La guerra de los sistemas operativos V1.0
artículo original
López Get, Anthony
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Rev. Reflexiones 89 (2): 61-73, ISSN: 1021-1209 / 2010
Este artículo analiza tres tipos diferentes de sistemas operativos para computadoras —Windows®, Mac OS® y las distribuciones GNU/Linux®— como objetos culturales, desde la ideología, el mito y la cultura material. Se estudia como estos programas de ordenador se erigen como símbolos representativos de diferentes grupos culturales, al reproducir hábitos de consumo, diferenciación social, y discursos hegemónicos, sub y contraculturales, todos dentro del ámbito de los sistemas de producción actuales.
This article analyzes three different kinds of computer operating systems—Windows®, Mac OS® and the GNU/Linux® distributions—as cultural objects, approaching them from the ideology, the myth and the material culture theory. We study the way in which different cultural groups erect these computer programs as representative symbols, reproducing consumption habits, social differentiation and hegemonic, sub and countercultural discourses; all contextualized in the current systems of production.
This article analyzes three different kinds of computer operating systems—Windows®, Mac OS® and the GNU/Linux® distributions—as cultural objects, approaching them from the ideology, the myth and the material culture theory. We study the way in which different cultural groups erect these computer programs as representative symbols, reproducing consumption habits, social differentiation and hegemonic, sub and countercultural discourses; all contextualized in the current systems of production.
Palabras clave
Sistema operativo, Ideología, Subcultura, Cibercultura, Industria cultural, Tecnología de la información, Ciencias de la información