diseño de destinos, Modelos de valoración, Limón, Golfito