Evaluación de carbono fijado en la biomasa aérea de plantaciones de teca en Chahal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala
artículo original
López, Hubert Gerardo
Vaides López, Edwin Estuardo
Alvarado Hernández, Alfredo
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En este trabajo se estimó la cantidad de carbono almacenado en plantaciones de teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) de 14 y 15 años en Chahal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Se generó un modelo de regresión para estimar la biomasa área a partir del método del Instituto Internacional Winrock. Este método consiste en derribar y seccionar árboles de distintas clases diametrales para luego medir las variables: diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP), altura total (Ht), diámetro de copa (DC), diámetro mayor (D1), diámetro menor (D2), largo de la troza (L) y el peso fresco de las ramas, ramillas y hojas de los cuales se obtienen sub muestras para realizar un posterior análisis de laboratorio. El contenido de carbono se estimó en un auto analizador de carbono y nitrógeno y la densidad de madera y el factor de expansión de la biomasa en el laboratorio químico de la Universidad Rafael Landívar, Sede La Verapaz. El modelo de predicción de biomasa del fuste obtuvo un r2 ajustado de 0,89 basado en 2 variables independientes (DAP (p<0,0001) y Ht (p=0,0008)). El carbono almacenado en las edades de 14 y 15 años estudiadas fue de 108,36 y 151,37 t.ha-1 respectivamente.
This research estimated the amount of carbon stored in teak plantations (Tectona grandis L.f.) of 14 and 15 years old in Chahal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The method was a sample collections proposed by the International Winrock Institute and then to generate a mathematical model to estimate the above-ground biomass. The International Winrock Institute method consists of breaking down and sectioning trees of different diametral classes and then measuring the variables: diameter at breast height -DBH-, total height -Ht-, crown diameter -CD-, greater diameter of the log -D1-, smaller diameter of the log -D2-, length of log -L-, branches, twigs and leaves fresh weight and taking sub samples for laboratory analysis. The carbon content was estimated in a self-analyzer of carbon and nitrogen and the wood density and the factor of expansion of the biomass in he chemical laboratory of the Rafael Landivar University, headquarter of La Verapaz. A model of biomass prediction of the stem was estimated, that considered the DBH (p<0.0001) and total height (p=0.0008), with an adjusted r2 of 0.89. The carbon stored in the 14 and 15 years old teak plantation was 108.36 y 151.37 t.ha-1 respectively.
This research estimated the amount of carbon stored in teak plantations (Tectona grandis L.f.) of 14 and 15 years old in Chahal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The method was a sample collections proposed by the International Winrock Institute and then to generate a mathematical model to estimate the above-ground biomass. The International Winrock Institute method consists of breaking down and sectioning trees of different diametral classes and then measuring the variables: diameter at breast height -DBH-, total height -Ht-, crown diameter -CD-, greater diameter of the log -D1-, smaller diameter of the log -D2-, length of log -L-, branches, twigs and leaves fresh weight and taking sub samples for laboratory analysis. The carbon content was estimated in a self-analyzer of carbon and nitrogen and the wood density and the factor of expansion of the biomass in he chemical laboratory of the Rafael Landivar University, headquarter of La Verapaz. A model of biomass prediction of the stem was estimated, that considered the DBH (p<0.0001) and total height (p=0.0008), with an adjusted r2 of 0.89. The carbon stored in the 14 and 15 years old teak plantation was 108.36 y 151.37 t.ha-1 respectively.
Palabras clave
Captura de carbono, Biomasa aérea, Plantación forestal, Teca, Carbon capture, Aerial biomass, Forest plantation, Teak