Conocimiento, Actitudes y prácticas de profesionales en farmacia para la atención de la COVID prolongada desde las farmacias de comunidad privada costarricense
tesis de maestría
Delgado González, Mariana
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Covid-19 prolongado es un término dado a la enfermedad persistente o prolongada
que los pacientes de COVID-19 continúan experimentando incluso en su fase
posterior a la recuperación, que para términos de esta investigación se definió como:
síntomas y dolencias que se desarrollan posterior a la fase aguda de la enfermedad
por COVID 19, la cual es cíclica, progresiva y multifásica y cuyos síntomas persisten
por más de 12 semanas desde el inicio de los primeros síntomas.
Desde el 2020, año en que inició la consideración de este cuadro agudo, se ha
presentado confusión entre el cuerpo científico que analiza la temática dada su
complejidad y baja cantidad de estudios disponibles. Además, la definición de la
enfermedad puede variar en diferentes aspectos y, en muchos casos, se carece de
información sobre el historial de síntomas antes y durante la enfermedad aguda.
La presente investigación analizó el nivel de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas
sobre el COVID-19 prolongado, de farmacéuticos costarricenses que laboran en
farmacias de comunidad privada de todo el país. Para esto se diseñó una encuesta
en línea autoadministrada, utilizando Google Forms, como instrumento de
recolección de datos, contó con un total de 47 preguntas de tipo dicotómicas, opción
múltiple y respuesta breve, difundido por medio del COLFAR y que estuvo
disponible para su cumplimentación por un período de 30 días.
Se obtuvo un total de 227 respuestas, lo que representó un 13,5% de la población
contactada. De los resultados obtenidos se destaca que el porcentaje promedio de
conocimiento de los participantes fue de 70,11%, siendo la calificación mínima un
24,99 y la máxima un 99, 96, con una moda de 74,97.
El análisis de las actitudes reportadas por los farmacéuticos participantes evidencia
una visión positiva hacia la atención en pacientes con síntomas persistentes de
COVID-19. La mayoría de los participantes considera que es oportuno que desde
las farmacias de comunidad se brinde atención a pacientes cuyos síntomas
persisten luego de la infección aguda por COVID-19 y que sí es posible la
identificación de estos casos.
Sobre las prácticas se destaca que los participantes del estudio han identificado
pacientes con sintomatología asociada a COVID-19 prolongado, y se han recibido
consultas específicas sobre el tema. Se identificó que no se brinda una atención
diferenciada si un paciente recuperado de COVID-19 consulta por algún problema
de salud.
En términos generales, este estudio demuestra que el farmacéutico de comunidad,
como personal sanitario de mayor y fácil acceso, está bien posicionado para abordar
las necesidades existentes y emergentes de aquellos pacientes con síntomas
prolongados de COVID-19, Sin embargo, es necesario la actualización y
capacitación en el tema para aumentar y equiparar los conocimientos y estandarizar
los procesos de atención, con el fin de garantizar un adecuado manejo de la
patología desde las farmacias de comunidad costarricenses.
Long Covid-19 is a term given to the persistent or prolonged illness that COVID-19 patients continue to experience even in their post-recovery phase, which for the purposes of this research was defined as: symptoms and ailments that develop after the acute phase of COVID 19 disease, which is cyclical, progressive and multiphasic and whose symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks from the onset of the first symptoms. Since 2020, the year in which consideration of this acute condition began, there has been confusion among the scientific body that analyzes the topic given its complexity and low number of available studies. Furthermore, the definition of the disease may vary in different aspects and, in many cases, information on the history of symptoms before and during the acute illness is lacking. The present research analyzed the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about prolonged COVID-19, of Costa Rican pharmacists who work in private community pharmacies throughout the country. For this, a self-administered online survey was designed, using Google Forms, as a data collection instrument, it had a total of 47 dichotomous, multiple choice and short answer questions, diffused through COLFAR and which was available for completion for a period of 30 days. A total of 227 responses, which represents 13,5% of the contacted population. From the results obtained, it is highlighted that the average percentage of knowledge of the participants was 70.11%, with the minimum score being 24.99 and the maximum being 99.96, with a mode of 74.97. The analysis of the attitudes reported by the participating pharmacists shows a positive view towards care for patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19. Most participants consider that it is appropriate for community pharmacies to provide care to patients whose symptoms persist after acute COVID-19 infection and that the identification of these cases is possible. Regarding the practices, it is highlighted that the study participants have identified patients with symptoms associated with prolonged COVID-19, and that specific queries have been received on the topic. It was identified that differentiated care is not provided if a patient recovered from COVID-19 consults for a health problem. In general terms, this study demonstrates that community pharmacists are an easily accessible and well positioned healthcare professional to address the existing and emerging needs of those patients with prolonged symptoms of COVID-19. However, continuing training and education activities are necessary to increase knowledge and standardize the care processes to guarantee adequate management of the pathology from the Costa Rican community pharmacies.
Long Covid-19 is a term given to the persistent or prolonged illness that COVID-19 patients continue to experience even in their post-recovery phase, which for the purposes of this research was defined as: symptoms and ailments that develop after the acute phase of COVID 19 disease, which is cyclical, progressive and multiphasic and whose symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks from the onset of the first symptoms. Since 2020, the year in which consideration of this acute condition began, there has been confusion among the scientific body that analyzes the topic given its complexity and low number of available studies. Furthermore, the definition of the disease may vary in different aspects and, in many cases, information on the history of symptoms before and during the acute illness is lacking. The present research analyzed the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about prolonged COVID-19, of Costa Rican pharmacists who work in private community pharmacies throughout the country. For this, a self-administered online survey was designed, using Google Forms, as a data collection instrument, it had a total of 47 dichotomous, multiple choice and short answer questions, diffused through COLFAR and which was available for completion for a period of 30 days. A total of 227 responses, which represents 13,5% of the contacted population. From the results obtained, it is highlighted that the average percentage of knowledge of the participants was 70.11%, with the minimum score being 24.99 and the maximum being 99.96, with a mode of 74.97. The analysis of the attitudes reported by the participating pharmacists shows a positive view towards care for patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19. Most participants consider that it is appropriate for community pharmacies to provide care to patients whose symptoms persist after acute COVID-19 infection and that the identification of these cases is possible. Regarding the practices, it is highlighted that the study participants have identified patients with symptoms associated with prolonged COVID-19, and that specific queries have been received on the topic. It was identified that differentiated care is not provided if a patient recovered from COVID-19 consults for a health problem. In general terms, this study demonstrates that community pharmacists are an easily accessible and well positioned healthcare professional to address the existing and emerging needs of those patients with prolonged symptoms of COVID-19. However, continuing training and education activities are necessary to increase knowledge and standardize the care processes to guarantee adequate management of the pathology from the Costa Rican community pharmacies.
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