Comprensión de los cambios urbanos en la ciudad de Cartago entre los años 1980 y 2014 para crear una propuesta pedagógica entorno a los procesos de construcción del lugar, con utilidad en el currículum de los estudiantes de décimo y/o undécimo año
tesis de maestría
Núñez Mora, José Otilio
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Esta investigación aborda el análisis urbano del centro de la ciudad de Cartago, catalogado por la Municipalidad de Cartago como el casco histórico. Se valoró particularmente el contexto espacial y los cambios ocurridos entre los años 1980 y el 2014 La delimitación temporal, se justificó por la dinámica que vivió la urbe entre estos años, castigada por la demolición de una gran cantidad de inmuebles con valor patrimonial.
Para lograr un mejor contexto de lo ocurrido fue prioritario revisar los antecedentes que, corresponden con el periodo de la construcción misma de inmuebles históricos, que acontecieron con el terremoto de Santa Mónica de 1910 Asimismo, para el análisis espacial de los fenómenos derivados, se crearon una serie de mapas temáticos Lo anterior, con el fin de comprender el papel estratégico que históricamente enfrentaron las construcciones respecto a su localización en la ciudad, principalmente en lo pertinente a la demolición de viviendas con carácter patrimonial.
Por otra parte, se pretendió dar integridad al tratamiento temático, de forma tal que, se valoraron los elementos geográficos, históricos, económicos, político y socioculturales, los cuales dieron una conformación a las características que posee el centro de la urbe
Este análisis generó los insumos para la creación de una propuesta pedagógica que, puede ser utilizada con los estudiantes de décimo o undécimo año, dados los temas propuestos en los programas del Ministerio de Educación Pública.
Finalmente, con el presente documento se pretende generar un aporte para la creación de proyectos interinstitucionales entre el gobierno local y los colegios del lugar, bajo una orientación enfocada en el ordenamiento territorial, la renovación urbana y la protección de edificaciones con carácter histórico patrimonial.
This investigation deals with an urban analysis in downtown Cartago, categorized by the Municipality of Cartago as the historical center Particular value was placed on the spatial context and the changes which took place between 1980 and 2014. This time limitation was justified because of the dynamic which the city underwent in those years, punished by the demolition of a great amount of real estate with patrimonial value To achieve a better context of what happened, a priority was to check the antecedents that correspond to the very construction period of historical real estate which occurred with the 1910 Santa Monica earthquake Inasmuch, a series of theme-based maps were created for the spatial analysis of the derivative phenomena This was done with the purpose of understanding the strategic historic role that these constructions faced in regard to their location in the city, mainly in what is pertinent to the demolition of housing of a patrimonial nature On the other hand, the intent was to give integrity to the thematic perspective so that the geographic, historical, economic, political, and sociocultural elements were taken into account, which in turn gleaned the makeup of the characteristics contained in the center of the city This analysis generated the tools for the creation of an educational proposal that can be used by tenth or eleventh grade students within the topics provided by the Ministry of Public Education Finally, it is intended that the following document contributes to the creation of cross-institutional projects between the local government and the high schools in the area, under an orientation focused on territorial structuring, urban renewal, and the protection of buildings of a historical, patrimonial nature
This investigation deals with an urban analysis in downtown Cartago, categorized by the Municipality of Cartago as the historical center Particular value was placed on the spatial context and the changes which took place between 1980 and 2014. This time limitation was justified because of the dynamic which the city underwent in those years, punished by the demolition of a great amount of real estate with patrimonial value To achieve a better context of what happened, a priority was to check the antecedents that correspond to the very construction period of historical real estate which occurred with the 1910 Santa Monica earthquake Inasmuch, a series of theme-based maps were created for the spatial analysis of the derivative phenomena This was done with the purpose of understanding the strategic historic role that these constructions faced in regard to their location in the city, mainly in what is pertinent to the demolition of housing of a patrimonial nature On the other hand, the intent was to give integrity to the thematic perspective so that the geographic, historical, economic, political, and sociocultural elements were taken into account, which in turn gleaned the makeup of the characteristics contained in the center of the city This analysis generated the tools for the creation of an educational proposal that can be used by tenth or eleventh grade students within the topics provided by the Ministry of Public Education Finally, it is intended that the following document contributes to the creation of cross-institutional projects between the local government and the high schools in the area, under an orientation focused on territorial structuring, urban renewal, and the protection of buildings of a historical, patrimonial nature
Palabras clave
Costa Rica - Cartago, Costa Rica - Historia, Educación - Pedagogía