Calidad de vida en pacientes egresados de una unidad de cuidados intensivos de tercer nivel; estudio prospectivo de 12 meses
artículo original
Campos Vargas, Carolina
Salas Segura, Donato A.
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La calidad de vida los pacientes que son egresados de las unidades de cuidado intensivo es una preocupación frecuente por la alta incidencia de secuelas cognitivas y las complicaciones funcionales que padece esta población luego de su egreso. Este trabajo presenta el resultado de un seguimiento de 6 meses de pacientes que pasaron por cuidados intensivos y luego del alta hospitalaria. Este estudio fue parte de una investigación mayor que dio seguimiento a los pacientes por espacio total de 12 meses. Materiales y método: Se trató de un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo de un año de duración que dio seguimiento a los pacientes egresados de la UCI hasta los 6 meses del egreso hospitalario. La información recabada incluyó datos demográficos y de condición de salud que se recolectaron al ingreso a la UCI, al momento del alta hospitalaria, a los 28 días y a los 6 meses. Además, se evaluó la calidad de vida a partir de su grado de independencia y reinserción laboral o regreso a las actividades normales. Resultados: Completaron el estudio un total de 118 pacientes, 52% de ellos hombres, con una edad promedio de 50 años. La estancia promedio en la Unidad fue de 6,5 días y la estancia promedio de hospitalización posterior a la UCI fue de 6 días. La mayor parte de los pacientes ingresaron por cardiopatía isquémica. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fuera de la unidad de cuidados intensivos fue del 3%, con una mortalidad a los 28 días de un 3%, para una mortalidad global del 14 % a los 6 meses. A los 6 meses, el 64% de los pacientes tenían una reinserción adecuada, 24% tenían problemas en un área, 10% presentaban problemas en dos áreas, y el 1% presentó problemas en 3 áreas. Las mujeres presentaron una mejor tasa de reinserción. Conclusión: A los 6 meses, los pacientes egresados de la unidad de cuidados intensivos presentan un alto porcentaje de reinserción completa a sus labores habituales. Los hombres presentaron mayores problemas de reinserción en relación a secuelas de trauma.
Quality of life of patients who are discharged from intensive care units has become frequent concerns because of the high incidence of cognitive and functional sequel suffered by this population. This paper presents data about quality of life of a group of patients at the time of discharge from our ICU, at discharge from the hospital, and 6 months later. This study was part of a larger investigation that followed patients for total space of one year. Materials and method: An observational, descriptive and prospective study was made and followed patients discharged from the ICU to 6 months. The information gathered included demographic and health status data, that information was collected on admission to the ICU, at hospital discharge and 6 months later. Besides the quality o life from their independence and reintegration or return to normal activities was evaluated. Results: A total of 118 patients were enrolled, 52% were men, and the average age was 50 years.The average stay in the unit was 6.5 days and the post-ICU average hospital stay was 6 days. Most patients sufered of ischemic heart disease. The in-hospital mortality but outside of intensive care unit was 3%, another 3% at 28 days and overall mortality at 6 months was 14%. Women had a better rate of reintegration. Conclusion: At 6 months, patients discharged from the intensive care unit have a high percentage of their reintegration to normal activities. Men had more problems with reintegration in relation to sequelae of trauma.
Quality of life of patients who are discharged from intensive care units has become frequent concerns because of the high incidence of cognitive and functional sequel suffered by this population. This paper presents data about quality of life of a group of patients at the time of discharge from our ICU, at discharge from the hospital, and 6 months later. This study was part of a larger investigation that followed patients for total space of one year. Materials and method: An observational, descriptive and prospective study was made and followed patients discharged from the ICU to 6 months. The information gathered included demographic and health status data, that information was collected on admission to the ICU, at hospital discharge and 6 months later. Besides the quality o life from their independence and reintegration or return to normal activities was evaluated. Results: A total of 118 patients were enrolled, 52% were men, and the average age was 50 years.The average stay in the unit was 6.5 days and the post-ICU average hospital stay was 6 days. Most patients sufered of ischemic heart disease. The in-hospital mortality but outside of intensive care unit was 3%, another 3% at 28 days and overall mortality at 6 months was 14%. Women had a better rate of reintegration. Conclusion: At 6 months, patients discharged from the intensive care unit have a high percentage of their reintegration to normal activities. Men had more problems with reintegration in relation to sequelae of trauma.
Palabras clave
Calidad de vida, cuidados intensivos, sobrevida