Características pre-destete de cruces genéticos de bovinos de carne en el trópico seco costarricense
artículo original
Castillo Umaña, Miguel Ángel
López Herrera, Michael
Montero Quirós, Adolfo
Soto Murillo, Henry
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la información de los registros productivos de crías nacidas durante los años 2001 – 2007 de una finca ganadera ubicada en Cañas, Guanacaste. Ahí se evaluaron 3 razas (Brahman. Santa Gertrudis y Simbrah) y sus cruces, los registros fueron recopilados y ordenados en hojas electrónicas, donde se identificaron los animales y se incluyeron otras mediciones calculadas con los datos existentes. Las variables evaluadas fueron peso al nacimiento (PN), peso al destete (PD), Peso al destete a 205 días (Días al destete (DD) -205) y ganancia de peso diaria (GPD). Los terneros de raza pura Brahman tendieron a presentar mayores PN, sin embargo cuando las madres son Brahman puro las crías provenientes de machos no cebuínos tienden a nacer con menor peso, por un efecto propio de las hembras Bos indicus. Los animales Brahman puro presentaron menores PD y menor GPD con respecto a los terneros nacidos de cruces genéticos con Santa Gertrudis y Simmental, debido a un efecto de heterosis materna que estimula una mayor producción de leche, lo que permite una mayor GPD, destetando terneros más pesados. Los terneros nacidos de padres cruzados Bos indicus – Bos taurus, presentan mayores PD y GDP por un efecto de heterosis que beneficia a las crías, permitiendo una mayor adaptación a las condiciones climáticas sin sacrificar la productividad. Los machos en promedio fueron más pesados que las hembras, 1,25 kg al nacimiento y 16,26 kg al destete a 205 días.
The objective of this research was to analyze the records of calves born from 2001 to 2007 from El Laberinto Farm three breeds (Brahman, Santa Gertrudis and Simmental) and their genetic crosses were evaluated, the records were collected and sorted into spreadsheets, where animals were identified, also other measurements calculated with existing data were included. The variables evaluated were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), weaning weight to 205 days (WD) and average daily gain (ADG). Both cows and calves were assigned a breed assimilated so they could be better classified as a racial group. Purebred Brahman calves tended to have higher BW; however when cow is pure Brahman calves from non Zebu males’ calves tend to be lighter, by a specific effect of Bos indicus females. Pure Brahman animals showed lower and less ADG and WW regarding genetic crosses calves born with Santa Gertrudis and Simmental, because maternal heterosis that increase milk production, allowing greater ADG and weaning heavier calves . Calves born to parents cross Bos indicus - Bos taurus, have higher WW and ADG for heterosis effect that benefits breeding, allowing better adaptation to climatic conditions without sacrificing productivity. Males tend to be heavier than females 1.25 kg at birth and 16.26 kg at weaning to 205 days.
The objective of this research was to analyze the records of calves born from 2001 to 2007 from El Laberinto Farm three breeds (Brahman, Santa Gertrudis and Simmental) and their genetic crosses were evaluated, the records were collected and sorted into spreadsheets, where animals were identified, also other measurements calculated with existing data were included. The variables evaluated were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), weaning weight to 205 days (WD) and average daily gain (ADG). Both cows and calves were assigned a breed assimilated so they could be better classified as a racial group. Purebred Brahman calves tended to have higher BW; however when cow is pure Brahman calves from non Zebu males’ calves tend to be lighter, by a specific effect of Bos indicus females. Pure Brahman animals showed lower and less ADG and WW regarding genetic crosses calves born with Santa Gertrudis and Simmental, because maternal heterosis that increase milk production, allowing greater ADG and weaning heavier calves . Calves born to parents cross Bos indicus - Bos taurus, have higher WW and ADG for heterosis effect that benefits breeding, allowing better adaptation to climatic conditions without sacrificing productivity. Males tend to be heavier than females 1.25 kg at birth and 16.26 kg at weaning to 205 days.
Palabras clave
Cruce genético, Ganancia de peso diaria, Peso al nacimiento, Bos indicus, Bos taurus, Crossbreeding, Daily weight gain, Birth weight