Propagación de tacaco (Sechium tacaco) mediante esquejes: efecto del ácido indol butírico
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Muñoz López, Karen María
Monge Pérez, José Eladio
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Objetivos: evaluar el efecto de varias dosis de ácido indol butírico sobre el enraizamiento y crecimiento de esquejes de tacaco (Sechium tacaco), en la fase de establecimiento en invernadero. Metodología: se utilizaron esquejes de brote secundario con al menos tres nudos, procedentes de fincas de productores de los cantones de Alvarado y Paraíso, Cartago, Costa Rica. Cuatro dosis de ácido indol butírico fueron evaluadas: 0; 0.15; 0.30; y 0.60mg/esqueje. Los esquejes fueron sembrados en macetas, con turba como sustrato, y se mantuvieron en invernadero por 22 días. Resultados: Diferencias significativas fueron halladas para las
variables peso seco de raíz, porcentaje de enraizamiento, y porcentaje de supervivencia. No hubo diferencias significativas para el cambio de altura de la planta. Los tratamientos 0.30 y 0.60mg/esqueje de ácido indol butírico lograron valores de enraizamiento (51-63%) y peso seco de raíz (27.94-39.51mg/planta) significativamente superiores, con respecto al tratamiento sin ácido indol butírico (5% y 0.20mg/planta, respectivamente). Por otra parte, el tratamiento 0.60mg/esqueje de ácido indol butírico mostró un porcentaje de supervivencia (58%) significativamente inferior, con respecto a los demás tratamientos (84-90%). Conclusiones: El mejor tratamiento para la propagación de tacaco mediante esquejes fue 0.30mg/esqueje de ácido indol butírico, correspondiente a
10,000ppm. La información generada en este estudio contribuye de manera significativa en la elaboración de un protocolo de propagación asexual de tacaco mediante esquejes, a partir de brotes secundarios de plantas madre. Este trabajo constituye el primer informe publicado sobre el efecto de ácido indol butírico sobre esquejes de Sechium tacaco.
Objectives: to evaluate the effect of some doses of indole-butyric acid on the rooting and growth of tacaco (Sechium tacaco) cuttings, in the greenhouse establishment phase. Methodology: secondary-shoot cuttings with at least three nodes were used, from farms of producers in the cantons of Alvarado and Paraíso, Cartago, Costa Rica. Four doses of indole-butyric acid were evaluated: 0; 0.15; 0.30; and 0.60mg/cutting. The cuttings were planted in pots, with peat as a substrate, and kept in the greenhouse for 22 days. Results: significant differences were found for the variables root dry weight, rooting percentage, and survival percentage. There were no significant differences for the plant height change. The 0.30 and 0.60mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid treatments achieved significantly higher rooting values (51-63%) and root dry weight (27.94-39.51mg/plant), compared to the treatment without indole-butyric acid (5% and 0.20mg/plant, respectively). On the other hand, the 0.60mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid treatment showed a significantly lower survival percentage (58%) compared to the other treatments (84-90%). Conclusions: The best treatment for the propagation of tacaco by cuttings was 0.30mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid, corresponding to 10,000ppm. The information generated in this study contributes significantly to the development of a protocol for the asexual propagation of tacaco through cuttings, from secondary-shoots of mother plants. This work constitutes the first published report on the effect of indole-butyric acid on Sechium tacaco cuttings.
Objectives: to evaluate the effect of some doses of indole-butyric acid on the rooting and growth of tacaco (Sechium tacaco) cuttings, in the greenhouse establishment phase. Methodology: secondary-shoot cuttings with at least three nodes were used, from farms of producers in the cantons of Alvarado and Paraíso, Cartago, Costa Rica. Four doses of indole-butyric acid were evaluated: 0; 0.15; 0.30; and 0.60mg/cutting. The cuttings were planted in pots, with peat as a substrate, and kept in the greenhouse for 22 days. Results: significant differences were found for the variables root dry weight, rooting percentage, and survival percentage. There were no significant differences for the plant height change. The 0.30 and 0.60mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid treatments achieved significantly higher rooting values (51-63%) and root dry weight (27.94-39.51mg/plant), compared to the treatment without indole-butyric acid (5% and 0.20mg/plant, respectively). On the other hand, the 0.60mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid treatment showed a significantly lower survival percentage (58%) compared to the other treatments (84-90%). Conclusions: The best treatment for the propagation of tacaco by cuttings was 0.30mg/cutting of indole-butyric acid, corresponding to 10,000ppm. The information generated in this study contributes significantly to the development of a protocol for the asexual propagation of tacaco through cuttings, from secondary-shoots of mother plants. This work constitutes the first published report on the effect of indole-butyric acid on Sechium tacaco cuttings.
Palabras clave
Cucurbitaceae, enraizamiento, esqueje, propagación, Sechium tacaco