Implicaciones socio espaciales de los planes reguladores en ciudades intermedias de primer nivel: el caso de Turrialba, Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
Chavarría Campos, Nuria Mónica
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La presente investigación tiene como objeto de estudio, comprender cómo es la evolución de una ciudad intermedia de primer nivel en Costa Rica, que ha crecido al margen de la aplicación de un plan regulador. El caso de estudio es la ciudad de Turrialba, perteneciente al cantón número cinco también llamado Turrialba, ubicado en la provincia de Cartago.
Para el abordaje del caso de estudio, a partir del análisis histórico de las determinantes socio ambientales que han incidido en el crecimiento territorial y delimitación de la ciudad de Turrialba, se extraen elementos suficientes que, en conjunción con el análisis de la normativa vigente, los roles de los diferentes actores involucrados y las fases en el proceso de puesta en vigencia de un plan regulador, el municipio de Turrialba logre identificar las opciones de mejora para superar situaciones anteriores que dificultaron e impidieron avanzar en procura de tener vigente hoy, su plan regulador; lo cual podría ser extensivo al resto de ciudades intermedias de primer nivel existentes en el país.
Posteriormente, se plantean las generalidades del sistema de ciudades del país, conforme se ha definido en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Urbano vigente, se analizan los casos de las ocho ciudades intermedias de primer nivel existentes en Costa Rica y se particulariza en el caso de una de ellas, que es Turrialba. Si bien todo el trabajo hace referencia a las ciudades, como uno de los objetos de estudio de la presente investigación refiere al plan regulador como instrumento de ordenamiento territorial y planificación urbana, cada ciudad intermedia de primer nivel se analiza en el contexto de los esfuerzos cantonales por poner en vigencia planes reguladores por parte de su respectivo gobierno local.
La investigación aborda elementos procurando evidenciar que a lo largo de los años la ciudad de Turrialba se ha expandido conforme al crecimiento de las actividades económicas y las diferentes funcionalidades asumidas. Sin embargo, las características fisiográficas de este emplazamiento junto con aspectos de poblamiento han conjugado diversas situaciones de vulnerabilidad.
En este sentido instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial como los planes reguladores pueden permitir un proceso de expansión urbana más controlado y equilibrado a partir de las características físicas y sociales del medio, pero se debe contemplar que estos instrumentos son productos sociales, de la integración de voluntades de diferentes actores con roles específicos, esto sin condicionar la gestión local del territorio en las ciudades intermedias de primer nivel, pues el instrumento no es percibido como una limitante para generar procesos de planificación local, ni resulta inquietante por sus alcances; lo que verdaderamente condiciona su elaboración, es disponer de financiamiento para tal efecto.
The purpose of this research is to understand the evolution of a first level intermediate city in Costa Rica, which has grown without the application of a regulatory plan. The case study is the city of Turrialba, which belongs to canton number five, also called Turrialba, located in the province of Cartago. For the approach to the case study, based on the historical analysis of the socio-environmental determinants that have influenced the territorial growth and delimitation of the city of Turrialba, sufficient elements are extracted, in conjunction with the analysis of the current regulations, the roles of the different actors involved and the phases in the process of putting into effect a regulatory plan, the municipality of Turrialba can identify options for improvement to overcome previous situations that hindered and prevented progress towards having it’s regulatory plan in force today; this could be extended to the rest of the first level intermediate cities in the country. Subsequently, the generalities of the country's system of cities are presented, as defined in the current National Urban Development Plan, the cases of the eight first level intermediate cities existing in Costa Rica are analyzed, and the case of one of them, Turrialba, is analyzed in particular. Although the entire work refers to cities, as one of the objects of study of this research refers to the regulatory plan as an instrument of land use and urban planning, each first level intermediate city is analyzed in the context of the cantonal efforts to put into effect regulatory plans by their respective local government. The research addresses elements that seek to demonstrate that over the years the city of Turrialba has expanded in accordance with the growth of economic activities and the different functionalities assumed. However, the physiographic characteristics of this location together with population aspects have combined several situations of vulnerability. In this sense, land use planning instruments such as regulatory plans can allow for a more controlled and balanced urban expansion process based on the physical and social characteristics of the environment, but it should be considered that these instruments are social products of the integration of the will of different actors with specific roles, without conditioning local territorial management in first level intermediate cities, since the instrument is not perceived as a limitation to generate local planning processes, nor is it worrying because of it’s scope; what really conditions it’s elaboration is the availability of financing for this purpose.
The purpose of this research is to understand the evolution of a first level intermediate city in Costa Rica, which has grown without the application of a regulatory plan. The case study is the city of Turrialba, which belongs to canton number five, also called Turrialba, located in the province of Cartago. For the approach to the case study, based on the historical analysis of the socio-environmental determinants that have influenced the territorial growth and delimitation of the city of Turrialba, sufficient elements are extracted, in conjunction with the analysis of the current regulations, the roles of the different actors involved and the phases in the process of putting into effect a regulatory plan, the municipality of Turrialba can identify options for improvement to overcome previous situations that hindered and prevented progress towards having it’s regulatory plan in force today; this could be extended to the rest of the first level intermediate cities in the country. Subsequently, the generalities of the country's system of cities are presented, as defined in the current National Urban Development Plan, the cases of the eight first level intermediate cities existing in Costa Rica are analyzed, and the case of one of them, Turrialba, is analyzed in particular. Although the entire work refers to cities, as one of the objects of study of this research refers to the regulatory plan as an instrument of land use and urban planning, each first level intermediate city is analyzed in the context of the cantonal efforts to put into effect regulatory plans by their respective local government. The research addresses elements that seek to demonstrate that over the years the city of Turrialba has expanded in accordance with the growth of economic activities and the different functionalities assumed. However, the physiographic characteristics of this location together with population aspects have combined several situations of vulnerability. In this sense, land use planning instruments such as regulatory plans can allow for a more controlled and balanced urban expansion process based on the physical and social characteristics of the environment, but it should be considered that these instruments are social products of the integration of the will of different actors with specific roles, without conditioning local territorial management in first level intermediate cities, since the instrument is not perceived as a limitation to generate local planning processes, nor is it worrying because of it’s scope; what really conditions it’s elaboration is the availability of financing for this purpose.
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