Determinación de la presencia de cristales de oxolato de calcio asociados a la enfermedad abiótica conocida como “Mancha Blanca” en Hyloceres costarricenses
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Retana Sánchez, Kenneth
Castro Zúñiga, Oscar
Blanco Meneses, Mónica
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En un estudio del diagnóstico de las enfermedades presentes en el cultivo de la pitahaya (Hylocereus costaricensis), realizado en el periodo 2011-2013, se observó un recubrimiento amarillento endurecido sobre la superficie de tejido joven, el cual avanzó de los bordes hacia el centro del tallo; posteriormente mostró una coloración blanquecina-grisácea, principalmente en cladodios maduros. Se determinó la presencia de cristales de oxalato de calcio asociados a estos síntomas mediante el análisis de tejido afectado por microscopía electrónica, espectrometría de rayos X y difracción de rayos X. Según el análisis foliar, se obtuvo 147% más calcio en cladodios sintomáticos en comparación con tallos sanos. A
través del microscopio electrónico se observaron cristales con forma de rafidio y cubos en material afectado, compuestos de carbono, oxígeno y calcio, principalmente. Mediante la difracción de
rayos X se confirmó la presencia de oxalatos en tejido enfermo. En esta investigación se determinó
la presencia de cristales de oxalatos de calcio asociados a la enfermedad abiótica “mancha blanca”
que afecta la capacidad fotosintética de las plantas de Hylocereus costaricensis en Costa Rica.
A survey of the diseases affecting pitahaya (Hylocereuscostaricensis) in Costa Rica, carried out during 2011 and 2013, a hardened yellowish coating was observed on the surface of young tissue, which advanced from the edges toward the center of the stem and subsequently it took on a whitish-grayish coloration, mainly in mature cladodes. The presence of calcium oxalate crystals associated with these symptoms was determined by electron microscopy, X-ray spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. Calcium oxalate concentration was 147% higher in symptomatic cladodes compared to healthy ones. Electron microscopy analysys showed rafidium crystals and cubes, composed mainly by carbon, oxygen and calcium, in symptomatic material. Moreover, the presence of oxalates in diseased tissue was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. In this research was determined the presence of calcium oxalate crystals associated to the “white spot” abiotic disease that affects the photosynthetic capacity of Hylocereus costaricensis plants in Costa Rica.
A survey of the diseases affecting pitahaya (Hylocereuscostaricensis) in Costa Rica, carried out during 2011 and 2013, a hardened yellowish coating was observed on the surface of young tissue, which advanced from the edges toward the center of the stem and subsequently it took on a whitish-grayish coloration, mainly in mature cladodes. The presence of calcium oxalate crystals associated with these symptoms was determined by electron microscopy, X-ray spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. Calcium oxalate concentration was 147% higher in symptomatic cladodes compared to healthy ones. Electron microscopy analysys showed rafidium crystals and cubes, composed mainly by carbon, oxygen and calcium, in symptomatic material. Moreover, the presence of oxalates in diseased tissue was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. In this research was determined the presence of calcium oxalate crystals associated to the “white spot” abiotic disease that affects the photosynthetic capacity of Hylocereus costaricensis plants in Costa Rica.
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