Análisis de métodos estadísticos para evaluar el desempeño de modelos de simulación en cultivos hortícolas
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Soto Bravo, Freddy
González Lutz, María Isabel
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Introducción. Todo modelo de simulación debe ser calibrado y validado, de lo contrario las conclusiones pueden ser especulativas y erróneas. Los métodos para evaluar modelos de simulación habitualmente se aplican “por costumbre”, evitando entrar en detalles metodológicos básicos, lo cual ha sido causa de que se utilice terminología y simbología que conllevan a la confusión. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los diferentes métodos estadísticos utilizados para evaluar el desempeño de modelos de simulación en agricultura, y así proponer el método más apropiado desde el punto de vista práctico. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron métodos estadísticos basados en el análisis de diferencias y en el análisis de regresión, entre valores medidos y simulados. El análisis de diferencias, incluyó la raíz cuadrada del error medio estándar (RMSE), el error medio absoluto (EMA), el error relativo (ER), el índice de ajuste (d), el sesgo medio del error (MBE) y la eficiencia del modelo (E). En el análisis de regresión se analizó el intercepto, los coeficientes de regresión lineal (b) y de determinación (R2), y los límites de confianza de la estimación. Resultados. El ER, el d y la E, son medidas cuyo objetivo es más la comparación entre diferentes modelos que la evaluación del desempeño de un modelo como tal. La raíz cuadrada del error medio usualmente utilizada para evaluar diferencias entre valores observados y simulados, es diferente al RMSE de una regresión. En los diferentes casos ilustrados con el modelo “Eurotate_N”, demostraron la correcta aplicación práctica del análisis de regresión como herramienta estadística para evaluar su capacidad para simular rendimiento de fruto, humedad volumétrica del suelo, evapotranspiración y materia seca del cultivo de tomate bajo invernadero. Conclusión. El método estadístico propuesto más apropiado para evaluar un modelo de simulación en tomate fue el análisis de regresión.
Introduction. Every simulation model must be calibrated and validated, in order to avoid speculative and inaccurate conclusions. The methods to evaluate simulation models are usually applied “by habit”, without specifying basic methodological details which leads to the use of terminology and symbology that could cause confusion Objective. The objective in the present study was to analyze the different statistical methods employed to evaluate the performance of simulation models in agriculture, and thus propose which is the most suitable from the practical point of view. Materials and Methods. Statistical methods based on difference and regression analysis, between measured and simulated values were analyzed. Regarding the difference analysis group, the used methods were root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), relative error (RE), adjustment index (d), me bianas error (MBE) and the model efficiency (E). In the case of the regression analysis the intercept, linear regression (b) and determination (R2 ) coefficients, and the estimation confidence limits were scrutinize. Results. The ER, d and E, are measures which objective is the comparison between different models to simulate a given variable, instead of evaluating the performance of the model as such. The root square mean error usually used to evaluate differences between observed and simulated values is different from the RMSE regression. The different cases illustrated with the “Eurotate_N” model demonstrated the apropriate practical application of the regression analysis as statistical tool to evaluate its capacity to simulate fruit yield, volumetric soil moisture, evapotranspiration and dry matter in tomato crop under greenhouse. Conclusion. The most appropriate statistical method proposed to evaluate a simulation model in tomato was the regression analysis.
Introduction. Every simulation model must be calibrated and validated, in order to avoid speculative and inaccurate conclusions. The methods to evaluate simulation models are usually applied “by habit”, without specifying basic methodological details which leads to the use of terminology and symbology that could cause confusion Objective. The objective in the present study was to analyze the different statistical methods employed to evaluate the performance of simulation models in agriculture, and thus propose which is the most suitable from the practical point of view. Materials and Methods. Statistical methods based on difference and regression analysis, between measured and simulated values were analyzed. Regarding the difference analysis group, the used methods were root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), relative error (RE), adjustment index (d), me bianas error (MBE) and the model efficiency (E). In the case of the regression analysis the intercept, linear regression (b) and determination (R2 ) coefficients, and the estimation confidence limits were scrutinize. Results. The ER, d and E, are measures which objective is the comparison between different models to simulate a given variable, instead of evaluating the performance of the model as such. The root square mean error usually used to evaluate differences between observed and simulated values is different from the RMSE regression. The different cases illustrated with the “Eurotate_N” model demonstrated the apropriate practical application of the regression analysis as statistical tool to evaluate its capacity to simulate fruit yield, volumetric soil moisture, evapotranspiration and dry matter in tomato crop under greenhouse. Conclusion. The most appropriate statistical method proposed to evaluate a simulation model in tomato was the regression analysis.
Palabras clave
Evaluación estadística, Modelación de los cultivos, Regresión lineal, Análisis de diferencias, Statistical evaluation, Crop modelling, Linear regression, Analysis of differences