Características nutricionales y fermentativas de ensilados de pasto Camerún con plátano Pelipita
artículo original
López Herrera, Michael
Rojas Bourrillón, Augusto
Zumbado Ramírez, Carlos
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar las características nutricionales y fermentativas de los ensilados
de pasto Camerún con sustitución por fruto inmaduro de plátano Pelipita (Musa ABB). El experimento se desarrolló
entre mayo y setiembre de 2015, se utilizó diseño irrestricto al azar con cuatro tratamientos y tres niveles de sustitución con fruto (15, 30 y 45% peso/peso) y un control (0% de fruto) con melaza (3% peso/peso). Cada tratamiento tuvo cinco repeticiones. Los materiales fueron cosechados y picados en Upala, Costa Rica; la parte experimental se desarrolló en Montes de Oca, Costa Rica. Las mezclas se almacenaron durante sesenta días en bolsas de 5 kg. Los tratamientos con fruto inmaduro presentaron valores de pH y nitrógeno amoniacal mayores que los tratamientos con melaza, también tuvieron concentraciones mayores de carbohidratos no fibrosos y energía. La materia seca solo
aumentó en el tratamiento con 45% de sustitución. Sin embargo, en todos los tratamientos donde se utilizó el fruto se
redujo la concentración de los componentes de la fibra y la digestibilidad de la fibra detergente neutro, esto debido a
un incremento en la concentración de lignina. Los materiales ensilados tuvieron el potencial para producir 1,50-1,70
kg leche/vaca, al consumir 5 kg material verde (MV)/animal, y de 4,40-5,20 kg/vaca leche, al consumir 15 kg MV/
animal, con base en el requerimiento de energía neta de lactancia con una tasa de pasaje por consumo tres veces mayor
que el mantenimiento (3x)
The objective of this research was to determine the nutritional and fermentative characteristics of Cameroon grass silage with replacement of immature Pelipita banana fruit (Musa ABB). The experiment was carried out between May and September of 2015, using a random and unrestricted design with four treatments and three substitution levels of fruit (15; 30, 45% w/w) and one control (0% fruit) with molasses (3% w/w). Each treatment had five replicates. The materials were harvested and minced in Upala, Costa Rica; the experimental part was developed in Montes de Oca, Costa Rica. The blends were stored for sixty days in 5 kg bags. Treatments that used immature fruit presented higher values of pH and ammonia nitrogen, than treatments that used molasses, treatments that used immature fruit also showed higher concentrations of non-fibrous carbohydrates and energy. Dry matter only increased in the treatment that had a 45% substitution. However, in all treatments where the fruit was used, the concentration of the fiber components and the digestibility of the neutral detergent fiber were reduced, due to an increase in lignin concentration. The ensiled materials had the potential to produce 1.50-1.70 kg milk/cow, when are consumed 5 kg fresh material (MV)/animal, and 4.40-5.20 kg milk/cow when consume 15 kg MV/animal, based on the requirement of net breastfeeding energy with a consumption rate three times higher than maintenance (3x).
The objective of this research was to determine the nutritional and fermentative characteristics of Cameroon grass silage with replacement of immature Pelipita banana fruit (Musa ABB). The experiment was carried out between May and September of 2015, using a random and unrestricted design with four treatments and three substitution levels of fruit (15; 30, 45% w/w) and one control (0% fruit) with molasses (3% w/w). Each treatment had five replicates. The materials were harvested and minced in Upala, Costa Rica; the experimental part was developed in Montes de Oca, Costa Rica. The blends were stored for sixty days in 5 kg bags. Treatments that used immature fruit presented higher values of pH and ammonia nitrogen, than treatments that used molasses, treatments that used immature fruit also showed higher concentrations of non-fibrous carbohydrates and energy. Dry matter only increased in the treatment that had a 45% substitution. However, in all treatments where the fruit was used, the concentration of the fiber components and the digestibility of the neutral detergent fiber were reduced, due to an increase in lignin concentration. The ensiled materials had the potential to produce 1.50-1.70 kg milk/cow, when are consumed 5 kg fresh material (MV)/animal, and 4.40-5.20 kg milk/cow when consume 15 kg MV/animal, based on the requirement of net breastfeeding energy with a consumption rate three times higher than maintenance (3x).
Palabras clave
Conservación de forrajes, Cenchrus purpureus, Forrajes tropicales, Aditivos para ensilaje, Ensilaje, Forage preservation, Cenchrus purpureus, Tropical forages, Silage additives, Silage