Propuesta de gestión estratégica de crédito y cobro en la empresa Probeta S.A.
tesis de maestría
Castro Vasquez, Johan Rodolfo
Cascante Álvarez, Luzmary del Carmen
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El presente documento consiste en una propuesta de gestión estratégica de crédito y cobro para la empresa Probeta S.A. La investigación se desarrolla como el trabajo final de investigación aplicada para optar al grado y título de Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Gerencia.
La empresa Probeta S.A., históricamente se ha mantenido como líder del mercado en cuanto a soluciones para la industria agropecuaria, sin embargo, la aparición de nuevas tecnologías plantea un reto para la organización que debe adaptarse al nuevo entorno para asegurar su permanencia y liderazgo en el mercado.
Actualmente el mayor problema identificado en Probeta S.A. proviene del manejo de la información en los procesos de inventario, la contabilidad y las ventas ya que actualmente no responde a las necesidades de la empresa, especialmente en cuanto a gestión de cobro.
Estas dificultades operativas han derivado en una gestión de cobro deficiente y por consecuencia el tiempo necesario para el retorno de la inversión ha aumentado. El análisis de datos reveló que actualmente los clientes con pendientes presentan una mora promedio de 632 días cuando lo esperado por la empresa es un máximo de 30 días.
El análisis realizado de las causas raíz de la problemática indica como principales orígenes el atraso tecnológico, la nula estandarización de procesos y el poco conocimiento del personal sobre crédito y cobro.
Como parte del diseño se proponen un rediseño organizacional para Probeta S.A. y la Transformación Digital de proceso de Crédito y Cobro de la empresa. El diseño organizacional contempla la Misión, Visión, Valores estratégicos, Objetivos Estratégicos y Mapa estratégico para cubrir las necesidades actuales de la empresa. La propuesta de TD incluye la renovación de la tecnología, el proceso y desarrollo de los colaborares con enfoque el tema de Crédito y Cobro.
This document consists of a proposal for strategic credit and payment management in the company Probeta S.A. The research is developed as the final applied research work to qualify for the degree and title of professional master’s in business administration and management with an emphasis on Management. The company Probeta S.A. historically has remained the market leader in terms of solutions for the agricultural industry, however, the emergence of modern technologies poses a challenge for the organization that must adapt to the new environment to ensure its permanence and leadership in the market. Currently the biggest problem identified in Probeta S.A. comes from the information used for inventory management, accounting and sales since it currently does not respond to the needs of the company, especially in terms of payment management. These operational difficulties have led to poor payment management and consequently the time required for the return on investment has increased. The data analysis revealed that currently clients with pending payments have an average delay of 632 days when the expected by the company is a maximum of 30 days. The analysis carried out of the root causes of the problem indicates as the main origins the technological delay, the lack of standardization of processes and the staff's little knowledge about credit and payment. As part of the design is proposed an organizational redesign for Probeta S.A. and the Digital Transformation of the company's credit and payment process. The organizational design includes the Mission, Vision, Strategic Values, Strategic Objectives and Strategic Map to cover the current needs of the company. The Digital Transformation proposal includes the renewal of technology, the process and development of collaborators with a focus on the issue of Credit and payment.
This document consists of a proposal for strategic credit and payment management in the company Probeta S.A. The research is developed as the final applied research work to qualify for the degree and title of professional master’s in business administration and management with an emphasis on Management. The company Probeta S.A. historically has remained the market leader in terms of solutions for the agricultural industry, however, the emergence of modern technologies poses a challenge for the organization that must adapt to the new environment to ensure its permanence and leadership in the market. Currently the biggest problem identified in Probeta S.A. comes from the information used for inventory management, accounting and sales since it currently does not respond to the needs of the company, especially in terms of payment management. These operational difficulties have led to poor payment management and consequently the time required for the return on investment has increased. The data analysis revealed that currently clients with pending payments have an average delay of 632 days when the expected by the company is a maximum of 30 days. The analysis carried out of the root causes of the problem indicates as the main origins the technological delay, the lack of standardization of processes and the staff's little knowledge about credit and payment. As part of the design is proposed an organizational redesign for Probeta S.A. and the Digital Transformation of the company's credit and payment process. The organizational design includes the Mission, Vision, Strategic Values, Strategic Objectives and Strategic Map to cover the current needs of the company. The Digital Transformation proposal includes the renewal of technology, the process and development of collaborators with a focus on the issue of Credit and payment.
Palabras clave
Administración, Transformación Digital, Cobro, Estrategia, Credito