Intervención de Enfermería en Salud Mental, para fortalecer las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés, que posee un grupo de mujeres jefas de hogar: una experiencia de sistematización. Purral de Goicoechea 2016
tesis de maestría
Luna Picado, Evelyn Viviana
Rojas Leal, Patricia Lilliana
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El presente documento es el informe de la TFIA correspondiente a un Proceso
de Sistematización, en el que se realizó una intervención de enfermería en
Salud Mental con un grupo de mujeres jefas de hogar, procedentes de
Guadalupe, Purral de Goicoechea, en el año 2016; la orientación que se buscó
en dicho proceso fue dirigirlo hacia el afrontamiento del estrés de las
participantes en un sector urbano marginal. Cuyo objetivo fue determinar el
impacto en su salud mental, a raíz de las diferentes adversidades que las
mismas se encontraban vivenciando; y así lograr afrontar adecuadamente las
situaciones de estrés del medio en que se desenvuelven.
La metodología utilizada es cualitativa, se valora las necesidades de la
población participante, mediante un Pre-test y la observación no participante.
Se trabaja con el Modelo de Sistemas de Betty Newman y la teoría del
afrontamiento del estrés de Lazarus y el manejo terapéutico de Semerari. A
raíz de la información recolectada, se realizó el Proceso de Enfermería
mediante sus distintas fases: la fase de valoración con el respectivo análisis y
tabulación de los resultados obtenidos en el Perfil de entrada, identificando las
necesidades de esta población, estableciendo los diagnósticos de Enfermería,
posteriormente se dio inicio con la etapa de planificación del Proceso de
Enfermería para luego pasar a la fase de Implementación, y finalmente con la
fase de Evaluación. Se concluye que, en el ser humano el género es un
elemento modificador para el contexto social y personal, ya que por pertenecer
a uno u otro género la visión de mundo y expectativas sociales son diferentes,
marcando una gran diferencia en la forma en que cada persona logra afrontar
el estrés en el diario vivir. Se evidencia que el factor que genera mayor nivel de
estrés en las participantes es el desempeñar el rol de mujeres jefas de hogar,
encargadas de llevar el sustento diario a los hogares y por ser las responsables
de velar por una adecuada dinámica familiar. Por lo anterior, se demuestra
como la intervención del profesional de enfermería en salud mental fue
elemental para lograr brindar herramientas para el afrontamiento adecuado de
las situaciones de estrés de su diario vivir.
This document corresponds to a Systematization Process, in which a Mental Health nursing intervention was carried out with a group of women heads of household, from Guadalupe, Purral of Goicoechea, in 2016; The orientation sought in this process was to direct it towards coping with the stress of the participants in a marginal urban sector. Whose objective was to determine the impact on their mental health, because of the different adversities that they were experiencing; and thus, manage to adequately face the stressful situations of the environment in which they developed. The methodology used is qualitative, the needs of the participating population are assessed through a Pre-test and non-participant observation. It works with Betty Newman's Systems Model and Lazarus's theory of stress, using the Semerari's therapeutic management. As a result of the information collected, the respective analysis and tabulation of the results obtained was carried out, identifying the needs of this population, subsequently, the planning stage of the Nursing Process began with the move on the Implementation phase, and finally with the Evaluation and feedback phase. It is concluded that, in the human being, gender is a modifying element for the social and personal context, since by belonging to one gender or another, the worldview and social expectations are different, marking a great difference in the way in which each person manages to cope with stress in daily life. It is evidenced that the factor that generates the highest level of stress in the participants is playing the role of women heads of households, in charge of bringing daily sustenance to the homes and for being responsible for ensuring adequate family dynamics. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the intervention of the nursing professional in mental health was elementary to provide tools for adequate management with stressful situations in their daily lives.
This document corresponds to a Systematization Process, in which a Mental Health nursing intervention was carried out with a group of women heads of household, from Guadalupe, Purral of Goicoechea, in 2016; The orientation sought in this process was to direct it towards coping with the stress of the participants in a marginal urban sector. Whose objective was to determine the impact on their mental health, because of the different adversities that they were experiencing; and thus, manage to adequately face the stressful situations of the environment in which they developed. The methodology used is qualitative, the needs of the participating population are assessed through a Pre-test and non-participant observation. It works with Betty Newman's Systems Model and Lazarus's theory of stress, using the Semerari's therapeutic management. As a result of the information collected, the respective analysis and tabulation of the results obtained was carried out, identifying the needs of this population, subsequently, the planning stage of the Nursing Process began with the move on the Implementation phase, and finally with the Evaluation and feedback phase. It is concluded that, in the human being, gender is a modifying element for the social and personal context, since by belonging to one gender or another, the worldview and social expectations are different, marking a great difference in the way in which each person manages to cope with stress in daily life. It is evidenced that the factor that generates the highest level of stress in the participants is playing the role of women heads of households, in charge of bringing daily sustenance to the homes and for being responsible for ensuring adequate family dynamics. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the intervention of the nursing professional in mental health was elementary to provide tools for adequate management with stressful situations in their daily lives.
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