Propuesta de un Plan de Mercadeo para la Agencia de Aduanas Lilliana Irías Carvajal
tesis de maestría
Chen Hu, Peiran
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Se realizó una propuesta de un plan de mercadeo para la Agencia de Aduanas
Lilliana Irías Carvajal, con el objetivo de recopilar información necesaria del mercado
pertinente para desarrollar una propuesta de plan estratégico de mercadeo, con el
fin de mejorar la estrategia comercial de la agencia de aduanas dentro de la Gran
Área Metropolitana (GAM).
Se realizó una descripción de la agencia, así como un análisis detallado de su
estado actual, con el fin de establecer un panorama general de su operación. Por lo
que se hace referencia a la información histórica de la agencia, como el servicio que
brinda y aspectos importantes como la misión, visión y cultura organizacional.
Se determinaron las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de la
Agencia de Aduanas Lilliana Irías Carvajal, lo cual permitió establecer la dirección
a seguir para el planteamiento de la propuesta del plan de mercadeo para dicha
Dentro de las etapas para el análisis del mercado, las necesidades del consumidor
y el posicionamiento actual de la empresa en cuestión, se condujo una investigación
de mercados enfocada en los clientes, no clientes y clientela pasada de la Agencia
de Aduanas Lilliana Irías Carvajal. También se realizó un análisis de benchmarking
de la competencia. Asimismo, esta investigación realiza un estudio aleatorio simple
con enfoque mixto; para ello, se empleó un cuestionario detallado como instrumento
de recopilación de datos, el cual se aplicó con el propósito de medir el alcance y se
complementó con un método de investigación cualitativa, donde se realizaron
entrevistas a profundidad, con el fin de concluir la investigación exploratoria.
Las propuestas planteadas serán instrumentos valiosos para impulsar las mejoras
en la participación de mercado y el posicionamiento de la agencia en el mercado.
Para finalizar, se presentan las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones
derivadas del desarrollo de la propuesta, que servirán de guía para la toma de
decisiones y planes de acción por parte de la Agencia de Aduanas Lilliana Irías
A proposal for a marketing plan for the customs agency Lilliana Irías Carvajal was made with the objective of gathering the necessary information from the relevant market to develop a strategic marketing plan, in order to improve the commercial strategy of the customs agency within the greater metropolitan area. A description of the agency was made, as well as a detailed analysis of its current status in order to establish an overview of its operation. This included historical information on the agency, such as the service it provides and important aspects such as its mission, vision and organizational culture, among others. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Lilliana Irías Carvajal customs agency were determined, which made it possible to establish the direction to follow for the proposal of the marketing plan for the agency. Within the stages for the analysis of the market, consumer needs and the current positioning of the company in question, market research focused on customers, non customers, and past customers of the customs agency Lilliana Irías Carvajal was conducted. A benchmarking analysis of the competition was also conducted. This research is composed by factors of a simple randomized study with mixed approach, by means of surveys through a detailed questionnaire as an instrument of data collection to be able to measure the scope and was complemented with a qualitative research method in which in-depth interviews were conducted, to conclude the exploratory research. The proposals put forward will be valuable instruments to promote improvements in market share and positioning of the agency in the market. Finally, the main conclusions and recommendations derived from the development of the proposal are presented, which will serve as a guide for decision-making and action plans for the Lilliana Irías Carvajal customs agency.
A proposal for a marketing plan for the customs agency Lilliana Irías Carvajal was made with the objective of gathering the necessary information from the relevant market to develop a strategic marketing plan, in order to improve the commercial strategy of the customs agency within the greater metropolitan area. A description of the agency was made, as well as a detailed analysis of its current status in order to establish an overview of its operation. This included historical information on the agency, such as the service it provides and important aspects such as its mission, vision and organizational culture, among others. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Lilliana Irías Carvajal customs agency were determined, which made it possible to establish the direction to follow for the proposal of the marketing plan for the agency. Within the stages for the analysis of the market, consumer needs and the current positioning of the company in question, market research focused on customers, non customers, and past customers of the customs agency Lilliana Irías Carvajal was conducted. A benchmarking analysis of the competition was also conducted. This research is composed by factors of a simple randomized study with mixed approach, by means of surveys through a detailed questionnaire as an instrument of data collection to be able to measure the scope and was complemented with a qualitative research method in which in-depth interviews were conducted, to conclude the exploratory research. The proposals put forward will be valuable instruments to promote improvements in market share and positioning of the agency in the market. Finally, the main conclusions and recommendations derived from the development of the proposal are presented, which will serve as a guide for decision-making and action plans for the Lilliana Irías Carvajal customs agency.
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