La percepción de la Inteligencia Emocional en la formación inicial de maestros en Costa Rica
artículo original
Retana Alvarado, Diego Armando
Anicasio Casiano, Javier
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El objetivo de este estudio es el análisis de la percepción acerca de la Inteligencia Emocional
(IE) de futuros maestros costarricenses al comienzo de su formación en Didáctica de las Ciencias. La investigación se llevó a cabo con una muestra incidental de 62 estudiantes matriculados en las asignaturas de Ciencias en la Educación Primaria I y III del Bachillerato en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El instrumento consistía en un cuestionario tipo Likert denominado Perfil de Inteligencia Emocional. Los datos se sometieron a análisis descriptivo y análisis factorial exploratorio. Los resultados en la dimensión expresión emocional sugieren dificultades en la expresión y regulación de los sentimientos.
The objective of this study is the analysis of the perception about the Emotional Intelligence of prospective Costa Rican primary teachers at the beginning of their training in Science Teaching. The research was carried out with and incidental sample of 61 students enrolled in the subjects of Science in Primary Education I and III of the Primary Education Degree of the University of Costa Rica. The instrument consisted of a Likert type questionnaire called Emotional Intelligence Profile. The data were subjected to descriptive analysis and exploratory factor analysis. The results in the emotional expression dimension suggest difficulties in the expression and regulation of feelings.
The objective of this study is the analysis of the perception about the Emotional Intelligence of prospective Costa Rican primary teachers at the beginning of their training in Science Teaching. The research was carried out with and incidental sample of 61 students enrolled in the subjects of Science in Primary Education I and III of the Primary Education Degree of the University of Costa Rica. The instrument consisted of a Likert type questionnaire called Emotional Intelligence Profile. The data were subjected to descriptive analysis and exploratory factor analysis. The results in the emotional expression dimension suggest difficulties in the expression and regulation of feelings.
Palabras clave
Percepción, Inteligencia emocional, Emociones, Maestros en formación inicial, Perception, Emotional intelligence, Emotions, Teachers in initial training