El sitio arqueológico Retes (C-378Re), un hallazgo excepcional en la falda del volcán Irazú durante la fase Cartago (ca. ~1000 d. C.): contextualización geológica, geográfica, cronológica y cultural
artículo original
Alvarado Induni, Guillermo E.
Cavallini Morales, Carolina
Fallas Fallas, Javier
Hurtado de Mendoza, Luis
Granados Bolaños, Sebastián
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Por primera vez se le asigna una ubicación más precisa y contexto geoarqueológico moderno
al sitio Retes (C-378 Re), localizado a una altitud de 2683 m s.n.m. y asociado a la fase Cartago (800-
1500 d. C.) de la secuencia cultural del Valle Central, cuyo único resultado de radiocarbono convencional
disponible hasta el momento proviene de un objeto de madera con una edad calibrada de 995-1006 (1δ) d.
C. En la muestra arqueológica sobresalen los artefactos líticos por su predominancia constituidos de rocas
volcánicas, así como los objetos únicos y extraordinarios elaborados en madera. En estos artefactos se
describió algunas de sus particularidades y se exploró las posibles fuentes de materia prima que, en el caso
de la lítica, al parecer podrían provenir de los terrenos volcánicos cerca de Tierra Blanca y del cerro Alto
Grande de Cartago, a una distancia de 850 m a 10 km del sitio Retes, respectivamente. Mientras que una de las maderas modificadas para elaborar los artefactos, como el cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa), provendría
de los pisos altitudinales bajos a moderados (0-1000 m s.n.m, es decir basal a premontano) del Pacífico
Central y del norte del país; igualmente sobresale el Hesperomeles obtusifolia, utilizado en Sudamérica
con fines medicinales. Con base en diferentes líneas de evidencia arqueológica, como las características,
abundancia y distribuciones de los materiales del sitio Retes, sugieren una función ceremonial o ritual. Sin
embargo, se requiere de más investigación para postular si corresponde con un sector relevancia prehispánica particular, en estas poblaciones de tierras altas de Cartago, como ruta adicional de paso hacia y desde el Caribe.
For the first time, a more accurate location and modern geoarcheological context to the Retes Site (C-378 Re) is assigned. Located at an altitude of 2683 m a.s.l. and associated with the Cartago phase (A. D. 800-1500) of the Valle Central cultural sequence, in which, the only radiocarbon result available so far comes from a wooden object with a calibrated age of A. D. 995-1006 (1δ). The lithic artifacts stand out for their predominance, made from volcanic rocks, as well as the unique and extraordinary objects made of wood. Here, some of their particularities are described and the possible sources of raw material are explored. In the case of lithic artifacts, they apparently come from volcanic rocks near Tierra Blanca and the Alto Grande hill, at 0.85 km and 10 km, respectively, from the Retes site. While one of the woods modified to make the artifacts, such as cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa), would have come from the low to moderate altitude floors (0-1000 m a.s.l, i.e., basal to premontane) of the Central Pacific and the north of the country. The Hesperomeles obtusifolia, used in South America for medicinal purposes, also stands out. Based on different lines of archaeological evidence, such as the characteristics, abundance, and distributions of the materials of the Retes site, they suggest a ceremonial or ritual function. However, more research is required, to postulate whether it corresponds to a particular pre-Hispanic relevance sector, in these highland populations of Cartago, as an additional route to and from the Caribbean.
For the first time, a more accurate location and modern geoarcheological context to the Retes Site (C-378 Re) is assigned. Located at an altitude of 2683 m a.s.l. and associated with the Cartago phase (A. D. 800-1500) of the Valle Central cultural sequence, in which, the only radiocarbon result available so far comes from a wooden object with a calibrated age of A. D. 995-1006 (1δ). The lithic artifacts stand out for their predominance, made from volcanic rocks, as well as the unique and extraordinary objects made of wood. Here, some of their particularities are described and the possible sources of raw material are explored. In the case of lithic artifacts, they apparently come from volcanic rocks near Tierra Blanca and the Alto Grande hill, at 0.85 km and 10 km, respectively, from the Retes site. While one of the woods modified to make the artifacts, such as cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa), would have come from the low to moderate altitude floors (0-1000 m a.s.l, i.e., basal to premontane) of the Central Pacific and the north of the country. The Hesperomeles obtusifolia, used in South America for medicinal purposes, also stands out. Based on different lines of archaeological evidence, such as the characteristics, abundance, and distributions of the materials of the Retes site, they suggest a ceremonial or ritual function. However, more research is required, to postulate whether it corresponds to a particular pre-Hispanic relevance sector, in these highland populations of Cartago, as an additional route to and from the Caribbean.
Palabras clave
Sitio arqueológico Retes, Fase Cartago, Aspectos geográficos, Lítica precolombina, Volcán Irazú, Retes archaeological site, Cartago phase, Geographical aspects, Pre-Columbian lithics, Irazú volcano, RESTOS HUMANOS (ARQUEOLOGIA) - SANTA ROSA (OREAMUNO, CARTAGO, COSTA RICA)