Análisis multimodal de textos de campañas preventivas de la salud pública en Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
González Chacón, Marcela
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Esta investigación analizó 156 carteles preventivos de salud en Costa Rica entre 2014 y 2018. Partió de características, clasificación y jerarquía de los recursos para describir el género de campañas preventivas. Los carteles pertenecen al Ministerio de Salud (MS), la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS) y el Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia (IAFA). Las etapas del estudio fueron: recolección del corpus, análisis y sistematización de los resultados; se empleó el software MAXQDA 2020. Metodológicamente, se utilizó la teoría multimodal (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006), y la organización del hecho lingüístico (Charaudeau, 2004, 2006, 2012). Los carteles se clasificaron según instancia de producción y destinatario, y, en su mayoría, incitan a las personas a realizar cambios de conducta relacionados con su salud. Los modelos de análisis empleados fueron: funciones comunicativas, relaciones entre palabras e imágenes y procesos narrativos y conceptuales. El modo verbal predomina, aun cuando los carteles son multimodales, lo cual se manifiesta mediante las relaciones lógico-semánticas y de estatus. Asimismo, los procesos narrativos sobresalen y, fundamentalmente, se exhiben acciones preventivas. Al mismo tiempo, se evaluó el diseño según el sistema MAGEM (s.f.) y la metafunción textual. Se observa el predominio de la relación de elaboración y se identifican casos en los que la composición e integración de modos no transmiten la información efectivamente. Por último, se carece de herramientas y teorías multimodales y es necesaria una alfabetización multimodal para la optimización de campañas y transmisión de mensajes que generen cambios en los hábitos de las personas costarricenses.
This research analyzed 156 preventive health posters in Costa Rica between 2014 and 2018. It takes into consideration characteristics, classification, and hierarchy of resources to describe the genre of preventive campaigns. The posters were created by the Ministry of Health (MS), the Costa Rican Social Security (CCSS), and the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA). The phases of the study were: corpus collection, analysis, and systematization of the results, with the assistance of the software MAXQDA 2020. For the methodology, the multimodal theory (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006), and the linguistic act organization approach (Charaudeau, 2004, 2006, 2012) were employed. The posters were classified according to the most prolific production instance and the most salient target audience; mainly, encouraging individuals to make behavior-related changes concerning their health. The models of analysis used were: communicative functions, text and image relations, and narrative and conceptual processes. The verbal mode dominates, even when all the posters are multimodal, which is manifested through logical-semantic and status relationships. Likewise, narrative processes stand out, primarily exhibiting preventive actions. Simultaneously, the design was evaluated according to the MAGEM system (n.d.) and the textual metafunction. The predominance of the elaboration relationship can be observed, and there are cases where the composition and integration of modes do not effectively transmit the intended message. Finally, there is a lack of multimodal tools and theories, and multimodal literacy is necessary for the optimization of campaigns and the transmission of messages that generate changes in the habits of Costa Rican citizens.
This research analyzed 156 preventive health posters in Costa Rica between 2014 and 2018. It takes into consideration characteristics, classification, and hierarchy of resources to describe the genre of preventive campaigns. The posters were created by the Ministry of Health (MS), the Costa Rican Social Security (CCSS), and the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA). The phases of the study were: corpus collection, analysis, and systematization of the results, with the assistance of the software MAXQDA 2020. For the methodology, the multimodal theory (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006), and the linguistic act organization approach (Charaudeau, 2004, 2006, 2012) were employed. The posters were classified according to the most prolific production instance and the most salient target audience; mainly, encouraging individuals to make behavior-related changes concerning their health. The models of analysis used were: communicative functions, text and image relations, and narrative and conceptual processes. The verbal mode dominates, even when all the posters are multimodal, which is manifested through logical-semantic and status relationships. Likewise, narrative processes stand out, primarily exhibiting preventive actions. Simultaneously, the design was evaluated according to the MAGEM system (n.d.) and the textual metafunction. The predominance of the elaboration relationship can be observed, and there are cases where the composition and integration of modes do not effectively transmit the intended message. Finally, there is a lack of multimodal tools and theories, and multimodal literacy is necessary for the optimization of campaigns and the transmission of messages that generate changes in the habits of Costa Rican citizens.
Palabras clave
carteles preventivos, multimodalidad, análisis multimodal, procesos conceptuales, procesos narrativos, relaciones palabras e imágenes, multimodality, conceptual processes, narrative processes, preventive health posters, text and image relations