Dispersión y métodos de cría de Dictyla monotropidia (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
artículo original
Fallas, E. M.
Arguedas, M. A.
Briceño Lobo, Daniel
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Dictyla monotropidia (Tmgidae) es un insecto chupador que ataca plantaciones jóvenes de laurel (Cordia alliodora). Se evaluó su supervivencia con varios métodos de cría. El método más satisfactorio es el uso de platos de Petti con suficiente material vegetativo. Los otros métodos producen mayor persistencia de las hojas pero la supervivencia de los insectos fue menor. La duración del ciclo de vida fue de 30.4 días con cinco estadios. En un solo vuelo D.monotropidia cubrió por lo menos 10 m favorecido por la dirección del viento predominante.
Dictyla monotropidia is a sap-tapping insect that attacks plantations oí youlng laurel (Cordia alliodora). Its survivorship was evaluated with several rearing methods. Petri plates produce the best results if sufficient plant material was available. With other methods the lea ves persisted longer but the survivorship of the insects was lower. The duration of the life cycle was 36.4 days, with five instars. In each flight the insect flew at least 10 m in the direction of prevailing winds
Dictyla monotropidia is a sap-tapping insect that attacks plantations oí youlng laurel (Cordia alliodora). Its survivorship was evaluated with several rearing methods. Petri plates produce the best results if sufficient plant material was available. With other methods the lea ves persisted longer but the survivorship of the insects was lower. The duration of the life cycle was 36.4 days, with five instars. In each flight the insect flew at least 10 m in the direction of prevailing winds