Redes semánticas sobre la “paz” en un grupo de niñas y niños en edad escolar
artículo original
Alvarado Calderón, Kathia
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El artículo tiene como propósito explorar lossignificados que niños y niñas de edad escolar le atribuyenal concepto "paz". Estos significados construyen realidadese impactan la subjetividad. Se reconoce el papel de lainstitución educativa como una instancia de socialización quepuede construir un discurso y una acción en relación conexperiencias de paz que se dirijan al bienestar colectivo. Se utilizóuna aproximación cualitativa de investigación. En el estudioparticiparon 81 niños y niñas entre los 7 y 9 años de edad. Pararecopilar la información se utilizó la técnica de redes semánticasnaturales de Figueroa, et al (1981) que se ha visto de gran valorpara este fin. El análisis de las redes semánticas proporciona tresdimensiones o núcleos semánticos: la paz ligada a la gestión de lasemociones, como relación de convivencia, y la paz asociada convalores relacionales. Se concluye que la técnica de redes socialeses útil para explorar los significados de palabras complejas como"paz" en población infantil. Por otro lado, los niños y las niñaspiensan la paz como ausencia de conflicto, paz negativa, perointroducen nociones como convivencia y valores relacionales,lo que es importante para el desarrollo de una visión másamplia sobre la paz que incluya comportamientos prosociales yse oriente a la resolución de los conflictos cotidianos.
e purpose of the article is to explore the meaningsthat school-age boys and girls attribute to the concept of Peace,since these meanings construct realities and impact subjectivity.e role of the educational institution is recognized as aninstance of socialization that can construct a discourse and anaction in relation to experiences of peace that are directed to thecollective well-being. A qualitative research approach was used.81 boys and girls between 7 and 9 years of age participated, 42women (52%) and 39 men (48%). To collect the information,the natural semantic networks technique of Figueroa, et al(1981) was used, which has been found to be of great value forthis purpose. e analysis of semantic networks provides threedimensions or semantic nuclei, peace linked to the managementof emotions, as a relationship of coexistence and peace associatedwith relational values. It is concluded that the social network technique is useful to explore the meanings of complex wordssuch as peace in children. On the other hand, boys and girlsthink of peace as the absence of conflict, but notions suchas coexistence and relational values are introduced, which isimportant for the development of a broader vision of peace thatincludes prosocial behaviors.
e purpose of the article is to explore the meaningsthat school-age boys and girls attribute to the concept of Peace,since these meanings construct realities and impact subjectivity.e role of the educational institution is recognized as aninstance of socialization that can construct a discourse and anaction in relation to experiences of peace that are directed to thecollective well-being. A qualitative research approach was used.81 boys and girls between 7 and 9 years of age participated, 42women (52%) and 39 men (48%). To collect the information,the natural semantic networks technique of Figueroa, et al(1981) was used, which has been found to be of great value forthis purpose. e analysis of semantic networks provides threedimensions or semantic nuclei, peace linked to the managementof emotions, as a relationship of coexistence and peace associatedwith relational values. It is concluded that the social network technique is useful to explore the meanings of complex wordssuch as peace in children. On the other hand, boys and girlsthink of peace as the absence of conflict, but notions suchas coexistence and relational values are introduced, which isimportant for the development of a broader vision of peace thatincludes prosocial behaviors.
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