Evaluación de la gestión para la implementación de la alianza público-privada para el desarrollo Alsalus en el Área de Salud de Siquirres tras su primer periodo de ejecución
tesis de maestría
Pereira Calvo, Ann Jeany
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El cáncer de mama es una realidad nacional y mundial, las estadísticas demuestran que es un problema de prioridad para la Salud Pública. Desde el año 2015 el Gobierno de la República a través del Ministerio de Salud decretó la Norma Técnica de atención para el Cáncer de Mama, en ella se designan los lineamientos y protocolos de detección, atención y seguimiento de acatamiento en el territorio nacional. Dicha norma técnica repite el criterio internacional que avala la importancia de crear programas de detección temprana basados en pruebas de tamizaje donde la mamografía ha demostrado ser el método por excelencia para aplicar en masa a las poblaciones en riesgo. En Costa Rica como parte de esta Norma Técnica se establece la creación de un programa de tamizaje que garantice el acceso a mamografía a mujeres asintomáticas de 45 a 69 años cada dos años.
La CCSS como ente ejecutor de las políticas sanitarias en Costa Rica es el encargado de velar por este acceso, por lo que ha creado una Unidad Técnica para realizar estudio técnico que determine la situación país con respecto al acceso. Este estudio técnico determinó la necesidad de crear un programa que brinde atención a comunidades alejadas mediante una unidad móvil con una ruta establecida. De esta necesidad nace la alianza público privada para el desarrollo ALSALUS, que unió actores de diferentes sectores con el objetivo de poner en funcionamiento una unidad móvil de mamografías para dar acceso a mujeres en áreas de salud determinadas.
Esta evaluación pretende valorar la gestión e implementación de las campañas de mamografías en el Área de Salud de Siquirres la cual es una de las áreas de salud que participaron en la iniciativa durante los años 2018 y 2019. Basándose en criterios de Cobertura y Pertinencia con miras a la mejora y al uso de las recomendaciones.
Como parte de la metodología se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas como la encuesta, análisis documental, análisis estadístico, grupo focal y entrevista semiestructurada. La evaluación evidencia la necesidad de cumplimiento de la cobertura y valora las estrategias implementadas para la gestión y ejecución de las campañas y pone en evidencia la aceptación de la temporalidad del seguimiento de los resultados sospechosos de malignidad.
Breast cancer is a national and global reality: statistics show that it is a public health priority. In 2015 the Government of the Republic, through the Ministry of Health decreed the Technical Standard for Breast Cancer Care, which designates the guidelines and protocols for detection and care and monitors compliance in the national territory. This technical standard repeats the international criterion that endorses the importance of creating early detection programs based on screening tests, where mammography has proven to be the method par excellence for mass application to populations at risk. In Costa Rica, as part of this Technical Standard, the screening program was established to guarantee access to mammography to asymptomatic women aged 45 to 69 every two years. The CCSS, as the executing entity for health policies in Costa Rica, is responsible for ensuring this access. Therefore, it has created a Technical Unit to carry out a technical study to determine the country's situation regarding access. This technical study has determined the need to create a program that provides care to remote communities through a mobile unit with an established route. From this need, the public-private alliance for development ALSALUS was born, bringing together actors from different sectors with the aim of putting into operation a mobile mammography unit to give women access in certain health areas. This evaluation aims to assess the management and implementation of mammography campaigns in one of the health areas that participated in the initiative during the years 2018 and 2019, the Siquirres Health Area. It assesses the Coverage and Relevance criteria, with a view to improving and using the recommendations of this evaluation. As part of the methodology, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used, such as a survey, documentary analysis, statistical analysis, focus group, and semi-structured interview. The evaluation concludes there is a need for compliance with the coverage and assesses the strategies implemented for the management and execution of the examination campaigns. It also shows that patients find the length of time it takes to receive test results of the suspicious results of malignancy acceptable.
Breast cancer is a national and global reality: statistics show that it is a public health priority. In 2015 the Government of the Republic, through the Ministry of Health decreed the Technical Standard for Breast Cancer Care, which designates the guidelines and protocols for detection and care and monitors compliance in the national territory. This technical standard repeats the international criterion that endorses the importance of creating early detection programs based on screening tests, where mammography has proven to be the method par excellence for mass application to populations at risk. In Costa Rica, as part of this Technical Standard, the screening program was established to guarantee access to mammography to asymptomatic women aged 45 to 69 every two years. The CCSS, as the executing entity for health policies in Costa Rica, is responsible for ensuring this access. Therefore, it has created a Technical Unit to carry out a technical study to determine the country's situation regarding access. This technical study has determined the need to create a program that provides care to remote communities through a mobile unit with an established route. From this need, the public-private alliance for development ALSALUS was born, bringing together actors from different sectors with the aim of putting into operation a mobile mammography unit to give women access in certain health areas. This evaluation aims to assess the management and implementation of mammography campaigns in one of the health areas that participated in the initiative during the years 2018 and 2019, the Siquirres Health Area. It assesses the Coverage and Relevance criteria, with a view to improving and using the recommendations of this evaluation. As part of the methodology, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used, such as a survey, documentary analysis, statistical analysis, focus group, and semi-structured interview. The evaluation concludes there is a need for compliance with the coverage and assesses the strategies implemented for the management and execution of the examination campaigns. It also shows that patients find the length of time it takes to receive test results of the suspicious results of malignancy acceptable.
Palabras clave
tamizaje, mamografía, cáncer de mama, alianza público- privada