Aplicación de un sistema de información geográfica en la determinación de condiciones hidrológicas y los sistemas hidráulicos del sitio arqueológico Rosa María, cantón Turrialba, Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
Arce Cerdas, Marco Antonio
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Esta investigación genera la aplicación de un Sistema de Información
Geográfica para determinar las condiciones hidrológicas y de los sistemas
hidráulicos del sitio arqueológico Rosa María, mismo ubicado en Turrialba, Costa
Rica. Lo anterior, por medio de la implementación de una metodología
interdisciplinaria donde se interpretan datos obtenidos de distintas ciencias como
la arqueología, edafología, geografía, geología y topografía. Las técnicas
implementadas permitieron realizar el análisis de materiales culturales, restos
macro botánicos, suelos, rocas, así como información propia de la geomorfología
y topografía del terreno donde se ubica el sitio arqueológico.
La investigación se aborda desde el estudio del espacio y su análisis; a
partir de una perspectiva de la arqueología del paisaje centrada en el estudio
convergente de las condiciones hidrológicas, las manifestaciones culturales
antiguas y transformaciones generadas por los grupos precolombinos que
habitaron este espacio y que construyeron 3 sistemas de captación de agua que
posibilitaron la obtención, el almacenamiento y evacuación de tanto el agua
pluvial (que transcurre por el terreno hasta dos estructuras donde se almacena,
usa y evacúa el líquido) como de las aguas subterráneas -que son captadas
desde nacientes u ojos de agua- para su uso y traslado hasta puntos de
evacuación planificados.
Los resultados permitieron identificar las condiciones hidrológicas y
corroborar hipótesis sobre los sistemas constructivos de las estructuras
Esta investigación, buscó proponer por medio de la implementación de
técnicas de Sistemas de Información Geográfica en la mejora de la metodología
de registro que se viene utilizando en la arqueología costarricense siendo pionera
en el uso de varías herramientas de registro; así como, en la integración de los
datos obtenidos.
This research generates the application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the hydrological conditions and hydraulic systems of the Rosa María archaeological site, located in Turrialba, Costa Rica. The foregoing, through the implementation of an interdisciplinary methodology where data obtained from different sciences such as archaeology, edaphology, geography, geology, and topography are interpreted. The implemented techniques allowed the analysis of cultural materials, macro-botanical remains, soils, rocks, as well as information on the geomorphology and topography of the terrain where the archaeological site is located. The investigation is approached from the study of space and its analysis; from a perspective of landscape archeology focused on the convergent study of hydrological conditions, ancient cultural manifestations, and the transformations generated by the pre- columbian groups that inhabited this space and that built 3 water collection systems that made it possible to obtain, store, and evacuate both rainwater (which runs through the land down to two structures where the liquid is stored, used, and evacuated) and groundwater—which is collected from springs—for its use and transfer to planned evacuation points. The results allowed to identify the hydrological conditions and to corroborate hypotheses about the constructive systems of the hydraulic structures. This investigation contributes, through the implementation of GIS techniques, to the improvement of the recording methodology commonly used in Costa Rican archeology, pioneering in the use of various registration tools and in the integration of the data obtained.
This research generates the application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the hydrological conditions and hydraulic systems of the Rosa María archaeological site, located in Turrialba, Costa Rica. The foregoing, through the implementation of an interdisciplinary methodology where data obtained from different sciences such as archaeology, edaphology, geography, geology, and topography are interpreted. The implemented techniques allowed the analysis of cultural materials, macro-botanical remains, soils, rocks, as well as information on the geomorphology and topography of the terrain where the archaeological site is located. The investigation is approached from the study of space and its analysis; from a perspective of landscape archeology focused on the convergent study of hydrological conditions, ancient cultural manifestations, and the transformations generated by the pre- columbian groups that inhabited this space and that built 3 water collection systems that made it possible to obtain, store, and evacuate both rainwater (which runs through the land down to two structures where the liquid is stored, used, and evacuated) and groundwater—which is collected from springs—for its use and transfer to planned evacuation points. The results allowed to identify the hydrological conditions and to corroborate hypotheses about the constructive systems of the hydraulic structures. This investigation contributes, through the implementation of GIS techniques, to the improvement of the recording methodology commonly used in Costa Rican archeology, pioneering in the use of various registration tools and in the integration of the data obtained.
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