Limnología de un Lago Tropical de Alta Montaña, en Ecuador: Características de los sedimentos y tasa de sedimentación
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Gunkel, Günter
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se han realizado estudios sedimentológicos en el Lago San Pablo, un lago tropical de alta montaña, situado en los Andes del Ecuador, a 2 660 m sobre el nivel del mar. El lago presenta características propias de un estado eutrófico y, como consecuencia de esto se ha observado un crecimiento intenso de macrófitas y un hypolimnion anóxico con contenido de sulfitos orgánicos en los sedimentos. A partir de las características físico-químicas de los sedimentos superficiales, se ha podido establecer una distribución homogénea de éstos a lo largo y ancho del fondo de la cubeta. Los perfiles verticales mostraron altos contenidos de fósforo (4.3 g/kg en peso seco) y una baja relación Fe/P (4.0), indicando una deficiente capacidad de retención de fósforo. La tasa de sedimentación pudo ser determinada mediante la aplicación de la prueba de 210Pb, con la cual se obtuvo un valor de 3.5 mm/año. El análisis del contenido de 137Cs no fue significativo debido a los bajos valores obtenidos. Los análisis verticales de sedimentos destacan el incremento de los depósitos de fósforo durante los últimos 110 años, pero este incremento representa el 50% de la concentración previa, lo cual es bastante moderado. En el pasado los ingresos de fósforo al lago también fueron altos, y se debieron a procesos naturales. Los lagos tropicales de alta montaña estudiados en el Ecuador, muestran una tendencia hacia la eutroficación. Este hecho es contradictorio, ya que estos lagos se encuentran en zonas poco pobladas y de bajo desarrollo de la vegetación.
Equatorial high mountain lakes are a special type of lake occurring mainly in the South American Andes as well as in Central Africa and Asia. They occur at altitudes of a few thousand meters above sea level and are cold-water lakes (< 20°C). Relatively little is known about them. A long-term limnological study was therefore undertaken at Lake San Pablo, Ecuador, to analyze the basic limnological processes of the lake, which has a tendency for eutrophication. Sediment quality of San Pablo Lake is given under consideration of horizontal and vertical distribution using sediment cores. Significance of sediments for eutrophication process of lakes is demonstrated using phosphorus concentration of sediments as well as the phosphorus retention capacity of the sediments by ratio Fe/P. Dating of the sediments is done using 137Cs and 210Pb, but the activity of 137Cs in the sediment was very low nearly at the detection level. Sedimentation rate is determined to be 3.5 mm/year and the sediment cores represent about 110 years. P concentration of the sediments is high (~ 5 g/kg dry substance), and P retention capacity by Fe is insufficient (Fe/P = 4). The sediment quality did not change significantly during the past decades, and the trophic state of San Pablo Lake was already less or more eutrophic 110 years ago. The contamination of the lake sediments by heavy metals is insignificant.
Equatorial high mountain lakes are a special type of lake occurring mainly in the South American Andes as well as in Central Africa and Asia. They occur at altitudes of a few thousand meters above sea level and are cold-water lakes (< 20°C). Relatively little is known about them. A long-term limnological study was therefore undertaken at Lake San Pablo, Ecuador, to analyze the basic limnological processes of the lake, which has a tendency for eutrophication. Sediment quality of San Pablo Lake is given under consideration of horizontal and vertical distribution using sediment cores. Significance of sediments for eutrophication process of lakes is demonstrated using phosphorus concentration of sediments as well as the phosphorus retention capacity of the sediments by ratio Fe/P. Dating of the sediments is done using 137Cs and 210Pb, but the activity of 137Cs in the sediment was very low nearly at the detection level. Sedimentation rate is determined to be 3.5 mm/year and the sediment cores represent about 110 years. P concentration of the sediments is high (~ 5 g/kg dry substance), and P retention capacity by Fe is insufficient (Fe/P = 4). The sediment quality did not change significantly during the past decades, and the trophic state of San Pablo Lake was already less or more eutrophic 110 years ago. The contamination of the lake sediments by heavy metals is insignificant.
Palabras clave
lago san pablo, sedimentation rate, 137Cs, 210Pb, eutrophication, ecuador, andes