Propuesta de modelo de gestión basado en tecnologías de realidad virtual y aumentada como estrategia didáctica en el Colegio Técnico Profesional de Nicoya
tesis de maestría
Obando Zambrano, Beyker Stefan
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El presente proyecto de investigación se enfoca en la propuesta de un Modelo de Gestión para la Implementación de Tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada en el Colegio Técnico Profesional de Nicoya, el propósito de la creación del modelo mencionado radica en la necesidad de incorporar nuevas herramientas a las estrategias didácticas que permitan la introducción de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en los centros educativos.
Por otra parte, es necesario mencionar que la iniciativa de incorporar tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada tiene su esencia en la problemática educativa que vive Costa Rica, donde los procesos educativos deben contar con nuevas estrategias, que permitan a la población estudiantil contar con educación de calidad y, con ello, incorporarlos al mercado laboral con habilidades vanguardistas que los conviertan en agentes de cambio para la sociedad.
Asimismo, el proyecto de investigación busca evidenciar que todo cambio en métodos de enseñanza donde se utilice como herramientas las tecnologías demanda de una planeación previa, no solo en aspectos didácticos, sino también en ámbitos administrativos, ya que si no se cuenta con una estructura o modelo de gestión bien definido, la probabilidad de éxito se disminuye, de igual forma, es necesario entender que la tecnología cambia constantemente y los dispositivos necesitan de mantenimiento y planes de seguimiento que les permitan dar un rendimiento alto en las actividades donde se desea utilizar, por este motivo, la incorporación de un plan estratégico que permita definir con claridad los objetivos institucional, con miras a incorporar nuevas tecnologías es de gran relevancia para el cumplimento de los objetivos en el cambio de desarrollo de un proyecto tecnológico.
Por último, es de gran relevancia aclarar que las tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada no son aplicables para todos los cursos, por lo que su introducción debe realizarse siguiendo una serie de pasos que se encuentran presentes en la investigación. Sin embargo, se logró comprobar que, para el caso del curso de dibujo técnico, su aplicación generaría valor, dada las características de los temarios del curso, asimismo, se logra evidenciar que la institución cuenta con los elementos necesarios para la incorporación de estas tecnologías.
This research project focuses on the proposal of a Management Model for the Implementation of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies in the Nicoya Professional Technical College, the purpose of creating the aforementioned model lies in the need to incorporate new tools to didactic strategies that allow the introduction of information and communication technologies in educational centers. On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that the initiative to incorporate Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies has its essence in the educational problems that Costa Rica is experiencing, where educational processes must have new strategies that allow the student population to have access to quality education. quality and thereby incorporate them into the labor market with cutting-edge skills that make them agents of change for society. Likewise, the research project seeks to show that any change in teaching methods where technologies are used as tools requires prior planning, not only in didactic aspects, but also in administrative areas, since if there is no structure or In a well-defined management model, the probability of success decreases, in the same way it is necessary to understand that technology is constantly changing and the devices need maintenance and monitoring plans that allow them to give a high performance in the activities where they are to be used, for this reason. reason the incorporation of a strategic plan that allows to clearly define the institutional objectives with a view to incorporating new technologies is of great relevance for the fulfillment of the objectives in the change of development of a technological project. Finally, it is of great importance to clarify that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies are not applicable to all courses, so their introduction must be carried out following a series of steps that are present in the investigation. However, it was possible to verify that, in the case of the technical drawing course, its application would generate value given the characteristics of the course syllabi, likewise, it is possible to demonstrate that the institution has the necessary elements for the incorporation of these technologies.
This research project focuses on the proposal of a Management Model for the Implementation of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies in the Nicoya Professional Technical College, the purpose of creating the aforementioned model lies in the need to incorporate new tools to didactic strategies that allow the introduction of information and communication technologies in educational centers. On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that the initiative to incorporate Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies has its essence in the educational problems that Costa Rica is experiencing, where educational processes must have new strategies that allow the student population to have access to quality education. quality and thereby incorporate them into the labor market with cutting-edge skills that make them agents of change for society. Likewise, the research project seeks to show that any change in teaching methods where technologies are used as tools requires prior planning, not only in didactic aspects, but also in administrative areas, since if there is no structure or In a well-defined management model, the probability of success decreases, in the same way it is necessary to understand that technology is constantly changing and the devices need maintenance and monitoring plans that allow them to give a high performance in the activities where they are to be used, for this reason. reason the incorporation of a strategic plan that allows to clearly define the institutional objectives with a view to incorporating new technologies is of great relevance for the fulfillment of the objectives in the change of development of a technological project. Finally, it is of great importance to clarify that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies are not applicable to all courses, so their introduction must be carried out following a series of steps that are present in the investigation. However, it was possible to verify that, in the case of the technical drawing course, its application would generate value given the characteristics of the course syllabi, likewise, it is possible to demonstrate that the institution has the necessary elements for the incorporation of these technologies.
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