Prevención del tromboembolismo venoso en adultos sometidos a cirugía de reemplazo articular de rodilla o cadera, revisión bibliográfica
Jiménez Ramírez, José Ignacio
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La artroplastia de cadera y rodilla es de los procedimientos ortopédicos más
realizados por su potencial para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Una de sus
complicaciones más severas es el espectro de tromboembolismo venoso, que antes de
la tromboprofilaxis se presentaba hasta en 80% de los casos. Avances en la técnica
quirúrgica, protocolos de recuperación y la generalización del uso de tromboprofilaxis,
han causado que la incidencia de TEV han caído significativamente. Sin embargo, aún
no es claro cual opción de tromboprofilaxis es superior en eficacia y seguridad, ni
tampoco como se puede estratificar el riesgo individual de manera objetiva para decidir
en una estrategia de farmacológica. Por lo que el clínico debe tomar en cuenta las
comorbilidades y factores de riesgo del paciente, pero también el perfil de eficacia y
efectos adversos del medicamento, la morbilidad que implica, la adherencia y su costo
efectividad. Solo individualizado el tratamiento se podrán efectivamente minimizar el
riesgo de eventos tromboembólicos y sangrados.
Hip and knee arthroplasty is one of the most performed orthopedic procedures due to its potential to improve people's quality of life. One of its most severe complications is the spectrum of venous thromboembolism, which before thromboprophylaxis occurred in up to 80% of cases. Advances in surgical technique, recovery protocols, and the widespread use of thromboprophylaxis have caused the incidence of VTE to drop significantly. However, it is still not clear which thromboprophylaxis option is superior in efficacy and safety, nor how individual risk can be objectively stratified to decide on a pharmacological strategy. Therefore, the clinician must pay attention to the patient's comorbidities and risk factors, but also the efficacy profile and adverse effects of the drug, the morbidity involved, adherence, and its cost-effectiveness. Only individualized treatment can effectively minimize the risk of thromboembolic events and bleeding.
Hip and knee arthroplasty is one of the most performed orthopedic procedures due to its potential to improve people's quality of life. One of its most severe complications is the spectrum of venous thromboembolism, which before thromboprophylaxis occurred in up to 80% of cases. Advances in surgical technique, recovery protocols, and the widespread use of thromboprophylaxis have caused the incidence of VTE to drop significantly. However, it is still not clear which thromboprophylaxis option is superior in efficacy and safety, nor how individual risk can be objectively stratified to decide on a pharmacological strategy. Therefore, the clinician must pay attention to the patient's comorbidities and risk factors, but also the efficacy profile and adverse effects of the drug, the morbidity involved, adherence, and its cost-effectiveness. Only individualized treatment can effectively minimize the risk of thromboembolic events and bleeding.
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