Estimación de la habilidad combinatoria de híbridos simples y líneas de tomate para mesa (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill) en Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Echandi, Carlos R.
Moreira, Marco A.
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El trabajo se realizó en la Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit M.(EEFBM), ubicada a 84º 6’ longitud oeste y 10º latitud norte en San José de Alajuela, a una elevación de 840 msnm. Los doce híbridos triples se dispusieron en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Los híbridos triples obtenidos por el cruce de cuatro híbridos simples (‘Pik ripe 747’, ‘B-4769’, ‘Olympic’ y ‘DRD8108’) y tres líneas avanzadas de tomate para mesa (‘Neptune’, ‘CL- N1462A’y ‘CLN1466J’) se dispusieron en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Los híbridos simples Olympic y DRD8108 mostraron el mejor rendimiento de frutos comerciales en sus cruces. El híbrido simple Olympic mostró ser portador de una mayor cantidad de alelos favorables tanto para prolificidad como para el tamaño del fruto, mientras que el DR8108, especialmente aportó alelos favorables para mejorar el tamaño. Entre las líneas puras, Neptune fue el material de mejor comportamiento en sus cruces tanto para la producción de fruta comercial como para la sanidad de fruto. El híbrido triple Olympic x Neptune presentó el mejor rendimiento de frutos comerciales seguido por el DR8108 x Neptune. Los progenitores de ambos híbridos triples sobresalieron en cuanto a su habilidad combinatoria general para esos caracteres. Los es- timadores más altos de la habilidad combinatoria específica para el híbrido triple DR8108 x Neptune, denotaron un efecto de heterosis muy importante, condición fundamental para justificar la derivación de líneas genéticamente superiores de tomate.
The trial was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, located at 840 masl in San Jose of Alajuela, Costa Rica. The 12 triple hybrids were set under a Complete Randomized Block experimental design with three replications. The Olympic and DRD8108 simple hybrids showed, in their crosses the highest yields of marketable fruits. Olympic drew favorable alleles for prolificity as well as for fruit size, while DRD8108 contributed favorable alleles for size improvement. The ‘Neptune’ purebred line was the best material for the performance of its crosses for production of marketable fruits as well as for fruit health. The Olympic x ‘Neptune’ triple hybrid showed the best performance as to marketable fruit yield, followed by DRD8108 x ‘Neptune’. The progenitors of both triple hybrids outstood for their specific combining ability for those characters. The highest estimators of the specific combining ability for the DRD8108 x ‘Neptune’, denote a very important heterosis effect, a fundamental condition to justify the derivation of genetically superior tomato lines.
The trial was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, located at 840 masl in San Jose of Alajuela, Costa Rica. The 12 triple hybrids were set under a Complete Randomized Block experimental design with three replications. The Olympic and DRD8108 simple hybrids showed, in their crosses the highest yields of marketable fruits. Olympic drew favorable alleles for prolificity as well as for fruit size, while DRD8108 contributed favorable alleles for size improvement. The ‘Neptune’ purebred line was the best material for the performance of its crosses for production of marketable fruits as well as for fruit health. The Olympic x ‘Neptune’ triple hybrid showed the best performance as to marketable fruit yield, followed by DRD8108 x ‘Neptune’. The progenitors of both triple hybrids outstood for their specific combining ability for those characters. The highest estimators of the specific combining ability for the DRD8108 x ‘Neptune’, denote a very important heterosis effect, a fundamental condition to justify the derivation of genetically superior tomato lines.
Palabras clave
Tomate, Lycopersicon esculentum, habilidad combinatoria, rendimiento, Alternaria, Tomatoes, Lycopersicon esculentum, combining ability, yield, Alternaria