Crecimiento del guapote tigre, Cichlasoma managuense (Pisces: Cichlidae) bajo régimen de cultivo intensivo en estanques de tierra
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Günther, Jorge
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se reportan los resultados de un ensayo de crecimiento de 300 días de duración con guapote tigre (Cichlasoma managuense) con una densidad de 2.5 peces/m2 en estanques de tierra y en régimen de cultivo intensivo. Se observó una marcada diferencia en el crecimiento de machos y hembras, con un peso promedio final de 246.7 g en machos y 122.5 g en hembras. El peso máximo alcanzado fue de 400 g. El guapote tigre no pudo controlar su propia reproducción en estas condiciones, ya que al final del experimento se colectaron cientos de alevines. Para futuros ensayos comerciales de creci miento con guapote tigre se recomienda utilizar solamente poblaciones monosexo macho.
The jaguar cichlid (Cichlasoma managuense) was cultured for 300 days in twa earthen ponds (2.4 fishlm') with artificial diets. There was a marked grawth difference between males (mean weight 246.7 g after 300 days) and females (122.5 g). The highest weight attained in this period was abaut 400 g. The jaguar guapote was nat able to control its own reproduction, since at the end of the experiment hundreds of fry were coJIected. Further triaIs shouId be canducted with maIe monosex papulations onIy.
The jaguar cichlid (Cichlasoma managuense) was cultured for 300 days in twa earthen ponds (2.4 fishlm') with artificial diets. There was a marked grawth difference between males (mean weight 246.7 g after 300 days) and females (122.5 g). The highest weight attained in this period was abaut 400 g. The jaguar guapote was nat able to control its own reproduction, since at the end of the experiment hundreds of fry were coJIected. Further triaIs shouId be canducted with maIe monosex papulations onIy.