Cultivo in vitro de yemas axiIares de papaya (Ca- rica papaya L.). III. Efecto de concentraciones de sacarosa, ácido iodolbutírico y ácido naftalenacético sobre el enraizamiento de tallos cultivados in vitro
artículo original
Arrieta, Griselda
Guevara, Eric
Shancho, Guillermo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se estudió el enraizamiento de tallos de papaya provenientes de plantas adultas y cultivados in vitro a través del efecto de concentraciones de sacarosa (1 y 2%), AlB (0,2; 0,5 mg/D, ANA(0,2; 0,5; 1,0 mg/l) y carbón activado (0,2%). El enraizamiento se realizó en dos etapas: 1/ el cultivo de los tallos sobre un medio MS con la mitad de la concen- tración de los macroelementos y conteniendo 1 o 2% de sacarosa y una auxina; y 2/ la transferencia de los tallos ocho días depués a un medio MS neutro conteniendo o no carbón activado y concentraciones variables de sacarosa. Dosis altas de auxina y en particular de ANA promovieron en general la defoliación severa de los tallos. Una concentración de 1% de sacarosa en el medio promovió un mejor enraizamiento. El tratamiento con ANA estimuló el desarrollo de callo en la base de los tallos con o sin carbón activado. El mejor enraizamiento y desarrollo de raíces se observó con el uso de AlB 0,2 mg/l y 1% de sacarosa, seguido por una transferencia a un medio MS con 1% de sacarosa y 0,2% de carbón activado.
The effect of concentrations of sucrose (1 and 2%), IBA (0.2 and 0.5 mg/D, NAA (0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/l) and activated charcoal was studied on rooting of adult and in vitro cultivated papaya stalks. The rooting was conducted in two stages: 1- the cultivation of stalks on a MS medium with half the concentration of macro-elements and containing 1 or 2 % of sucrose and one auxin, and 2- the transfer of the stalks eight days later to a neutral MS medium containing, or not, activated charcoal and variable concentrations of sucrose. In general, high doses of auxins and particularly NAA caused asevere stalk defoliation. A 1 % sucrose concentration in the medium promoted a better rooting. The treatment with NAA stimulated to form a callus at the base of the stalks, with orwithout the activated charcoal. The best rooting and root growth was observed with the use of IBA 0.2 mg/l and 1 % sucrose, followed by a transfer to a MS medium with 1 % sucrose and 0.2 % of activated charcoal.
The effect of concentrations of sucrose (1 and 2%), IBA (0.2 and 0.5 mg/D, NAA (0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/l) and activated charcoal was studied on rooting of adult and in vitro cultivated papaya stalks. The rooting was conducted in two stages: 1- the cultivation of stalks on a MS medium with half the concentration of macro-elements and containing 1 or 2 % of sucrose and one auxin, and 2- the transfer of the stalks eight days later to a neutral MS medium containing, or not, activated charcoal and variable concentrations of sucrose. In general, high doses of auxins and particularly NAA caused asevere stalk defoliation. A 1 % sucrose concentration in the medium promoted a better rooting. The treatment with NAA stimulated to form a callus at the base of the stalks, with orwithout the activated charcoal. The best rooting and root growth was observed with the use of IBA 0.2 mg/l and 1 % sucrose, followed by a transfer to a MS medium with 1 % sucrose and 0.2 % of activated charcoal.
Palabras clave
AlB= ácido indolbutírico, ANA= ácido naftalenacético., Vegetative propagation, in vitro culture, buds, ea rica papaya, plant growth substances, sucrose, IBA, NAA, rooting.