Revista de Biología Tropical
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Ítem Downstream effects of hydropower production on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two rivers in Costa Rica(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2014) Chaves Ulloa, Ramsa; Umaña Villalobos, Gerardo; Springer Springer, MonikaDespite the fact that little is known about the consequences of hydropower production in tropical areas, many large dams (>15m high) are currently under construction or consideration in the tropics. We researched the effects of large hydroelectric dams on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two Costa Rican rivers. We measured physicochemical characteristics and sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates from March 2003 to March 2004 in two dammed rivers, Peñas Blancas and San Lorenzo, as well as in the undammed Chachagua River. Sites above and below the dam had differences in their physicochemical variables, with wide variation and extreme values in variables measured below the dam in the San Lorenzo River. Sites below the dams had reduced water discharges, velocities, and depths when compared with sites above the dams, as well as higher temperatures and conductivity. Sites above dams were dominated by collector-gatherer-scrapers and habitat groups dominated by swimmer-clingers, while sites below dams had a more even representation of groups. In contrast, a comparison between two sites at different elevation in the undammed river maintained a similar assemblage composition. Tributaries might facilitate macroinvertebrate recovery above the turbine house, but the assemblage below the turbine house resembled the one below the dam. A massive sediment release event from the dam decreased the abundance per sample and macroinvertebrate taxa below the dam in the Peñas Blancas River. Our study illustrates the effects of hydropower production on neotropical rivers, highlighting the importance of using multiple measures of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure for assessing this type of environmental impact.Ítem Historia Social de la Ciencia: "Moluscos de la Isla del Coco" (1935) de Paul Biolley(2020) Díaz Bolaños, Ronald EduardoIntroduction: The paper “Moluscos de la Isla del Coco” (Mollusks of Cocos Island) published in the Revista del Colegio Superior de Señoritas (1935) is the translation to Spanish of one of the last works of Paul Biolley Matthey (1862-1908), Swiss naturalist that lived in Costa Rica. This article was one product of a malacological research carried out during a scientific expedition organized by the ‘Instituto FísicoGeográfico Nacional de Costa Rica’ (IFGN) in 1902 to Cocos Island, at a time when the country claimed its sovereignty both in this territory. Objective: To analyze the contributions of the article “Moluscos de la Isla del Coco” from the Social History of Science approach. Methods: Most of the researches that have applied this approach in Costa Rica analyze processes of institutionalization of scientific disciplines. The methodology used in these works was very useful for the analysis of the Biolley article, together with the information of historical data provided by other texts about Cocos Island and the development of scientific research in Costa Rica from a temporal perspective. In addition, tables were made to synthesize the classification of the species and genera studied by Biolley in Cocos Island to identify their provenance and the habitat in which they lived. Results: This study of Biolley constitutes a text of interest from the point of view of the Social History of Science, due to the descriptions it offers of the physical conditions of the territory of Cocos Island, of the different species of mollusks located in them and to the exchange of information with national and foreign scientists that show the participation of Biolley in scientific networks. Conclusions: The analysis of the information with the Social History of Science approach, concludes that the compilation of the flora and fauna permits a greater knowledge of the natural resources of the explored territories, in order to colonize them and integrate them into the economic dynamics of the Central Valley of Costa Rica. However, attempts colonize Cocos Island failed given the distance between this and the continent, in addition to the topographic conditions that prevent the permanent establishment of human populations and their productive activities.Ítem Consumo de embutidos en mujeres costarricenses: efecto del nivel socioeconómico(2021) Santamaría Ulloa, Carolina; Bekelman, Traci A.Introducción: El consumo de embutidos se ha asociado con serios problemas de salud que son comunes entre la población femenina. En el 2015 la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación en Cáncer clasificó los embutidos, como carcinógenos para los seres humanos ya que su ingesta está relacionada con el cáncer colorrectal. El aumento en el consumo de embutidos, los cuales son un alimento fuente de proteína de bajo costo, es diferencial según nivel socioeconómico y puede tener un impacto en la incidencia de enfermedades crónicas en la población. Objetivo: examinar la asociación entre el consumo de embutidos y (a) la ingesta total de proteína, (b) la ingesta inadecuada de proteína, según NSE. Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra (N = 135) de mujeres de 25 a 45 años, con 1 a 4 hijos, pertenecientes a tres diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, residentes de dos cantones del Gran Área Metropolitana de San José, Costa Rica, entre junio 2014 y marzo 2015. Mediante el uso de fotografías se indagó la percepción de las mujeres en cuanto al costo y su preferencia de consumo de 12 distintos alimentos, entre los cuales se incluyó los embutidos. Por medio de recordatorios alimentarios de 24 horas recolectados en tres visitas diferentes, y el uso de la base de datos de composición de alimentos ValorNut, se midió el consumo de proteína total en gramos y se determinó la cantidad promedio de veces por día que las mujeres consumen embutidos. A partir del peso de cada participante se determinó su requerimiento de proteína. La ingesta inadecuada de proteína se estimó como la diferencia entre el requerimiento y la ingesta observada. Mediante un modelo de regresión lineal se determinó la asociación entre el consumo total de proteína medido en gramos y la cantidad de veces por día que se ingiere embutidos. Mediante un modelo de regresión logística se estimó la asociación entre la ingesta inadecuada de proteína y la cantidad de veces por día que se ingiere embutidos. Resultados: Los embutidos son percibidos como la fuente de proteína menos apetecible, sin embargo, fue la tercera fuente de proteína más consumida. El consumo de embutidos difiere según NSE (P < 0.01), en el alto NSE es donde se consumen con menor frecuencia. Los embutidos más comúnmente consumidos fueron mortadela (bajo NSE), salchichón (NSE medio), y jamón de pavo (alto NSE). El consumo de embutidos se asocia significativamente con un incremento en la ingesta de proteína. Se encontró una asociación inversa entre el NSE y la ingesta inadecuada de proteína. Conclusiones: El consumo de embutidos está asociado con el nivel socioeconómico. Es probable que las mujeres consuman embutidos porque los perciben como un alimento fuente de proteína de bajo costo. Se requiere establecer estrategias educativas que ayuden a las mujeres a identificar sus necesidades alimentarias de proteína y a conciliar estas necesidades con la adquisición de alimentos saludables a un costo aceptable.Ítem Factores edáficos y nemátodos entomopatógenos en un agroecosistema neotropical de banano(2020-02-03) Vidaurre Barahona, Daniela; Rodríguez Morales, Alejandro; Uribe Lorío, LidiethIntroduction: In Costa Rica the banana is one of the most important crops in terms of production and exports; the application of pesticides is hence necessary to control the effect of pests on the plantation, such as the Cosmopolites sordidus black weevil. Because of the harmful effects of pesticides on human and environmental health, and the possibility that pests become resistant to these substances, alternatives compatible with the environment, as potential biological controllers, have been investigated to complement the effect of agrochemicals. The entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) of genera Heterorhabditis and Steinernema have become a focus of study in the field of biological control because of their symbiotic relation with bacteria of genera Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus, which are a complex capable of eliminating host insects in hours. Objective: The objective was to determine the presence of EPN of genera Heterorhabditis and Steinernema in soil samples taken from banana plantations in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica, and to characterize their habitat. Methods: Sampling points were selected within the plantations and surrounding areas; physicochemical and microbiological analyses were undertaken (pH, acidity, organic matter, Ca, K, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, texture, biomass and microbial respiration of the soil, EPN isolation). Variables were analyzed statistically to determine differences between them, in sampling sites, and samples with presence and absence of EPN. A principal-component analysis (PCA) was undertaken using the variables of greater influence in both categories to find their combinations that would explain their presence according to habitat conditions. A discriminant analysis was undertaken to determine the efficiency of the variables selected in the diagnosis of nematode occurrence. Results: The variables related to the presence of EPN were shown to correspond to organic matter, carbon biomass and microbial respiration. Of the samples 38.4 % were found to be positive with respect to the presence of EPN, of which 95 % correspond to genus Steinernema and the remaining 5 % to Heterorhabditis. According to the quadratic discriminant equation, from 81.2 % of the samples without nematodes, six belong to the group with their presence, whereas for those with EPN, 55.0 % (nine of 20) belong to the absence group. Conclusions: No statistical difference was found between the selected sampling habitats (P = 0.4296); the three variables mentioned above were thus determined have an influence on the presence of EPN; their large values indicate favorable conditions for their persistence.