Ultraestructura de la cáscara de huevos eclosionados y no eclosionados de Kinosternon angustipons (Testudinata: Kinosternidae)
artículo original
Acuña Mesén, Rafael Arturo
Segura Solís, Susy
Alvarado, L.
Sachsse, W.
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se describe la ultraestructura de la cáscara de los huevos de Kinosternon angustipons y se compara con la de K. leucostomum y K. scorpioides. Esta investigación se realizó con cuatro huevos provenientes de tortugas en cautiverio, para una muestra de 30 secciones analizadas en el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido. Está constituida por tres capas: la cutícula o externa, la calcárea o intermedia y la testácea o interna. La comparación entre huevos eclosionados y no eclosionados de K. angustipons muestra similitudes en cuanto a su superficie externa que es plana, unidades abanicadas y fibras proteicas superpuestas al azar. Los huevos no eclosionados se diferencian por la presencia de estructuras esponjoides y mayor porosidad externa. Los espacios con forma de punta de lanza y el adelgazamiento de las fibras proteicas son típicos en la capa calcárea y membrana testácea de los huevos eclosionados. La evidencia ultraestructural muestra que durante el desarrollo embrionario disminuye el grosor de la cáscara y, además que, la de los huevos no eclosionados de K. angustipons es más gruesa que la de los otros dos kinostérnidos costarricenses.
The ultrastructure of eggshells of Kinosternon angustipons is described and compared with the ones of K. leucostomum and K. scorpioides. Four eggs from captive turtles (30 sections) were studied with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The shell has three layers: cuticle or external, calcareous or intermediate and testacean or internal. Hatched and non hatched eggs have similar characteristics in their external surface: fanned units and proteic fibers superposed at random. They differ in the presence of spongelike structures and more external porosity in non hatched eggs. The intermediate and testacean layers of the hatched eggs have lance point like spaces and are thin in the proteic fibers. The ultrastructural evidence shows that during the embryonic development the thickness of the peel decreases. Non hatched K. angustipons shells are thicker than in the other two kinosternon species of Costa Rica.
The ultrastructure of eggshells of Kinosternon angustipons is described and compared with the ones of K. leucostomum and K. scorpioides. Four eggs from captive turtles (30 sections) were studied with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The shell has three layers: cuticle or external, calcareous or intermediate and testacean or internal. Hatched and non hatched eggs have similar characteristics in their external surface: fanned units and proteic fibers superposed at random. They differ in the presence of spongelike structures and more external porosity in non hatched eggs. The intermediate and testacean layers of the hatched eggs have lance point like spaces and are thin in the proteic fibers. The ultrastructural evidence shows that during the embryonic development the thickness of the peel decreases. Non hatched K. angustipons shells are thicker than in the other two kinosternon species of Costa Rica.
Palabras clave
kinosternidae, kinosternon, angustipons, ultrastructure, eggshell, turtles, comparative anatomy