Arte americanista, peronismo y revolución
artículo original
Litvinoff, Diego Ezequiel
Reyes Santiago, María Florencia
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El presente artículo tiene por objeto abordar la problemática de la identidad americana, a propósito
de la muestra titulada La hora americana presentada en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos
Aires. Partiendo de un marco teórico deleuziano, según el cual el arte tiene como propósito apelar a la
constitución de un pueblo, y vinculándolo con los conceptos de lo hediondo y la fagocitación cultural
que propone Rodolfo Kusch (2007), se postulará la heterogeneidad como el elemento fundamental de
lo americanista. Para ello se tomará en cuenta la diversidad de las obras presentadas en la muestra,
haciendo especial hincapié en dos de ellas, Eva Perón. Arquetipo símbolo de Sesostris Vitullo y Jujuy
de Antonio Berni. En ellas será posible estudiar el cruce entre una dimensión cultural occidental y otra
americana, en donde el pasado y el futuro se difunden en un espacio incierto que, al tiempo que hace
posible la obra, exige un posicionamiento específico por parte del espectador.
This article aims to address the problems of the American identity, with regard to the exhibition entitled La hora americana presented at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. On the basis of a theoretical framework Deleuzian, according to which the art is intended to appeal to the constitution of a people, and linking it with the concepts of the smelly and the cultural phagocytosis proposed by Rodolfo Kusch (2007), we will established heterogeneity as a fundamental element of the Americanist identity. This will take into account the diversity of the works presented in the exhibition, with particular emphasis on two of them, Eva Perón. Arquetipo símbolo of Sesostris Vitullo and Jujuy of Antonio Berni. In them, it will be possible to study the intersection between a Western cultural dimension and another American, where the past and the future are disseminated in an uncertain space which, at the time that makes the works possible, requires a specific position by the spectator.
This article aims to address the problems of the American identity, with regard to the exhibition entitled La hora americana presented at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. On the basis of a theoretical framework Deleuzian, according to which the art is intended to appeal to the constitution of a people, and linking it with the concepts of the smelly and the cultural phagocytosis proposed by Rodolfo Kusch (2007), we will established heterogeneity as a fundamental element of the Americanist identity. This will take into account the diversity of the works presented in the exhibition, with particular emphasis on two of them, Eva Perón. Arquetipo símbolo of Sesostris Vitullo and Jujuy of Antonio Berni. In them, it will be possible to study the intersection between a Western cultural dimension and another American, where the past and the future are disseminated in an uncertain space which, at the time that makes the works possible, requires a specific position by the spectator.
Palabras clave
Identidad americanista, Arte, Política, Berni, Vitullo, Americanist identity, Art, Political