Ítem Independent evolutionary lineage of the clingfish Gobiesox adustus (Gobiesocidae) from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica(2020-03-24) Torres Hernández, Eloisa; Betancourt Resendes, Isai; Díaz Jaimes, Píndaro; Angulo Sibaja, Arturo; Espinoza, Eduardo; Domínguez Domínguez, OmarIntroduction: Isla del Coco is an important protected area for marine fauna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In this area, the species that inhabit the intertidal zone have been subject to few studies. One of the species inhabiting these areas is the clingfish Gobiesox adustus (Gobiesocidae). Objective: To analyze for the first time the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) of G. adustus’ population from Isla del Coco and compare it with those of continental coast of Costa Rica and Ecuador. Methods: We constructed a haplotype network for these samples. Genetic diversity, distance and structure were calculated by several software. The historical demography of Isla del Coco samples was assessed with the method Bayesian skyline plot as implemented in BEAST2. Results: The samples segregate into three haplogroups: one consisting of the Isla del Coco samples, a second consisting of a subset of the Ecuador samples, and a third consisting of Costa Rica and the remaining Ecuador samples. The genetic distances between the three haplogroups range between 1.6% and 2.1% (uncorrected p-distance), and pairwise ΦST and AMOVA results between the three haplogroups show high and significant values. Conclusions: The Isla del Coco haplogroup showed a Pleistocene population growth, which agrees with demographic patterns found in other marine organisms. The history of isolation of the G. adustus population from Isla del Coco demonstrates the evolutionary independence of this population.Ítem Distribución y abundancia de larvas del pez Katsuwonus pelamis (Perciformes: Scombridae) en el Golfo de México, 1982-1992(Universidad de Costa Rica) Guevara Rascado, María de Lourdes; Cerecedo Escudero, José Luis; Sánchez Regalado, RamónÍtem The recent collapse of a rapid phase-shift reversal on a Jamaican north coast coral reef after the 2005 bleaching event(Universidad de Costa Rica) Quinn, N.J.; Kojis, B.L.Ítem Actividad fagodisuasiva de las plantas Tithonia diversifolia y Montanoa hibiscifolia (Asteraceae) sobre adultos del insecto plaga Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)(Universidad de Costa Rica) Bagnarello, Gina; Hilje Quirós, Luko; Bagnarello, Vanessa; Cartín, Víctor; Calvo, MarcoÍtem Comunidad de arañas (Arachnida, Araneae) del cultivo de alfalfa (Medicago sativa) en Buenos Aires, Argentina(Universidad de Costa Rica) Armendano, Andrea; González, AldaÍtem Isolation and characterization of infectious Vibrio sinaloensis strains from the Pacific shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae)(Universidad de Costa Rica) Flores Miranda, Ma. del Carmen; Luna González, Antonio; Campa Córdova, Angel Isidro; Fierro Coronado, Jesús A.; Partida Arangure, Blanca O.; Pintado, José; González Ocampo, Héctor AbelardoÍtem Phenology and recruitment of Caryocar costaricense (Caryocaceae), an endemic tree species of Southern Central America(Universidad de Costa Rica) Solís, Silvia; Lobo Segura, Jorge Arturo; Grimaldo, MayoriÍtem Sistemas de producción de Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae) en el centro-occidente de México(Universidad de Costa Rica) Ramírez Hernández, Blanca C.; Pimienta Barrios, Eulogio; Castellanos Ramos, Javier Zaragoza; Muñoz Urias, Alejandro; Palomino Hasbach, Guadalupe; Pimineta Barrios, EnriqueÍtem Glandular trichomes in Connarus suberosus (Connaraceae): distribution, structural organization and probable functions.(Universidad de Costa Rica) Donizete Denardi, João; Trombert Oliveira, Denise María; Sousa Paiva, Élder AntonioÍtem Composición taxonómica y relaciones zoogeográficas de los peces demersales de la costa occidental de Baja California Sur, México(Universidad de Costa Rica) Rodríguez Romero, Felipe de Jesús; Palacios Salgado, Deivis S.; López Martínez, Juana; Hernández Vázquez, Sergio; Ponce Díaz, GermanÍtem Caracterización cariotípica en mitosis y meiosis del robalo blanco Centropomus undecimalis (Pisces: Centropomidae)(Universidad de Costa Rica) Arias Rodríguez, Lenin; Indy, Jeane R.; Ahumada Hernández, Rosa I.; Barragán Cupido, Helen; Ávalos Lázaro, Antonieta A.; Páramo Delgadillo, SalomónÍtem Intraspecific non-sexual interactions of Grammostola schulzei (Araneae: Theraphosidae) under laboratory conditions(Universidad de Costa Rica) Ferretti, Nelson E.; Pérez Miles, FernandoÍtem Variabilidad genética de la bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum (Burkholderiales: Burholderiaceae) en la zona bananera de Urabá (Colombia)(Universidad de Costa Rica) Cardozo, Carolina; Rodríguez, Paola; Miguel Cotes, José; Marín, MauricioÍtem Reproduction of the non-native fish Lepomis gibbosus (Perciformes: Centrarchidae) in Brazil(Universidad de Costa Rica) Santos, Rangel E.; Silva, Tayara P.; Chehayeb, Igor V.; de Magalhães, André L. B.Ítem Thermal parameters changes in males of Rhinella arenarum (Anura:Bufonidae) related to reproductive periods(Universidad de Costa Rica) Sanabria, Eduardo Alfredo; Quiroga, Lorena BeatrizÍtem Estructura y daños en las comunidades de octocorales (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) de la Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba(Universidad de Costa Rica) Olivera Espinosa, Yunier; Hernández Fernández, Leslie; Jover Capote, Abdiel